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Club Africa Exclusive

Club Africa Exclusive

Online Media

Vibrate daily to the rhythm of news from a changing Africa

About us

Dedicated to Africa, Africa Exclusive is an online media support that favors informed and relevant information. Its team of journalists works with diversified and quality sources to produce high added value content. A real analytical and working tool for decision-makers (economic operators, public decision-makers, diplomats, etc.) the Africa Exclusive online platform contributes to the emergence of the continent by highlighting the news that positively move this fascinating part of the world. world. However, Afrique Exclusive does not fail to denounce the facts likely to darken the economic, social, environmental and political horizon of the continent. Our main sections: #Public Affairs : it deals with information relating to country governance, relations between the States of the continent, multilateral cooperation and public decision-makers. #PrivateAffairs : it deals with information relating to companies, relations between companies and private decision-makers. #InvestinAfrica: deals with information likely to strengthen Africa's capacity to attract foreign direct investment (FDI) and boost local entrepreneurship. #Trends : it deals with information relating to the cultural and media dynamics of the African continent as well as events that promote the attractiveness of the continent.

Online Media
Company size
11-50 employees
Information, Affaires publics, Affaires privés, Tendance, Gouvernance, Politique, Business, Développement, Economie, Actualité, Economie, Afrique, Afrique du Nord, Afrique de l'Ouest, Afrique de l'Est, Afrique Centrale, Afrique Australe, Afrique Subsaharienne, Golfe de Guinée, Océan Indien, Sahel, Maghreb, Investissement, Finance, Agriculture, Industrie, Commerce, Technologie, Transport, Tourisme, Mines, Pétrole, Environnement, Développement durable, Climat, Luxe, Banque, Hôtellerie, and Immobilier


Employees at Club Africa Exclusive


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