Early-bird pricing extended one week for TC Sessions: Mobility 2019

Procrastinate much? Then give thanks to Saint Expeditus, the patron saint of speedy causes, because now you have an extra week to save $100 on your pass to TC Sessions: Mobility 2019 on July 10, in San Jose, Calif.

Do not shillyshally, dillydally or otherwise drag your feet on this last-chance opportunity. Buy your ticket right now before the early-bird clock runs out at 11:59 p.m. (PT) on Friday, June 21.

TC Sessions: Mobility, a day-long intensive experience, explores the current and future states of mobility and transportation. More than 1,000 attendees — founders, technologists, thinkers, makers and investors — will explore the potential gains and the growing pains inherent with revolutionary technology and rapidly evolving industries.

Check out just some of the presentations and demos we have waiting for you. Don’t forget to check out the day’s jam-packed agenda:

  • Demo with Jay Giraud: Damon Motorcycles CEO and founder Jay Giraud will bring a motorcycle onstage to demonstrate the company’s rider protection system that combines radar, camera and other sensors to track the speed, direction and velocity of up to 64 objects at a time.
  • Will Venture Capital Drive the Future of Mobility? Leading early-stage investors, Michael Granoff, Ted Serbinski and Sarah Smith will debate the uncertain future of mobility tech and whether VC dollars are enough to push the industry forward.
  • Building Mobility-First Cities: What does moving around the city of the future look like? We’ll talk with Avery Ash, head of autonomous mobility at INRIX and Seleta Reynolds, GM of the Los Angeles Department of Transportation to figure it out.

Things get even more interesting when you demo your early-stage startup at TC Sessions: Mobility 2019. Display your genius in front of the most targeted, influential audience you could possibly hope to find — mobility-minded founders, investors, technologists and media.

TC Sessions: Mobility 2019 takes place on July 10 in San Jose, Calif. Don’t disappoint Saint Expeditus. Act now and buy your ticket. Your chance to save $100 ends on Friday, June 21 at 11:59 p.m. (PT).

Is your company interested in sponsoring or exhibiting at TC Sessions: Mobility? Contact our sponsorship sales team by filling out this form.


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