
Re. Uniqlo Studio begins handy and affordable clothing remake/repair service in Tokyo

During this trial phase, the new workplace-within-a-store offers repairs and custom remakes of clothing purchased at Uniqlo

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Here’s the first trailer for the Pokémon reboot/remake anime movie【Video】


Pokémon’s 20th theatrical feature is shaping up to be an emotional, lavishly animated look back to the series’ very start.

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The Zelda: Ocarina of Time remake we’re still waiting for【Video】

The classic Nintendo 64 game has never looked so good, and probably never will.

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Relive the adventure in HD! “The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD” to be released in March

The most recent episode of Nintendo Direct included some exciting news for fans of the soon-to-be 30-year-old Legend of Zelda video game series. In the broadcast, Nintendo executives announced that a high-definition version of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess would be released for the Wii U on March 4, 2016 internationally, and on March 10 in Japan.

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Capcom confirms Resident Evil Zero HD remaster for 2016

CAPCOM confirmed on Tuesday that it will release an HD-remastered update of its Resident Evil Zero (Biohazard Zero in Japan) survival horror game. The game is slated for an early 2016 release for the PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, and PC.

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Get your slime-striking swords ready, 3DS remake for Dragon Quest VIII announced

Outside of Japan, the name “Dragon Quest” may not have the same brand-recognition as other video game franchises, like Final Fantasy or Mario, but inside Japan it’s basically on the same level. And if you’ve ever had the pleasure of slashing your way through a slime-infested Dragon Quest dungeon, then chances are you’re a fan too.

And now Nintendo is getting ready to usher in a new generation of Dragon Quest fans, and perhaps reignite some old flames as well, by releasing Dragon Quest VIII on the Nintendo 3DS.

If you’ve already played through the classic before on the PlayStation 2, no worries! The game will feature tons of new content: new characters, new scenarios, and brand new voice acting to bring the dialogue to life.

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Spider-Man director to reboot horror flick The Grudge

You’ve probably read that a new Ju-On: The Grudge movie is coming to Japanese cinemas in June this year, but did you know that a new Western reboot of 2004’s The Grudge is also currently in the works?

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Godzilla remake trailer released! Aims to stay true to the original movie【Video】

On 10 December, the trailer for next year’s much-needed Godzilla remake came out online along with a new poster for the film. The somewhat campy 1998 American remake of the tokusatsu classic was more of a whimsical adventure featuring baby Godzillas and the cast of The Simpsons.

However, this new attempt helmed by Gareth Edwards looks to be a much darker and grittier portrayal of the carnage that a giant monster such as Godzilla would create in the real world. One of the stars, Hollywood-go-to Japanese actor Ken Watanabe also insists that this film keeps true to the original 1954 version. Let’s take a look:

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