A tower-defense game with roguelite elements on fully explorable mini planets! Travel the galaxy of Vyrosa, land on planets, and defend your drilling equipment while mining fuel to continue your journey throughout the galaxy!
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4 reseña(s) de usuario(s) - Se necesitan más reseñas de usuarios para generar una puntuación
Fecha de lanzamiento:
16 MAR 2023

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Juego con acceso anticipado

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Aviso: Los juegos con acceso anticipado no están terminados y pueden o no cambiar más adelante. Si no te entusiasma jugar en su estado actual, deberías esperar a ver si el juego avanza más en su desarrollo. Más información

Nota: La última actualización que realizaron los desarrolladores fue hace más de 20 meses. Es posible que la información y el cronograma que describen aquí los desarrolladores ya no estén actualizados.
Lo que dicen los desarrolladores:

¿Por qué ofreces acceso anticipado?

«While continuing development on Wander Vyrosa, we want to be able to communicate with our community and allow them to influence the content that is added. By developing the game while in early access, we can more effectively gauge what is working and what is not, allowing us to create a more fun experience for everyone.»

¿Cuánto tiempo va a estar este juego en acceso anticipado aproximadamente?

«Although we are currently unsure of when the game will be 'finished', we plan to be in early access at least through the end of 2023.»

¿Qué diferencias habrá entre la versión completa y la versión de acceso anticipado?

«We plan for the full version of Wander Vyrosa to include many more enemies, towers, and upgrades for you to experiment with throughout your adventures.
For enemies, our plan is to have multiple different races (Lizards, rock-golems, cyborgs, etc), with each race having multiple classes (mage, tank, range, rogue, etc). Our goal is for each race to feel unique, and each class to fill its role using the different abilities and mechanics of its race.
For towers, we want to add many more ways of defending, with some giving extra utility or resources. We also plan on each tower having at least one variation, a special unlock that slightly changes the way the tower is played.
We also want there to be more exploration in the form of hard-to-find merchants that sell the most powerful towers and upgrades... for a price.»

¿Cuál es el estado actual de la versión de acceso anticipado?

«The current version is a playable version of the core mechanics of the game. These include a procedurally generated universe for you to explore, from the galaxy down to each planet. You can choose a planet to land on, customize your tower loadout and upgrades to ensure a safe defense, place towers anywhere on the planet to defend your fuel ship, and return safely back home. Take some of your goodies to the Merchant and you can buy new towers and Mods to help aid your defenses on the next planet!»

¿El precio del juego será diferente durante y después del acceso anticipado?

«The price will increase after early access to match the additional content and development that has been added to Wander Vyrosa.»

¿Cómo tienes planeado involucrar a la comunidad en tu proceso de desarrollo?

«We plan on using our Discord server primarily for talking to our community, but also keeping in touch with Steam forums. We have channels in our Discord set up for providing feedback, suggesting new ideas, and asking for help. Our plan is to keep our development channel as up-to-date as possible so that we are always working on what the community is craving most!»
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Jugar a Wander Vyrosa

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Acerca de este juego

Wander Vyrosa is a tower-defense game with roguelite elements set on fully explorable mini planets! As the next in a long lineage of elite spacefarers, you have been chosen to travel the cosmos in search of the Heart of Vyros.

It is up to you to travel between star systems, land on planets, and defend your drill while mining fuel to continue your journey!

The features below are currently available in the game

  • Roguelite elements mixed with tower defense style fun
  • Fully traversable spherical planets
  • Dynamic tower building, with customizable tower loadouts and upgrades
  • Procedurally generated star systems
  • Multiple playable wanderers, each with their own specialties and abilities

Vyrosa is a complex galaxy with much to explore. While these features aren't currently in for you to experience, they are coming soon during early access!

  • Enemy Races - Vyrosa is full of many more races than just Lizards, with each giving a fresh take on a given archetype. Learn each races strengths and weaknesses and which towers work best against them
  • Tower Variations - Evolved versions of existing towers that wildly change up how they can be used
  • Lore - Learn more about the Heart of Vyros and why so many seek the power it contains
  • Minigames - If you're feeling bored while traveling thousands of lightyears away during your search, relax and play some minigames in the arcade
  • Coffee Bar - The staple drink of every Wanderer. Join the Trader in a cup of joe and enjoy a pep on your next planet

Requisitos del sistema

    • SO *: Microsoft Windows 7 or newer, 64-bit
    • Procesador: Intel Core i3-6100 / AMD FX-8350
    • Memoria: 4 GB de RAM
    • Gráficos: GTX 580 / AMD HD 7870
    • DirectX: Versión 11
    • Almacenamiento: 4 GB de espacio disponible
    • SO: Microsoft Windows 10 or newer, 64-bit
    • Procesador: Intel Core i5-4670K / AMD Ryzen 5 1500X
    • Memoria: 4 GB de RAM
    • Gráficos: GTX 680 / AMD HD 7970
    • DirectX: Versión 11
    • Almacenamiento: 4 GB de espacio disponible
* A partir del 1 de enero de 2024, el cliente de Steam solo será compatible con Windows 10 y versiones posteriores.

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