CareerPathPro โพสต์ใหม่สิ่งนี้
Had an amazing time supporting Protiviti UK with their client 🔥 The last few months have been quite intense for me as I’ve been supporting them in delivering Gen Z insights in the workplace to help with their global client. Being ‘called off the bench’ to work first hand alongside this project was a great experience. Lots of great work. Lots of learnings. Lots of value. Looking forward to bringing CareerPathPro into play again & provididing more Gen Z engagement insights & best practices 🔥 Had a great time supporting Protiviti UK in our workshop yesterday. Thanks to Fintan Canavan FCCA Assoc CIPD, Martina Tagliavia & Matt Duncan for being such a great team!
193 Days → 37,832 People. 193 days ago I decided to leave the UK. I decided to pursue my dreams of building an online income & travelling the world. Not only have I: → Built an online income → Travelled part of South East Asia → Relocated outside of the UK There’s other massive accomplishments I’ve had such as: → Learning a new language → Networking new lots of new people → Creating multiple viral pieces of content → Gaining an audience over 37k (Combined Instagram & Youtube) The last 6 months have been crazy. In doing all the above, it’s made me massively grow as a person, let me reintroduce myself: I’m Tyy → A Digital Nomad currently living in South East Asia, who is a full time creator who monetised his personality. I am a Personal Brand Coach who helps unfulfilled employees build an online audience & monetise it simply through being the only person they can be → themself. On top of that, I’m also a Gen Z Engagement Consultant who works with global organisations to retain & engage Gen Z talent. Across the last half year i’ve learnt countless lessons through the unique experiences that come when living abroad & building a personal brand. → Excited to be back here & share these lessons & tips with you all. No further action for now.. just a post to say Hello LinkedIn! Ya boy’s back.