society (Page 4)
Lawson makes move to protect employee’s privacy, also changes policy regarding head coverings.
Shibuya looks to expand its Halloween drinking ban while another neighborhood wants to add one of its own.
Japanese kindness leaves a lot to be desired in World Giving Index, but there may be a reason for it.
Top politician in Tokyo’s neighbor says higher prices for inbound travelers would be like fining them for coming to the country.
You can’t put a price on love, but Japan does put a price on how much you should give a newlywed couple.
With “inbound pricing” becoming a bigger issue, Shibuya seafood restaurant offers discounted prices for domestic customers.
The Japanese constitution requires couples to share a family name if they get married, but only one age group in survey comes close to agreeing with it.
New policy seeks to remove additional financial burden in a country where not taking the train often isn’t an option.
Inspired by a family member’s recent need for a wheelchair, our reporter tries to see Tokyo from their perspective.