Age of Mythology: Extended Edition

Age of Mythology: Extended Edition

DM Patch 2022
Language Data: English
แท็ก:  God Powers
5.128 MB
28 ก.ค. 2021 @ 7: 57pm
2 ต.ค. 2022 @ 7: 53am
18 หมายเหตุการเปลี่ยนแปลง ( ดู )
The DM Patch 2022 mod rebalances the game with only DM in mind. The objective is to have each god be playable in a competitive environment. This time around, we are experimenting with water maps, for the first time in over a decade in DM.
Patch notes:
5 ความเห็น
cryoss 2 เม.ย. 2022 @ 1: 22pm 
i think so, if something goes bad again i let you know quickly but for the moment all is fine thk a lot :)
Nakamura RTS  [ผู้สร้าง] 2 เม.ย. 2022 @ 1: 02pm 
Let me know specifics if it goes bad @cryoss, for example player count and map.
If it doesn't crash anymore, it probably happened because 1 of the players didn't have an updated version. This is fixed by restarting steam usually.
cryoss 2 เม.ย. 2022 @ 12: 29pm 
lot of us played Oranos or Kronos, only me played Thor and we got crash in DM Mirage and DM Savanah we try other maps this night

Edit: game haven't crashed. We played 30mins ago.
Nakamura RTS  [ผู้สร้าง] 2 เม.ย. 2022 @ 4: 51am 
@cyross what gods were used in the crashed matches? Or is there a pattern with the maps?
cryoss 2 เม.ย. 2022 @ 3: 39am 
since the last update, the game crash frequently.
Before this up, all worked fine, right now we can't play more than 20 mins.

P.S: sorry i'm did some mistake :/, but i rly want this mod work cause i'll play with my family