
Climate tech startups especially those building hardware, face a particular challenge when trying to move beyond the prototype or pilot phase and start selling finished products to customers.

Rondo Energy funding shows a new way across the climate startup ‘valley of death’

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The ‘valley of death’ for climate lies between early-stage funding and scaling up

It’s easier for climate companies to get enough funding to get started. It’s much harder once they need money to scale.

8:00 am PDT • April 27, 2024
The ‘valley of death’ for climate lies between early-stage funding and scaling up

The Ethereum layer-2 space is continuing to see strong demand as one of its largest scaling solutions, Arbitrum, is seeing renewed growth

Arbitrum co-founders see opportunity for continued layer-2 growth through DeFi, gaming

Customizable rollup provider Eclipse is launching a Solana-focused scaling solution, which allows applications to be compatible with Polygon, the companies exclusively told TechCrunch. Rollups, a part of the layer-2 blockchain ecosystem,…

Rollup provider Eclipse launches software to allow Solana apps to be compatible with Polygon

If blockchain technology is to reach true mass adoption, it will have to become cheaper and more efficient. Low transaction throughput on some of the most popular blockchains, most notably…

Stanford cryptography researchers are building Espresso, a privacy-focused blockchain

Scaling across Series A to C

9:44 am PDT • September 30, 2021

There is a lot of great content on the start-up phase, but there is little available on how founders can grow a company from $1 million to $25 million in…

Scaling across Series A to C

As you scale and onboard employees, make sure they know their importance — emphasize the stakes in their role related to the business and value that responsibility.

3 critical lessons I learned while scaling RingCentral’s customer support team

We’ve aggregated the world’s best growth marketers into one community. Twice a month, we ask them to share their most effective growth tactics, and we compile them into this Growth…

How to work with top influencers and avoid ad blockers

Your customers don’t really want to cancel. At least, not all of them. Between 15 and 30 percent of customers leave for reasons that are within your control. Tapping into…

6 steps to reduce churn for high-volume subscription companies

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Nine lessons on how Niantic reached a $4B valuation

We’ve captured much of Niantic’s ongoing story in the first three parts of our EC-1, from its beginnings as an “entrepreneurial lab” within Google, to its spin-out as an independent company and the launch of Pokémon GO, to its ongoing focus on becoming a platform for others to build augmented…

12:51 pm PDT • May 1, 2019
Nine lessons on how Niantic reached a $4B valuation

Three million dollars. That’s the largest amount of money I’ve ever walked away from in terms of a customer contract that I decided we shouldn’t take. 

When to ditch that nightmare customer (before they kill your startup)

Venture capital should come with a warning label. In our experience, VC kills more startups than slow customer adoption, technical debt and co-founder infighting — combined. VC should be a…

Toxic VC and the marginal-dollar problem

What’s the secret to staying fresh, lean and mean when you’re a hot tech company on a fast growth trajectory? A fascinating document brought to our attention today today by…

Here’s How Spotify Scales Up And Stays Agile: It Runs ‘Squads’ Like Lean Startups