Join a class with a class link in Google Classroom

This article is for students. Co-teachers, go here.

To use Classroom, sign in on your computer or mobile device and join classes. After you join a class, you can get assignments from your teacher and communicate with your classmates.

You can join a class with:

  • A class link: Your teacher sends you the link.
  • A class code: Your teacher gives you the class code.
  • An email invite: Your teacher sends you the invite.

After you join a class on one device, you're enrolled in that class for all devices.

To join a class, you must sign in to Classroom with the correct account. Learn how to sign in to Classroom.

Join a class with a class link

  1. On your computer, click the class link your teacher shared.
  2. You must sign in with the correct account for Classroom.
  3. Click Join.

Trouble joining a class?

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