
Japan’s most charming train: Automated people mover includes facial recognition technology

The Yamaman Yukarigaoka line combines modern technology with cute analogue details.

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Visiting Japan’s “Mt. Terror,” said to be the closest point to the afterlife【Photos】

We find hell and paradise both at Aomori’s Osorezan.

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Japan’s Island of Sea Cats: A unique site you won’t find in tourist guides

An unusual shrine that goes to ruin for a season, all in the name of good luck poo.

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Sickle-wielding attacker safely fended off by victim’s umbrella in Aomori

The umbrella is mightier than the sickle.

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Mr. Sato gets his first pole dancing performance invitation, nearly blows it【Video】

You’re only as old as you feel.

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Aomori Prefecture’s regional soul food is…English Toast lunch pack sandwiches?

Well, this was a bizarre discovery. 

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We find Italian Soba at an Aomori fish market that insisted it’s perfect for the beach

Italian-style Japanese? Or Japanese-style Italian? We just couldn’t decide. 

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We go to a 7-Eleven in Aomori and find a surprising “one per family” item on the shelf

This is a popular food in the city of Hachinohe, but is it as good as its popularity warrants?

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Mysterious mountain village is home to Christ’s grave and an ancient pyramid

With local customs linked to Judea, this is a very unusual Japanese community.

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Japan’s northernmost brewery on the mainland is…a temple?!?

The holiest craft beer in the country.

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Staircase National Highway: the only highway in Japan that cars can’t enter

An unusual hidden tourist site for the intrepid traveller. 

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Japanese resort travel company is offering exciting “revenge” graduation trips

Never got a chance to celebrate your big win? Now you can, in style.

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Japan’s new fruit sandwiches turn the concept inside-out, we make them even better【SoraKitchen】

They might look kind of funny at first glance, but now we’re laughing all the way to the kitchen.

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Top five Japanese prefectures for childhood education expenditure would make any wallet shudder

On average, parents in Prefecture #1 are paying around five times more to send kids to school than parents in Prefecture #47.

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Aomori police on the lookout for man shouting unsolicited advice at kids about dating and ramen

Sounds like someone’s never heard of social media.

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Latest design for gorgeous stylized Japanese Coca-Cola cans spotlights Tohoku festivals

You’ll want to grab this pretty commemorative Coke can if you’re in northern Japan.

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Pokémon manhole covers make their debut in Japan’s Aomori Prefecture

Even more excuses to explore northern Japan? Yes, please.

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Japan is getting apple pie-flavor KitKats with help from a 136-year-old sweets shop

A treat as Aomori-an as apple pie.

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Spike in empty houses calling the fire department in Akita City baffles authorities

The call is coming from inside the phone!

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New Tokyo vending machine has nothing but apple juice, but all different kinds from Japan’s north

A taste tour of Tohoku is waiting inside two Tokyo train stations.

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