
We became Japanese sweet chefs for a day with Popin Cooking’s DIY wagashi set

We made an entire Japanese sweets spread on our own with just one kit!

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We learn how to make tofu with this at-home make-your-own tofu kit【SoraKitchen】

Make tofu that’s even better than what you can buy at the store at home!

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Nifty Japanese rice wine kit lets you brew your own tasty sake in the comfort of your own home

Now you can make awesome sake like a pro, too.

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Breakthrough discovery lets people detect various cancers using just their urine sample

This simple procedure can be done in the comfort of your own home, changing the world as we know it.

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DIY hydrogen bath kits all the rage in Japan, our reporter unleashes the bubbles for himself

Morians Kiodo, a firm based in Iruma City, Saitama Prefecture, is known for developing a new kind of heat pack that is powerful enough to heat food without having to use a flame. It’s certainly a welcome invention for both outdoor adventurer types and people who happen to be experiencing power outages.

Now, the same company has utilized their technological prowess to create user-friendly hydrogen gas-emitting bath kits, which can be easily administered in the comfort of your own home. So easy, in fact, that our ace Japanese reporter Yoshio decided to–wait for it–test out the water for himself!

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