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AGI Denim Launches Regenerative Cotton Farm Project 

A new initiative by AGI Denim fosters regenerative agricultural techniques in Pakistan.

On Wednesday, the vertical denim manufacturer announced AGI Denim Regenerative Cotton Farm Project, a collaboration with the Rural Education and Economic Development Society (REEDS) to promote sustainable agricultural practices directly at farms.

Regenerative agriculture minimizes chemical usage, enhances soil health and preserves biodiversity. The project will identify areas where REEDS can support 1,300 cotton farmers in adopting regenerative agriculture principles and practices. The project will also cultivate a “deep understanding of regenerative agriculture and its positive impact on ecosystems among all participating farmers,” AGI stated.

REEDS is a nonprofit, non-governmental humanitarian organization that is commitment to address the socio-economic needs of marginalized populations. It is also a partner a key partner in the Soorty Regenagri Initiative.  

The AGI Denim Regenerative Cotton Farm Project will take place in Ghotki, a city in northern Sindh, Pakistan near AGI Denim’s facilities. The proximity of the farms will reduce transportation impact, improve quality control through closer collaboration with farmers, and lead to faster turnaround times for finished products, AGI Denim stated.

“We aim to reduce our environmental impact through a more localized supply chain that empowers the communities where we source our materials from,” said Hasan Javed, AGI Denim executive director. “By keeping things closer to home, we are better set to create more opportunities for the people who help make our denim possible.”

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Additionally, AGI Denim is applying for RegenAgri certification through Control Union, a globally recognized certification body, to ensure the credibility and integrity of the project.

AGI Denim said the launch of the Regenerative Cotton Farm Project serves as a “cornerstone for enhancing traceability within its supply chain.” The manufacturer recently partnered with Green Story, a sustainability analytics platform, to make the digital product passports accessible to their clients via QR codes.
