
James Cameron’s Alita: Battle Angel Film Casts Nashville’s Keean Johnson

THR: Johnson plays “love interest” Hugo, who teaches Alita a gladiator-style game

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Hollywood movie of Battle Angel Alita on track with Robert Rodriguez directing, Cameron producing

Battle Angel: Alita, known as GUNM in Japan, is one of anime and manga’s highlights of the ’90s. The original manga, created by Yukito Kishiro, ran for about five years from 1990 to 1995 with a newer series running from 2000 to 2014, in addition to two OVAs produced in the ’90s. The post-apocalyptic setting and cyborg main character have ensured the property’s popularity for decades, both domestically and abroad.

It’s been long known that James Cameron is a fan of the series and has been trying to produce a Hollywood film version for around 15 years — but things are finally starting to take shape. Today, news broke that a new director is in negotiations to take on the project.

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