Local Asset Library is a powerful asset management tool designed to help users easily manage, edit, and filter various assets they have collected.
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Žádné uživatelské recenze
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Tato hra prozatím není dostupná ve službě Steam

Plánované datum vydání: 2024

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Informace o softwaru

Software Designed for Game Developers

If you're a game developer who already has or is planning to create a personal game asset library, this software is perfect for you. Asset packs can be disorganized and hard to remember, which often hinders the process of building an asset library. Now, with this local asset library, these problems can be easily solved! Easily input, browse, and search through your own game asset library for more efficient development and smoother creation.


  • Asset Overview - In the asset browsing page, view asset covers, names, and tags at a glance to keep track of all your assets.

  • Asset Search - Use the search box to find assets by name and filter assets by tags using the tag filter box.

  • Asset Entry - You can input information for assets including title, cover, tags, files, description, version, and source. Missing information? No problem—the asset will still be entered, and any missing information will be automatically hidden when viewing.

  • Asset Editing - Edit any asset information or delete assets at any time.

  • Simple Interface - Quick, easy, and convenient. Experience the most efficient asset management with zero learning curve.

  • Asset Sharing - Import and export asset information. Export selected assets and import them into other asset libraries.

Browser Plugin for Game Asset Entry

A browser plugin is provided to parse asset detail pages on game asset websites, allowing you to register selected asset information into this management tool with a single click, saving time and effort.

  • Supported Browsers - Google Chrome, Firefox.

  • Supported Websites - Unity Asset Store, Unreal Marketplace, itch.

Ongoing Support - If you need support for other browsers or websites (including non-game asset sites), please contact us, and we will provide support unconditionally.

Multilingual Support

Contribution Support - If you find errors in your language or wish to provide new language support, please contact us.

Future Plans

  • Asset Categorization - Categorize assets on the homepage and set custom asset types.

  • Local Network Support - Support for local network access allows use as an asset library for studios or school clubs.

Systémové požadavky

    • OS *: Windows 7
    • Paměť: 512 MB RAM
    • Pevný disk: 100 MB volného místa
* Od 1. ledna 2024 podporuje klient služby Steam pouze systém Windows 10 a novější.
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