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Jam out to Inspiration4’s Spotify playlist while they’re in orbit

It has become basically tradition for Astronauts to put together a playlist of songs prior to launching into space. This tradition continued with Inspiration4.

The “Inspiration4 Orbit Mix” playlist consists of forty songs — ten chosen by each crew member. The playlist includes songs from the likes of Phil Collins, Billy Joel, and Stevie Wonder. Songs on the Inspiration4 playlist range from modern songs like “space girl” by Frances Forever to the Shrek hit “All Star” by Smash Mouth.

Inspiration4 crew member Chris Sembroski said this of his selections:

When my wife and I created the playlist, I wanted a mix that reflected the Pacific Northwest as well as that captured unique experiences ahead. Macklemore’s “Can’t Hold Us” sets the tone for launch and then I went with songs that reminded me of flight and realizing what has been a lifelong dream for me. The idea of strutting out in my suit with “Dangerous” by Big Data playing on the saxophone solo from “Midnight City” by M83 as I look out at space from the cupola is already sending chills down my spine. Finally, I’m ready for everyone to see those “Blinding Lights” from Falcon 9 as we lift off from Pad 39A, and I’ll probably not sleep until I feel gravity again.

The songs are in a Spotify playlist in an order based on who added them. 1-10 were selected by Jared Isaacman, 11-20 were selected by Hayley Arceneaux, 21-30 were selected by Chris Sembroski and 31-40 were selected by Dr. Sian Proctor.

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