To the Moon

To the Moon

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Achievement Glitch
By JacMayNoble
How to get the only achievement in this game, "Wish Granted", that is sometimes impossible to actually achieve.
( This is for people that cannot achieve the only, very simple achievement )

Step 1: Play the game

- I am so sorry, but this is a must. You have to play it. No getting around this one. There is a wish to grant and if then must be done that so must playing the game in order to grant said wish.

Possible Step 2: Obtain achievement

- If everything works out and you are one of the lucky ones, that should be it. Bam. You have it. The end. Wish granted. Stop here. If not...

Alternative Step 2: Uh oh

- Did you play through the entire game and still don't have this super simple achievement, like me? If so, proceed to step 3.

Step 3: Go to Library

- Go to your steam library and find To the Moon.

Step 4: Do something about it.

- Time to get that achievement that you rightfully earned. Right click on To the Moon in your steam library.

*** Go to Properties----> Beta ------> Drop-down menu ------> Achievement

Step 5: Good job

- All the hard work is done. Now just open the game, continue on your save, replay the last scenes, and done. You should have the achievement now.

Alternate Step 5: Welp

- If that didn't work, you're screwed. Sorry.