
Is this 7-Eleven sign in Japan really 711 metres from the store?

Testing the integrity of the famous Japanese convenience store chain. 

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Funny signs in Japan: 7-Eleven enters the ring with a humorous notice for drivers

A clever way to draw attention to an off-the-beaten-path Japanese convenience store location. 

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The story behind the giant Japanese woman in kimono on the 3-D billboard at Shinjuku

Turns out there’s an even larger version of this famous face, and she’s someone worth listening to. 

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Final Fantasy scene plays out on 3-D billboard in Tokyo

Shinra goes on the hunt for Red XIII, who winds up taking a nap and falling into a box of toys.

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The best time to see Shinjuku’s giant new 3-D cat

The operators of the billboard also spill the beans on what’s next for the hyper-realistic display.

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7 surprising images of Tokyo without its billboards and neon signs 【GIFs】

If you’ve ever walked the streets of Tokyo, you’ll know how the buzz of people, street signs and giant screens can heighten all your senses and fill you with a rush of excitement that stays with you well after you’ve returned back home. While travel brochure photos can never truly prepare you for the dense onslaught of visual and aural stimuli that envelop you when you visit the megalopolis, one creative photographer has come up with a clever way of highlighting the main features of the city by showing us just how bare the city landscape looks without them there.

Come with us as we take a walk through day and night in Tokyo and see just how different the place looks when the neon signs and billboards are taken away. You’ll never see Tokyo in quite the same way again.

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