Top 5

Poll asks Japanese fans to name their favorite depressing anime

Get out the tissues, because these anime offerings won’t leave a dry eye in the house.

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A call to arms: 5 Japanese potato chip flavours the west badly needs

This may upset you to learn, but if you’re a potato chip fan living outside of Japan then you’re seriously missing out…

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Sushi is a classic Japanese food that has become popular all over the world. However, sushi served in restaurants outside of Japan can turn out a little strange. Sushi hybrid concoctions such as the California roll filled with avocado and crab, and the caterpillar roll, topped with avocado and made to resemble a live caterpillar, have been delighting foreign taste buds for years. But exactly what kind of sushi do the Japanese prefer? A survey asked 500 MyNavi News members (246 males, 254 females) to share their favorite sushi topping. Surprisingly, tuna is not the most popular.

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