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How much is SpaceX worth?

SpaceX, one of the most valued private companies globally, has exploded in popularity and activity. This has caused many to wonder how much SpaceX is worth and how/when you can buy its stock.

SpaceX’s value

Finding SpaceX’s true value is a bit tricky as it is a private company. We have to gain insight from private sales of shares or funding amounts to learn the company’s total value. SpaceX is one of the most valuable private companies, even surpassing the conglomerate Koch Industries which literally has investments in every sector.

SpaceX’s last funding round was in May 2022 for about $1.7 billion in new funds. Then, in January SpaceX began a search for new funding led by the same VC that closed Elon Musk’s deal with Twitter. However, Musk stated in an April discussion about Starship development that the company has no more plans to raise external funding.

The most recent update we have gotten states that SpaceX is worth about $150 billion after the company set up an agreement for private shares to be sold at $81 a share. This is a 5% increase from the last sale of $77 per share which saw SpaceX have a valuation of $140 billion.

This valuation put them well ahead of other defense companies like Boeing and Lockheed Martin (owners of United Launch Alliance, SpaceX’s biggest competitor). While those two companies are extremely diverse in their revenue, SpaceX is hyper-focused on space with its rockets and satellite services.

How far could SpaceX’s value rise?

The most significant players with SpaceX’s future valuation will be Starship and Starlink. These two programs could bring large amounts of wealth to the company, allowing it to be a leader in the telecommunications and transportation industries.

It’s still rather unknown how high these two products will increase and how much SpaceX is worth but some estimates put it close to a trillion dollars.

SpaceX’s worldwide internet constellation, Starlink, now serves over 1.5 million users worldwide. In the future, it is expected to grow in both commercial and enterprise users. The US Department of Defense has also shown some interest in seeing the technology developed and SpaceX launched Starshield to help service the defense sector better. Starlink has also shown great success in Ukraine. Where Russia’s aggression has caused large groups of the population to lose connection to the internet.

By 2025, Forbes predicts Starlink to grow and garner 2.3% of internet users, about 5.6 million, and have a value of $31.1 billion.

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Starship: SpaceX’s possible secret treasure

SpaceX’s super heavy-lift fully reusable rocket, Starship, is still under development in South Texas. The goal for Starship is to fulfill SpaceX’s mission by colonizing Mars. This sort of vehicle has the abilty to completely disrupt the launch services market, out pricing competitors.

Starship however is still nowhere near operational. SpaceX recently completed its first integrated launch of the rocket which went far better than expected. While getting to its first launch in just four years is impressive, it’s still not enough to consider it a viable launch option for the masses just yet.

SpaceX plans to spend $2 billion on Starship development in 2023 with the hope of a second launch something this fall. However, a potential lawsuit could hamper progress if it is not thrown out.

In an email Space Explored reported in November 2021, Musk states how vital Starship development is to Starlink’s survival.

The consequences for SpaceX if we can not get enough reliable Raptors made is that we then can’t fly Starship, which means we then can’t fly Starlink Satellite V2 (Falcon has neither the volume nor the mass to orbit needed for satellite V2). Satellite V1, by itself, is financially weak, while V2 is strong.

Later in the email, Musk attempts to rally the troops stating, “we face a genuine risk of bankruptcy if we can’t achieve a Starship flight rate of at least once every two weeks next year.” Of course, doing what SpaceX does is extremely difficult and takes a lot of capital to keep it going. While this may seem far fetch to happen. Musk stated in reply to our reporting, “while still unlikely, is not impossible.”

That hasn’t stopped SpaceX from attempting to launch Starlink V2 technology on Falcon 9s. The company began launching miniature V2 Starlink satellites in 2023. However, these satellites are much heavier and larger than V1 satellites, meaning less satellites deployed per launch.

How to buy SpaceX stock

SpaceX’s stock isn’t available publicly, as all shares are bought and sold privately between cooperations. However, SpaceX CEO Elon Musk has stated he would take the company public once it has secured Martian colonization. This is to ensure that the company’s goal will not be influenced by investors worried about increasing profits.

Musk’s disdain for taking SpaceX public was shown in a leaked company-wide email from 2013 where he said:

I am increasingly concerned about SpaceX going public before the Mars transport system is in place. Creating the technology needed to establish life on Mars is and always has been the fundamental goal of SpaceX. If being a public company diminishes that likelihood, then we should not do so until Mars is secure.

Elon Musk in a 2013 internal SpaceX email

In response to the email, Musk said, “A lot has happened in 8 years.” Of course, what that could mean is anyone’s best guest.

That being said, Starlink has a larger chance of becoming publicly traded in the near future. Both Musk and the President of SpaceX, Gwynne Shotwell, have stated that Starlink could be spun off as a separate IPO in the future. However, Musk will not until revenue becomes more predictable and manufacturing costs are reduced.

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Avatar for Seth Kurkowski Seth Kurkowski

Seth Kurkowski covers launches and general space news for Space Explored. He has been following launches from Florida since 2018.
