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Space Force detachment opens up at US Air Force Academy

The United States Space Force has slowly begun to grow its presence everywhere space is present in the Department of Defense. This includes the Air Force Academy, which has now added a formal detachment there from the new branch.

For over a year, Colonel Jeffrey H. Greenwood has been a liaison to the academy for the Space Force. Greenwood has been slowly building a presence there, aiding cadets in educating them in what the Space Force does and making resources available to those with questions.

Last week the Space Force activated the first detachment at the academy, with Greenwood as its commander. A part of Space Force Delta 13, Detachment 1 will play an essential role in choosing commissions for cadets to the Space Force. About 10% of each class, starting in 2023, will receive Space Force commissions.

Like the US Marine Corps, the Space Force will not have its own academy but will bolster the call that the Air Force Academy is the prime place for those wanting to serve in the Space Force.

Where do you go if you want to be a pilot? I think most people would say, you go to the Air Force Academy if you want to fly in the United States Air Force. I want that same mentality of, if you want to serve in the United States Space Force, then you come to the United States Space Force’s academy, and that’s here at USAFA.

Col. Jeffrey H. Greenwood, Space Force Delta 13 – Detachment 1 commander

In celebration of the opening of Detachment 1, Greenwood, other detachment members, and cadets hiked nearby Eagles Peak. When reaching the summit, they displayed the Space Force and detachment flags.

Air Force Academy’s history in space

The AFA has long had an excellent astronautics program, supported by the DoD in a way that only they can provide. For example, the engineering and space operations degrees allow cadets to build, test, and launch payloads through its FalconSat program.

New additions to the academy will be a “space introduction day” held for first-year cadets. This will give every cadet entering the academy the ability to learn what the Space Force is and how much is reliant on space operations.

For anyone interested in attending the Air Force Academy, check out their website to learn how to receive a recommendation.

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Avatar for Seth Kurkowski Seth Kurkowski

Seth Kurkowski covers launches and general space news for Space Explored. He has been following launches from Florida since 2018.
