Be a Roman in this character-driven grand strategy game with a focus on historical realism. Run for political office, fight in the legions, get married and educate your heir. Deal with rivals through violence, favors or intrigue as thousands of other characters live their own triumphs and tragedies.
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게임 정보

Serve in the legions or study rhetoric. Become a lawyer or a conqueror. Perhaps be assassinated for your ideals, leaving your son to avenge you. Or be the killer who has to live with the consequences. It's your history.


  • Interact with hundreds of AI characters in a deep social simulation. They will remember whether you helped or opposed them, so you have to consider your actions carefully.
  • AI characters can do everything you can; you're just another one among thousands. All of them with goals, feelings, grudges, relationships and the complexity of the human experience.
  • With the Social Bonds system, you will be part of a lively social circle. You will have Friends, Lovers, Rivals, Fellow Philosophers, Drinking Companions and much more.


  • There's no set story, you make yours by playing. Assassinate rivals, seduce lovers, betray friends – history is yours to rewrite.
  • Live the past with the Endeavor system, allowing you to explore any aspect of Roman society, from war to nightlife; from philosophy to gambling; and from winemaking to mystery cults such as the Eleusinian Mysteries.
  • Join the Senate and rise through the offices of the Cursus Honorum, starting as a Tribune or Quaestor and making it all the way up to Consul and beyond – perhaps even Dictator or Augustus, Emperor of Rome?


  • Manipulate characters and situations to get what you want. Rise socially in the Clientela system, an intricate representation of the social hierarchy of Ancient Rome, where patrons protect clients and clients repay their patrons with social and political support.
  • Resolve interpersonal conflicts with the Action system, an elegant yet powerful way to find out whether you are successful in doing what you want. No more % chances to succeed – you have to actually think your actions through and gain social support.
  • Utilize the Favors & Grudges system to gain the upper hand in your actions. However, be careful not to support or anger others too much – you don't want your competitors to become too powerful; nor too hostile.


  • Characters have deep inner worlds: hundreds of traits with multiple levels each, including personality traits such as Wise, Indulgent, Unethical, Trustworthy, Hotheaded and historical traits like Stoic, Epicurean, Poet, Playwright, Farmer, Winemaker and many more.
  • With the Mental States system, emotions and feelings aren't just passing states, but can also be expressed in actions or even repressed, creating traumas that will deeply affect each person's future.
  • Beyond just stress, the Vices & Tranquility system allows character to seek either positive or negative solutions to deal with the hardships of life.

성인 콘텐츠 설명

개발자의 콘텐츠 설명:

Historia Realis: Rome attempts to accurately represent Ancient Roman society, and thus includes acts such as alcohol consumption, violence, sexual content and general mature content.

시스템 요구 사항

SteamOS + Linux
    • 운영 체제: TBA
    • 운영 체제: TBA
    • 운영 체제: TBA
    • 운영 체제: TBA
* 2024년 2월 15일부터 Steam 클라이언트는 더 이상 32비트 게임이나 macOS 10.14 이하를 지원하지 않습니다.
    • 운영 체제: TBA
    • 운영 체제: TBA
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