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Crystal International Commits to ‘Impact for Better’

Crystal International Group reduced 4.7 percent absolute carbon emissions and 23 percent freshwater per garment year over year.

The Hong Kong-based global apparel manufacturer’s 15th sustainability report highlighted these achievements toward “impact for better,” the Crystal Sustainability Vision 2030 (CSV2030) covering eight environmental, social and community impact areas. 

Andrew Lo, Crystal International CEO, said CSV2030 will guide the company’s future sustainability agenda. “CSV2030 focuses on eight impact areas addressing the emerging ESG issues in a broader scope. Referencing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs), and considering stakeholder concerns and industry traits, CSV2030 will provide a strategic direction for all our operating facilities in devising sustainability initiatives.”

The group’s denim factory in Cambodia expanded its wastewater treatment plan in late 2022, which “significantly improved” its water resource and wastewater management. With operations “in full swing” in 2023, roughly 60 percent of treated water could be recycled in the factory, with the freshwater intensity per piece of product washed dropping by approximately 30 percent. 

In the same vein of improving the wastewater management of its factories, Crystal supports the development of treatment technologies within the industry. The Hong Kong Research Institute of Textiles and Apparel (HKRITA)’s “Removal of Indigo Blue Color in Denim Plant Wastewater by Macroalgae” research project reached its final stage in 2023. Crystal provided its wastewater samples for performance testing and comprehension as a supporting organization. Crystal also agreed to support another research project, “Dye Removal from Denim Textile Wastewater by a Combinative Absorption and Regeneration System.” 

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“Climate change with frequent extreme weather events led to a record-breaking year. Average temperatures were higher than ever, which signals again the urgency of global efforts,” Lo said. “Under our Crystal Net 2050 Vision, we have put our unwavering focus on deploying a climate strategy through a multi-pronged approach and climate-related risk management.”

As such, Crystal International rolled out a net-zero roadmap that “tailored” potential carbon reduction by energy efficiency enhancement and defined implementation details within all factories. These factories have also committed to adopting around 180 short- and long-term energy efficiency measures by 2028. The H&M supplier also started compiling its Scope 3 value chain inventory by following carbon accounting principles. 

“We believe that preventing the climate crisis is the responsibility of everyone,” Lo said. “We will influence global stakeholders to seize new opportunities and join us on this journey.”

During the reporting period, Crystal extended its capacity and strengthened vertical integration by “enhancing” the operation model of its fabric mill in Vietnam. The denim factory installed a condensate collection system on its dryers for indirect warming, while a smart tracking system enables real-time monitoring of leakages or abnormalities, saving energy and reducing water consumption in the process. The system is estimated to reduce boiler fuel consumption by 10 percent. 

“To ride the tide of vertical strategy, we have taken a big step by further acquiring a fabric mill in Bangladesh, streamlining operations by taking more ownership of multiple stages of the supply chain,” Lo said. “To support business expansion, vertical integration allows us to achieve better synchronization of supply and demand, fewer supply chain disruptions and greater economies of scale.”

Looking forward, Crystal said it will ramp up strategic actions to drive the success of CSV2030 and net zero. In addition to climate change, circularity is also at the top of the group’s agenda. To transition toward a circular model, the mill will scale up waste management and explore partnerships to expand the use of sustainable materials.

“The path is challenging, but I am confident that our ultimate aims will be achieved by collaborating with our dedicated employees, like-minded value chain partners and other committed stakeholders,” Lo said. “The pursuit of sustainability will set us up for future success. We will stay realistic and optimistic, and let Crystal values, culture and spirit lead the way.” 
