SV-POW! … All sauropod vertebrae, except when we're talking about Open Access. ISSN 3033-3695
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Mike Taylor on A unique sauropod mount: Haplo… | |
valiantboldlyabd8cf3… on A unique sauropod mount: Haplo… | |
Mike Taylor on A unique sauropod mount: Haplo… | |
valiantboldlyabd8cf3… on A unique sauropod mount: Haplo… | |
Mike Taylor on A unique sauropod mount: Haplo… |
October 12, 2011 at 10:03 am
Nice toy! Reminds me of an experience I had in China, where someone working on fossil frogs saw me use a caliper and incredulously asked what that was? And, when told, asked if she could borrow it…. Makes me wonder about all the measurements in her previous papers.
October 12, 2011 at 10:50 am
The thing is, tools like this are stupidly cheap. I got mine from, where it cost £11.62 including shipping — this for a model that’s had overwhelmingly positive reviews. Really, it’s stupid not to own calipers. I feel dumb for not having bought some before now.
October 12, 2011 at 12:45 pm
Ah, yeah.
October 12, 2011 at 1:30 pm
yeah, small ones really are cheap. I once used one that allowed 1/20th mm for sizes up to 1 m – that one cost the Tübingen Institute some 3000 Euros :eek: I was really afraid of accidentally dropping it!
October 12, 2011 at 4:41 pm
I’m feeling smug! Had one for quite a while now and have multiple plesiosaur elements very accurately measured – top bit of kit!
October 12, 2011 at 5:15 pm
I actually just purchased this same model digital caliper from about two weeks ago, and it just came in the mail recently. Weird.