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Boise State University

Boise State University is a public, metropolitan research university located in the heart of Idaho’s capital city. We offer an array of undergraduate and graduate degrees and experiences that foster student success, lifelong learning, community engagement, innovation and creativity.

Research and creative activities advance new knowledge and benefit students, the community, the state and the nation. As an integral part of its metropolitan environment, the university is engaged in professional and continuing education programming, policy issues, and promoting the region’s economic vitality and cultural enrichment.

Boise State University aspires to be a research university known for the finest undergraduate education in the region, and outstanding research and graduate programs. With its exceptional faculty, staff and student body – combined with its location in the heart of a thriving metropolitan area, the university will be viewed as an engine that drives the Idaho economy, providing significant return on public investment.


Displaying 1 - 20 of 166 articles

Visitors trek the Sand to Snow National Monument in Southern California, a popular area for camping, hiking, hunting and other activities. Bob Wick, BLM/Flickr

Interior secretary manages vast lands that all Americans share − and can sway the balance between conservation and development

The Interior Department manages about one-fifth of all US land. Its secretary mediates among many competing uses for it, from recreation to energy production.
Voters turned down a variety of reforms to how they cast ballots. Anastasiia_New/IStock/Getty Images Plus

Election reform was on the ballot – voters largely said ‘no’

Voters proved hesitant to overhaul the election systems they were already familiar with, as almost all of the reforms in nine ballot measures across seven states and Washington failed to pass.
Trabalhadores no local de perfuração para uma usina de energia geotérmica em Neustadt-Glewe, Alemanha. Jens Büttner/picture alliance via Getty Images

Seria possível cavar até chegar ao outro lado da Terra?

Há muita rocha quente no caminho e, mais cedo ou mais tarde, seu buraco desmoronaria.
Trump may have a majority in Congress, but that doesn’t mean he can move ahead with his entire agenda. Al Drago/Bloomberg via Getty Images

Trump’s agenda will face hurdles in Congress, despite the Republican ‘trifecta’ of winning the House, Senate and White House

Gridlock can still happen under unified government, and for reasons that are likely to be on full display in the 119th Congress, where the GOP controls both houses under a Republican president.
Voters hold clear and positive stereotypes of women politicians − while they don’t think as positively about men in politics. Artis777/iStock/Getty Images

Is America ready for a woman president? Voters’ attitudes to women politicians are radically different from a decade ago

A decade ago, people did not even agree on the traits that defined women politicians. Now they see women seeking political office as intelligent, rational, analytical, ambitious and moral.
Previously holding political office is an obvious advantage for candidates seeking votes. SDI Productions/E+/Getty Images

Candidate experience matters in elections, but not the way you think

Do more politically experienced politicians have advantages in elections in a time when a candidate with expertise is dismissed as being part of an out-of-touch elite?
Mayor Eric Adams at a news conference following his indictment by federal prosecutors on Sept. 26, 2024. AP Photo/Yuki Iwamura

Eric Adams indictment: How campaign finance violations often grow into dramatic scandals

Federal investigations into irregular election spending can uncover wild stories. Politicians have used campaign money to pay rent, fund family vacations, book hotel rooms for mistresses − and worse.
Engineering students from underrepresented groups often feel isolated and ultimately switch majors. skynesher/E+ via Getty Images

Empowering engineering students through storytelling

Researchers asked engineering students to tell stories about challenges they had faced. Telling the stories, students said, made them more likely to stay in their major.
Opponents of the presidential bids of both Kamala Harris and Barack Obama falsely asserted they weren’t legally qualified to be president. Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Trump supporters wasted no time in claiming Kamala Harris is ineligible to be president, but they’re wrong

A falsehood once used on Barack Obama – that he wasn’t eligible to be president – is being recycled to challenge the right of Kamala Harris to serve as president.
Lots of old representatives and senators in this building; very few in Congress are young. Douglas Rissing/iStock/Getty Images Plus

Why is Congress filled with old people?

Nearly 20% of House and Senate members are 70 or older, and only 6% are under 40. What explains Congress’ advanced age?
Las tallas realizadas durante décadas por los pastores vascos están en peligro, al igual que su lienzo, los álamos temblones. Sawtooth Mountains, 2011, Idaho Basque Arborglyphs Collection, Special Collections and Archives, Albertsons Library, Boise State University

Los pastores migrantes vascos dejaron sus huellas en los álamos temblones del Oeste americano

Los pastores grababan nombres, lemas, siluetas de desnudos y mucho más en los árboles que les rodeaban durante las temporadas solitarias en las montañas. Ahora, los investigadores se apresuran a encontrar y grabar los arborglifos antes de que desaparezcan.
Carvings made over decades by Basque herders are endangered as their canvas, the aspens, are at risk. Sawtooth Mountains, 2011, Idaho Basque Arborglyphs Collection, Special Collections and Archives, Albertsons Library, Boise State University

Arborglyphs – Basque immigrant sheepherders left their marks on aspen trees in the American West

Herders carved names, slogans, nude silhouettes and more into the trees around them during lonely seasons in the mountains. Now, researchers rush to find and record the arborglyphs before they disappear.
Would term limits lead to a more effective and less polarized Congress? Andrey Denisyuk/Getty Images

Term limits aren’t the answer

Very few Americans believe Congress is doing a good job. Some of them have a simple solution: Throw the bums out and institute term limits. But that creates more problems than it solves.
A Nigerien official explains to U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken the jihadist crisis facing Niger and the surrounding region in March 2023. Boureima Hama/Pool/AFP via Getty Images

The US is losing access to its bases in Niger − here’s why that’s a big deal

The disintegration of the United States’ relationship with Niger following its military coup in 2023 is giving way to stronger ties between the African country and Russia and China.


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