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Why Change Management Is Apparel’s Best Response to Trade Uncertainty

If it’s hard to imagine another time in recent history that compares to the demands facing today’s apparel and footwear brands, that’s because it doesn’t exist.

Whether it’s getting squeezed by e-commerce competition or dealing with whiplash from ever-shifting tariff tweets, today’s companies are navigating a veritable minefield of risks. And with so many challenges crowding their plates, it’s hardly surprising that many fail to recognize the solutions existing right under their own roofs.

Many brands, retailers and manufacturers would be stunned to learn how much progress can be made by simply taking a flashlight to their current operations. In Optimizing Productivity, Sourcing Journal’s new report produced in partnership with Vaeso, we explore—and advise on—the best ways to weed out inefficiencies and invest in opportunities.

Download the report to learn:

  • The true cost of poor quality on a business—and the real AQL model of today
  • How brands are dodging the worst of the impact from the trade war
  • Why country hopping is rarely the answer
  • Where to land when diversification really is the answer
  • Why you can’t afford to not invest in your workers, and the areas in which they’ll benefit most
  • The value of implementing a “right the first time” mindset
  • How Toyota won by putting the power of production into the hands of its workers

Also: We talk with executives from Untuckit, Toms, Cosabella, VF Corp. and more to learn how they manage quality control and where they’d rather be dedicating those resources.

Click to download Optimizing Productivity.
