Google 3rd Party Ad Technology Provider Certification requestVendors that are not certified with Google (Google’s ATP List) will not be able to serve through Google demand source. Please see the tooltip to read more about each request type and fill in the details below to initiate the certification process. * Required fieldRequest type: *?Full Certification is for ad serving vendors or similar technology that would like to be used for third party ad serving on Desktop Display or Mobile Application and be able to serve on Google Display Network (GDN/AdSense/AdMob) Simplified Verification is for vendors who are not registered with Google, but are registered with the IAB TCF v2. This enables ad technology companies to provide the minimum amount of information needed to continue serving and measuring ads on Google’s non-certified platforms (non-GDN) within the European Economic Area (EEA) and the UK. I am already a certified vendor I am seeking a certificationI am seeking a Simple verificationType of request *Expand CertificationGeneral QuestionsDetailed request *New DomainAdditional TechnologyNew Tag/Pixel CertificationRe-certificationUpdate IAB TCF v2 GVL IDModify dataFull Company Legal Name *Technology Name?Name of the product or technology marketed to your clients and indicated in your existing certification.Contacts to be CC'ed Detailed request * Certification Status Policy Question GDPRIAB TCF v2 GVL ID Help Center Article OtherWhat is your question? * Name of the new Technology to be certified *?Name of the product or technology marketed to your clients. This could be the same as your company name as well. Description or sample workflow for the new Technology * What is the most relevant privacy policy link for this technology? *?Include the GDPR-related URL if it’s different from the privacy policy URL. Which of the following Technology Type best describes your certification request? *Select oneAd Server for Advertisers / AgenciesAd Server for Ad Networks / Ad ExchangesVAST In-Stream Ad ServerResearch Vendor (Analytics)Research Vendor (Brand-Lift Study Exposure-Tracking Pixels)Verification ServiceIn-Ads Advertising Option Icon VendorDemand-Side Platform ( DSP)Additional descriptions can be found here For which platform/inventory is this certification request? *Google Ads (Display Ads only)Google Ad Manager (GDN/AdSense/AdMob)Google Ad Manager (non-GDN) Which tag format will you be using? *?Expandable banners are no longer supported for certification VPAID Formats are only permitted in Ad Manager non-GDN Standard banner (javascript or iframe)1x1 pixeljavascript pixelHTML5 BannerMRAIDVAST In-stream Upload sample pixel/ad tags for corresponding tag formats?Upload tags in document or pdf format New IAB TCF v2 GVL ID *Kindly detail your modification request here: * How have you updated your technology to mitigate previous decertification issues? *Domains *Confirm that all domains are SSL-compliant: *YesNo What is the proposed use case for this domain? * Have there been any significant updates to your technology or company since your original certification? *?(ie. is there anything particularly new about your company or technology which may have an impact on your certification?)Have there been any significant updates to your business model? * Does your privacy policy cover this new domain? *?This means that your domain/s must be accounted for in your privacy policy page.YesNoIs the domain set in public registration? *YesNo, due to GDPR restrictionOther (kindly specify in notes below)If unable to set to public due to GDPR, you may upload one of the following: A copy of the receipt for purchasing the domain Proof of ownership from domain registrar and web hosting company (e.g. godaddy, eNom) An Account snapshot of the domain registrar, domain management. Are these used as tracking domains? *YesNoDo you support Google Cachebuster? *YesNoPlease describe how your technology handles cache busting. *Are your cookies dropped on the user expire within two (2) years of being set? *YesNo Enter new ad tag or pixel: *Implement Google Click Macro for all banner ad tags and insert cachebuster macro when you support it in your tags. The instructions for the Google Click Macro: here The instructions for the Google Cachebuster Macro: here Reminders: Javascript pixel is only allowed in Ad Manager Do not insert click macro in your pixel tags. Please enter additional notes about this request For additional details on this, please specify:What kind of data points do your tracking domains capture? *How are these conversion tracking domains different from one another? *Does your company's pixel engage in cookie matching? If yes, can you describe how the pixels are used? *Full Company Legal Name *Street Address *?Company street address which will be used to execute non-disclosure agreementZIP/Postal Code *?Will be used to execute non-disclosure agreementCity *?Will be used to execute non-disclosure agreementCountry *?Will be used to execute non-disclosure agreementLegal Signatory email *?We will be sending a Non-Disclosure Agreement to your legal signatory to kick-off the certificationLegal Signatory first name * Legal Signatory last name * Legal Signatory Title *?(CEO, CTO, COO, etc.) Certification Contact Name: *?Main point of contact for certification processContact Email: Website URL *Privacy Policy link:?Include the GDPR-related URL if it’s different from the privacy policy URL. The company’s IAB TCF v2 GVL ID:?Used to confirm that the ad technology company is appropriately registered with the IAB TCF v2.0 and that we can support them based on the company’s specific type of registration.Which of the following Technology Type best describes your certification request?Select oneAd Server for Ad Networks / Ad ExchangesAd Server for Advertisers / Agencies Ad Swapping Content Delivery Network Creative Blocking Data Management Platform Demand Side Platform Encrypted Signal In-Ads Advertising Option Icon Vendor OMID Verification Research Vendor (Analytics)Research Vendor (Brand-Lift Study Exposure-Tracking Pixels) Research Vendor (Verification Service) Security Ad Blocker VAST ProviderAdditional descriptions can be found here Does your privacy policy cover this new domain? *?This means that your domain/s must be accounted for in your privacy policy page.YesNoDomains *?Kindly indicate all Ad Serving Subdomains Used. Any subdomains not specified may become flagged and disapproved when launching live campaigns. Please note that our policy requires that the domain registration is public; which means that your company should appear as the registrant when whois lookup is performed. Submitted domains will be forwarded to our technical team for testing and approval, which may take up a week to complete. What is the proposed use case for this domain? *Are these used as tracking domains? *YesNoIs the domain set in public registration? *YesNo, due to GDPR restrictionOther (kindly specify in notes below)If unable to set to public due to GDPR, you may upload one of the following: A copy of the receipt for purchasing the domain Proof of ownership from domain registrar and web hosting company (e.g. godaddy, eNom) An Account snapshot of the domain registrar, domain management. What kind of data points do your tracking domains capture? *How are these conversion tracking domains different from one another? * Does your company's pixel engage in cookie matching? If yes, can you describe how the pixels are used? * *Additional Information?Please use this to add any details that might help with kicking off the certification processRequest notes or additional questionsBest Effort Response Time On submission, a request will be sent to the Google 3rd Party Certification team who will make every effort to respond within 72 hours. Company Legal Name *?Used to add the company to Google’s list of ad technology providers.Contact Information *?Used to contact the company, if the need arises.The company’s IAB TCF v2 GVL ID *?Used to confirm that the ad technology company is appropriately registered with the IAB TCF v2.0 and that we can support them based on the company’s specific type of registration.Privacy Policy URL *?Include the GDPR-related URL if it’s different from the privacy policy URL.Do you accept and confirm compliance with the Platforms program policy? *?You will need to confirm that you accept the Platforms program policies. Google has stricter policy restrictions, such as not allowing fingerprinting, that exceed the standards of the IAB TCF V2.0. The Platforms program policy framework represents the lightest policy environment required to work with Google. We recognize that the Platforms program policy may not appropriately apply to some ad technology providers depending upon the purpose and functionality of their technology.On behalf of my company, I accept.Principal Functionality of Technology *?An explanation of how the company’s ad technology functions and the intended goal of this functionality. Used to understand how the Program policies apply to this technology and why the ad technology company should be eligible for the lightweight verification process rather than the full verification process.Domains *?The domains an ad technology company uses to provide their services. Used to confirm an ad technology company’s status. Should include information about what domains they serve from to allow us to detect them in scans. Include all domains associated with the ad technology company, including subdomains. We reject unknown vendor domains. Are the domain/s set in public registration? *?The prime reason we ask for public registration of domains is to ensure that the domains you register within this certification request are indeed owned by your company.YesNo, due to GDPR restrictionOther (specify in notes section)If unable to set to public due to GDPR, you may upload one of the following: A copy of the receipt for purchasing the domain Proof of ownership from domain registrar and web hosting company (e.g. godaddy, eNom) An Account snapshot of the domain registrar, domain management. ? Kindly upload pdf/doc or any image format (.jpg or .png) Enter additional request details in this section:SubmitSubmittedEdit requestDownload submission$0 Some account and system information will be sent to Google, and support calls and chats may be recorded. We will use this information to improve support quality and training, to help address technical issues, and to improve our products and services, subject to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. Translation services may be used in chats and email. Additional info OK Your email has been sentThanks for contacting us. Your request for certification has been received.Edit requestDownload submission