Keio University

Japan’s postal service: So great it’ll even deliver a single leaf to your home

Handled with care and delivered in perfect condition.

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Japan’s oldest university continues to produce the best and the worst that the country has to offer.

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Nanotech professor from one of Japan’s top universities arrested for panty-theft

Looks like Nerdlinger’s bra bomb didn’t work.

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Japanese university graduate students solve 2,000 year mathematical problem

Keio University researchers have solved the problem of a pair of unique triangles with the same perimeter and area. Laymen remain confused!
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If you want your kids to go to elite universities, give them Legos, Japanese study says

According to a study done by Lego Japan, the majority of surveyed graduates from elite universities played with Legos when they were children.

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This summer, take a real college Japanese culture course online through Keio University for free

It’s in both English and Japanese, so no language prerequisites here!

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Keio University professor embodies Cool Japan by cosplaying his way through lectures【Pics】

One university professor in Tokyo is redefining what it means to teach with style.

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