Facebook Oversight Board

A year ago, The Wall Street Journal revealed that Facebook operated a two-tiered content moderation system. Normal users were subject to the platform’s stated rules, while VIP users were secretly…

Meta’s Oversight Board wants Facebook to be more transparent about VIP accounts

Facebook is looking to create a standalone advisory committee for election-related policy decisions, according to a new report from The New York Times. The company has reportedly approached a number…

Facebook will reportedly launch its own advisory group for election policy decisions

Facebook’s content decision review body, a quasi-external panel that’s been likened to a ‘Supreme Court of Facebook’ but isn’t staffed by sitting judges, can’t be truly independent of the tech…

Facebook’s hand-picked ‘oversight’ panel upholds Trump ban — for now

Facebook’s self-styled “Oversight Board” (FOB) has announced an operational change that looks intended to respond to criticism of the limits of the self-regulatory content-moderation decision review body: It says it’s…

Facebook, Instagram users can now ask ‘oversight’ panel to review decisions not to remove content

The Facebook Oversight Board (FOB) is already feeling frustrated by the binary choices it’s expected to make as it reviews Facebook’s content moderation decisions, according to one of its members…

Facebook’s Oversight Board already ‘a bit frustrated’ — and it hasn’t made a call on Trump ban yet

The Facebook Oversight Board has only been operational for a short time, but the nascent project is already looking ahead. In a conversation hosted by the Carnegie Endowment Thursday, Oversight…

Facebook Oversight Board says other social networks ‘welcome to join’ if project succeeds

Facebook’s self-regulatory ‘Oversight Board’ (FOB) has delivered its first batch of decisions on contested content moderation decisions almost two months after picking its first cases. A long time in the…

Facebook’s ‘oversight’ body overturns four takedowns and issues a slew of policy suggestions

A Facebook-funded body that the tech giant set up to distance itself from tricky and potentially reputation-damaging content moderation decisions has announced the first bundle of cases it will consider.…

Facebook’s self-styled ‘oversight’ board selects first cases, most dealing with hate speech

Today a group of academics, researchers and civil rights leaders go live on with ‘The Real Facebook Oversight Board’ which is designed to criticize and discuss the role of the…

‘The Real Facebook Oversight Board’ launches to counter Facebook’s ‘Oversight Board’

Facebook has announced that the limp “Oversight Board” intended to help make difficult content and policy decisions will not launch until “late fall,” which is to say, almost certainly after…

Too little, too late: Facebook’s Oversight Board won’t launch until ‘late fall’

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Facebook asks for a moat of regulations it already meets

It’s suspiciously convenient that Facebook already fulfills most of the regulatory requirements it’s asking governments to lay on the rest of the tech industry. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is in Brussels lobbying the European Union’s regulators as they form new laws to govern artificial intelligence, content moderation and more. But…

3:34 pm PST • February 17, 2020
Facebook asks for a moat of regulations it already meets

Facebook’s internal “Supreme Court” can’t set precedents, can’t make decisions about Facebook Dating or Marketplace, and can’t oversee WhatsApp, Oculus, or any messaging feature, according to the bylaws Facebook proposed…

Toothless: Facebook proposes a weak Oversight Board

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Meet Facebook’s latest fake

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, a 35-year-old billionaire who keeps refusing to sit in front of international parliamentarians to answer questions about his ad business’ impact on democracy and human rights around the world, has a new piece of accountability theatre to sell you: An “Oversight Board“. Not of Facebook’s business…

10:56 am PDT • September 21, 2019
Meet Facebook’s latest fake