This toolkit accelerates the invention of unique structures for games using well-known purchasable assets or individual game specific DLC's and allows developers to give their audience a tool to actively participate in the development of the game world.
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23 apr 2021

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Vroegtijdige toegang

Krijg direct toegang om te spelen en raak bij dit spel betrokken tijdens het ontwikkelingsproces.

Opmerking: Spellen in vroegtijdige toegang zijn nog niet voltooid en kunnen nog veranderen. Als je niet staat te springen om dit spel in de huidige staat te spelen, kun je beter afwachten hoe het spel zich verder ontwikkelt. Meer informatie

Opmerking: De laatste update door de ontwikkelaars was meer dan 2 jaar geleden. De informatie en tijdlijn die de ontwikkelaars hier beschrijven, zijn mogelijk niet meer up-to-date.
Wat de ontwikkelaars zeggen:

Waarom vroegtijdige toegang?

'The main focus of this toolkit is to help developers create maps faster, but also to create a better connection through active community participation. The toolkit consists of several modules. The first module is the structure editor, which is very useful in its own right, but I wouldn't consider the toolkit finished without the other planned modules. I also want to listen to the active community about what modules and stylesets should be added before it goes out of Early Access. The modules are explained in the section: "How is the full version planned to differ from the Early Access version?"'

Hoelang blijft dit spel ongeveer in vroegtijdige toegang?

'Early Access will end at the latest after the release of the parent game (2022). Depending on the interest in this tool, the focus may shift so that it is released earlier.'

Hoe gaat de volledige versie verschillen van de versie met vroegtijdige toegang?

'Currently there is only support for a few StyleSets, during the early access I would like to listen to the community witch StyleSets are most wantet so I can add those. There are also plans for a Environment editor. Environments can include multiple structures and a ton of decorative parts. This allows you to create villages, outposts, cities, dungons or whatever your heart desires. Pieces of terrain can be added and edited to blend your structures with the environment. Full workshop support is also planned.'

Wat is de huidige staat van de versie met vroegtijdige toegang?

'All currently available features are described in the "About This" section.'

Zal het spel anders geprijsd worden tijdens en na vroegtijdige toegang?

'This toolkit is planned in its base to be free even after the end of Early Access. Paid content could be added that can be purchased additionally, such as an AI generator for buildings.'

Hoe zijn jullie van plan de community te betrekken bij het ontwikkelproces?

'Please join me in developing this toolkit. You can follow my progress on Twitter as well as ask me questions on Discord. There is a Discord server to hang out and chat.'
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MOENTO - Modular Environment Toolkit spelen

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Over dit spel

This toolkit accelerates the invention of unique structures for games using well-known purchasable assets or individual game specific DLC's and allows developers to give their audience a tool to actively participate in the development of the game world.

A simple wireframe editor allows for quick creation of the structure layout. In panel mode, all automatically spawned panels can then be customized and modified. Panels can also be hidden and added separately if needed. In Part mode, you can decorate the structure with a variety of objects to give it a "lived-in" feel. The main purpose of this toolkit is to allow the community and gamedevs to think up and create unique structures for their game.

To convert the structures into Unity prefabs, which you can then easily integrate into your game world, the MOENTO converter sold in the Unity asset store must be purchased.


    • Besturingssysteem *: Windows 7 or later
    • Processor: 2.0Ghz Dual Core CPU
    • Geheugen: 2 GB RAM
    • Grafische kaart: 512MB video card with shader model 2.0
    • DirectX: Versie 11
    • Opslagruimte: 400 MB beschikbare ruimte
    • Geluidskaart: -
* Vanaf 1 januari 2024 ondersteunt de Steam-client alleen Windows 10 en latere versies.

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