Awaken Pro WordPress Theme Documentation

1. Introduction

This is the documentation page of the Awaken Pro WordPress Theme. We will try to keep everything well documented. If you are not sure about particular area of this please contact us.

2. Theme Installation

  • Theme installation process is same as others.
  • Download the theme file ( ) from
  • Go to Appearance > Themes in the WordPress Dashboard.
  • Click on the Add New button.
  • Click on the Upload Theme button on the top.
  • Use Choose File button to select the file.
  • Select the theme ‘’ file from your computer and click Install Now Button.
  • After successfully installing the theme click “Activate Theme”.

NOTE: If you are upgrading from Awaken free version, all of your current settings like theme customizer settings, widgets, menus, etc.. will be migrated to the Pro version automatically. You do not have to start all over again.

Activating Theme License.

After the purchase, you should have received your License key to your email.

If you haven’t got it please go to get your License key. You can reset your password if you have forgot your password.

Then please navigate to “Dashboard > Appearance > Theme License” to enter your License key. After entering the License Key hit the “Activate License” button and “Save Changes” button.

Special Note: If you purchased your theme before 25th of March 2020, please read this – We changed our theme licensing / theme update system.

Import Demo Data

Note: This step is optional.  This will reproduce the demo site in your own site with demo content. We recommend installing demo data only on fresh/new sites.

To import demo data please follow these steps.

  1. First install and activate this plugin. – One Click Demo Import.
  2. Then please go to Dashboard > Appearance > Import Demo Data.
  3. Click the “Import Demo Data” button at the bottom of the page to install the demo.

You will have to wait few minutes ( 5 – 15 mins ) until it imports the demo data.

3. Add a Custom Logo

Adding a custom logo is very easy. Please use the following steps.

  • Go to Customizer in the WordPress Dashboard. ( Appearance > Customize ).
  • In the Site Identity section click on the “Select image” button which is under the Site tile and site tagline input boxes.”
    Upload Your Logo and Click Select in the upload screen.
  • Just after the above setting there is a setting called “Display site title / logo”. Choose your preferred option from that setting.
  • Click “Save Options” button in the bottom of the General Tab.

4. Custom Main Menu

  • After just installing the theme it will display the pages as the default menu. You can add your own links, categories, pages for the menu.
  • Go to Appearance > Menus in the WordPress Dashboard.
  • In the edit menus tab click on the link “create new menu”.
  • Give a Menu Name and click button “create menu”.
  • Then you can choose/create the links from the three tabs(Pages/Links/Categories) which is in the left hand side.
  • After Creating the menu select the Theme Location of the menu.(It’s under the Menu Settings which is in the bottom of the page. ) In this case tick the “Primary Menu”.
  • Hit Save.

5. Magazine Homepage

– Adding a magazine homepage.
  • Create a new page by going to Pages > Add New in the WordPress Dashboard
  • Give the page a name whatever you want. eg : Home.
  • Then select the “Magazine Template” option for the “Template” setting which is in the “Summary” section of the “Page” Tab Panel.

  • Then Go to Settings > Reading in the WordPress Dashboard and select the “A Static Page” option which is under the heading “Front Page Displays”.
  • Then Select the page that you created from the “Front Page” drop down . eg: Home

Reading Settings

– Adding a blog post page when magazine homepage is activated.
  • Go to Pages > Add New in the WordPress Dashboard.
  • Give it a name whatever you want. eg : Blog.
  • Then from the page attributes options box select the Template as Default Template.
  • Then Go to Settings > Reading in the WordPress Dashboard and select the option “A static page” which is under the heading “Front Page Displays”.
  • Then Select the page that you created from the “Posts Page” drop down . eg: Blog.

Now you have created a “Magazine Homepage” to display posts widgets and “Blog page” to display normal blog posts. To display posts widgets in magazine homepage drag and drop posts widgets to magazine 1 and magazine 2 widget areas. ( Widgets and widget areas are shown in an image, bottom of this article. )

6. Layouts – Boxed / Wide

Layout options of the Awaken Pro WordPress theme exists in Appearance > Customize > Layout Options.
Select your preferred layout from the dropdown.

After creating the boxed layout you may want to change the background color or background image of the site. (background means the area outside the content area) To change the background color go to Appearance > Customize  > Site Styling > Site Main Colors > Background Color. To change the background image go to Appearance > Customize  > Site Styling > Background Image.

7. Featured Images and Slider


Slider can be activated in 2 ways in ‘Awaken Pro’.
First one is slider based on the category.

1. Go to Customizer >  Homepage Settings > Featured Slider.
2. Mark the ‘Display slider on homepage ?’ check box.
3. Put number of slides you want in ‘Number of slides’ input area.
4. Then select the category of posts which you want to display in the slider. ( Featured images of posts of the selected category will be displayed as slider images.
– Featured images of posts should be at least in width of 752px and in height of 440px to display slider images properly.
– Use regenerate thumbnail plugin to crop all the images.

Second one is custom slider.

Activate(select on button) the custom slider from Customizer >  Homepage Settings > Custom Slider.
Then add images, titles and urls.
– Slide image width MUST be 752px and height MUST be 440px or must be propotional to that ratio(eg: width: 1504px, height: 880px; ) in order to display the slides properly.
– Regenerate thumbnail plugin does “not” crop the images when you are using custom slider. You have to use photo editing software to crop images manually.

-Featured Images

You may have noticed that when you upload featured images from posts they doesn’t have same sizes in the blog index page or magazine page. To fix that please use the great regenerate thumbnail plugin to crop images. It will crop all the featured images of posts.

8. Widgets

There are 9 widgets that you can display in the magazine template.

1.  Awaken: Single Category Posts
2.  Awaken Two Block Posts Widget.
3.  Awaken Three Block Posts Widget.
4. Awaken Sidebar Posts Widget.
5.  Awaken Popular Posts, Comments, Tags Widget.
6.  Awaken 300×250 Ad Widget.
7. Awaken Responisive 728×90 Ad Widget.
8.  Awaken Youtube video Widget.
9. Awaken Facebook Like box

9. Widget Areas

1.  Magazine 1
2.  Magazine 2
3.  Main Sidebar
4.  Footer Left Sidebar
5.  Footer Mid Sidebar
6.  Footer Right Sidebar

Drag and drop each widget to the relevant widget areas and arrange them any order you want. Following image shows the slider, featured post areas, widgets and widget areas

Awaken WordPress Theme Widget Areas

219 thoughts on “Awaken Pro WordPress Theme Documentation

  1. Hi, This is a really great theme, I was happy to purchase it. I really like that it works right of the box. I didn’t have to spend 30 hours to get it close to what I want.

    One question, is there a way (or a setting) to make it 4 columns across instead of 2? I’ve read the documentation, and looked for a setting, but don’t seem to be able to find it. If it’s not possible, it’s fine. But I was simply curious.

    Thank you for your time and attention.

    1. Dear Rick,

      I am really glad that you like the theme.

      But I am sorry actually there is no setting to make it 4 columns instead of 2. However, our Bam Pro theme has this option. If you want I can help you to switch the theme.

      Thank you.

  2. Hi,

    how do I edit the “Featured Posts” widget next to the slider?
    The area does not appear in the widget options. 🙁

    1. Hi Viola,

      You can edit featured posts from Appearance > Customize > Homepage Settings > Featured Slider.

      Thank you.

  3. Hello ! please tell me how i remove the social media share icons as i would like to use a stand alone plugin.


    1. Hello Stefonos,

      Please go to Appearance > Customize > Post / Page Settings and find the setting “Social sharing icons in single post article”. Then uncheck the check boxes to remove social sharing.

      Thank you.

  4. Hi Pubudu,

    Can I embed the Twitter Feed to Main sidebar area by widget?
    Thanks before

  5. Hi,

    I have Awaken Pro purchased and had been using it for a few years. Currently, I have it installed in two different languages (Asian language and English) with two different domain/subdomain. I recently discovered that the arrow on the menu items at the Asian language one became a “square”. The English menu still looks fine with an arrow for the items that has submenu. Could you please advise? thank you!

  6. Hello, I just purchased your theme and I love it! But I have a problem with the widget area magazine one and two. I want it to be exactly like on your example picture but the widgets don’t appear in my customizer and on my site. How do I do this? thank you for your help

    1. Dear Marina,

      It seems you haven’t created a magazine homepage as described in section 5 ( 5. Magazine Homepage ) of the documentation. After making a magazine homepage your widgets will display as shown in the demo.

      Thank You.

      1. Whoops, yeah I realized that after I wrote the comment lol. Thank you anyways! One more thing: is there a language pack or some other possibility to change the theme’s language? So that I have the, for example “about” and “you may also like” section in my blog’s language? (German)
        thanks again!

        1. Dear Marina,

          Yes, you can do that via translation. You can do that manually or by using a plugin. Plugin way is easier. I recommend Loco Translate plugin to change default theme English text to German.

          Thank You.

  7. Hi Pubudu

    I would like to change the royalblue color for links but it does not appear in APPEARANCE > CUSTOMIZE > STYLING
    How Can i Do ?

    Thank You.

    1. Hi Benoit,

      Yes, you can change the article link color from Appearance > Customize > Site Styling > Site Main Colors > Article Link Color.

      Thank You.

  8. Hello

    I realized the purchase of the theme awaken Pro in August 2017, and currently I use the 2.1.8 version. I am unable to update the theme through the site. How can I do that?

    I’m waiting for a comeback.

  9. Hello,

    I changed this Awaken them to magazine style exactly like you did it here in the post. Now I have this three block posts widget and single posts widget on my site. Its all fine, but when I click on the next page in those widgets, there are posts with blank pictures. I have a pro version and I simply don’t understand why is that so!


    1. Dear Bob,

      Are you using any lazy loading plugin? If so deactivate it and try it again. Please let me know the results.

      Thank You.

  10. I’m using Loco Translate, but not only it shows that there’s no template to link the translation from, but also when I try to skip the template and go for source code the plugin only finds 7 terms. Could you help me with this, please? Thank you.

  11. I buy your theme yesterday
    I Cannot Change Text : Proudly powered by WordPress | Theme: Awaken Pro by ThemezHut. in footer
    Where I can change?

    1. Dear Roeum,

      I am sorry I have mistakenly skipped this question. You can change that from Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > General Settings > “Footer Copyright Text”.

      And we support our premium customers via email directly. Please contact us if you have any problem.

      Thank You.

  12. Hi Pubudu,

    First of all really nice theme, Secondly if i buy pro version then with how many websites can i use this theme??

    Thank You

    1. Dear Rabia,

      You can use it on any number of domains/websites those belong to you.(Domains registered under your name).

      Thank You.

  13. Hey there, we use the Pro theme. We have an ad network partner that provides wallpaper and wraparound adverts, however, when these show it cuts off a portion of the right hand of the website – probably around 150 – 200 pixels. I would have thought that as this theme is responsive that it may have changed to fit – once the wallpapers come online, but it doesn’t. Not sure what to do to resolve this. Can you advise

    1. Hi Jake,

      It seems your site has updated to ssl and it is not applied the change full yet. If you have installed SSL in your server I recommend you to install “Really Simple SSL” plugin. –

      It will resolve your issue. If it didn’t please contact me via email.

      Thank You.

  14. Hello, we are having trouble adding our custom logo. We’ve followed the directions but it always says ‘setting does not exist or is not recognized’. Can you help?

    1. Hi,

      It seems you are still using Awaken Pro 1.0.2. Current version is 2.1.7. I recommend you to update your theme. And please read the documentation notice before update the theme.

      Thank You.

  15. Hi,
    I have issue with slider on my front page. Its working but whenever its in transition slides changed and then its white.
    Did you experience this issue?

    1. Dear Nikola,

      It seems your site is in maintenance mode. Could you please let me know when it is removed?

      Thank You.

  16. hi, it’s an awesome theme.
    just one quick asking: I am using magazine template. is it possible to make the heading link-able to the specific menu.
    for example: if I have a heading like ‘history’ to show the post under history category, it now shows any specific number of posts , which is fine for homepage. But the title ‘history’ it self is not clickable. Means the rest of the posts of this category are not showing. And readers needs to go through via menu for more posts of that specified title. but I want the reader to click the heading ‘history’ to go to that specific menu to show all of the post under this label.
    Hope, that make sense.

    Thank you advance for your help.

    1. Hi shagor,

      In pro version all the widgets have an square icon to link to all posts of the specific category which the widget is displaying. However I like your idea. I will consider it giving in a next update.

      Thank You.

  17. Hi Pubudu,

    I have Awaken Pro on my website ( But I have some problems about logo on the following:

    1) The left (“) arrow logos on the slider site was changed into strange symbol, after I installed it in 4 days.

    2) That was the same condition the logos on Menu (please see it to The drop-down icon doesn’t appear though the link is connected.

    3) The link to our social media platform doesn’t show the logo i.e. Facebook logo. Instead, it appeared as “Share on facebook” not a logo, the same appearance on other social media platform: Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter and Linked in.

    Greatly appreciate if you could response to my queries above at the soonest. Thank you.

    1. Hi,

      You can do that with custom css. Please go to appearance > customize > site styling > custom css. Then copy and paste the following code. Change font size to any px size you want and change the font-weight property to “bold” or “normal”.

      .main-navigation {
      font-size: 14px;
      font-weight: bold;

      Thank You.

  18. Pubudu,

    Thanks for all the help and the great Template! I have a question about the social media icons. I would like to add two new icons (Tumblr and 500px). While I can do some coding, but I’m not sure about the CSS code I found in the editor. If you could either add that code, point me to a tutorial about this, or just give me the specific keyword I need to Goggle to find it on my own, that would be fantastic. I can come up with the icons. Thanks again for all your help.

    Jeff (

  19. Hi Pubudu,

    Am having problem with linking my post to my menus can you help please
    thanks in advance.

    1. Hi Lawrence,

      Sure I can help you. I will list the steps below.

      First go to Dashboard > Appearance > Menus.

      1) If you haven’t created a menu yet create one. To create a menu click the “create a new menu” link. Then give it an any name you want. ( Eg: Main Menu ) Then click the create menu button.
      2) Then you can add posts, pages, categories or custom links from the tabs located at left side. ( In your case go to posts tab > select view all > mark the post you want to add and click “Add to Menu” Button. )
      3) Then you should select where you need to display this menu. At the bottom of the page you will see menu settings. Select where you want to display this menu. ( Main menu or Top Menu )
      4) Then Save.

      I think this will help you.

      If not please reply.

      Thank You.

    1. Hi Raphael,

      I am sorry I don’t understand your question. “I need to be able to display widget sidebars on categories menu.”

      Do you need to display a menu on sidebar? If so it is very simple. You can put WordPress default “Custom Menu” widget in any sidebar.

      Thank You.

  20. I need some help. I purchased the pro Awaken theme and am struggling with a few things. I am really hoping you can readily help me. I am using a temporary domain.

    1) In the magazine 1 area I select the “Awaken: Three Block Posts” but the only thing that appears there are predetermined blog posts – how can I specify content for these three specific areas?

    2) I am not sure how to link new pages I create to the navigation bar.

    3) Where do I add code for adsense?

    I have other questions but will wait to hear back from you first. I am awaiting your reply,


    1. Hi Randy,

      I have replied to your question via email at the same day when you asked the question. Just replying this to inform you about this. Please let me know whether you got the mails or not.

      Thank You.

    1. Hi Kevly,

      If you are using magazine template for homepage, you need to edit layouts/magazine.php file. If you are using blog posts page for your homepage you need to edit index.php.

      And also if you are using magazine template and if you need to put any javascript or html code you can use the default “Text” widget to put the code. And you can use this “Text Widget” in any widget area.

      Thank You.

    1. Hello Kevly,

      Did you create a magazine home page as described in the step 5. of the documentation?

      Thank you.

  21. Hi,

    I had Awaken basic installed on my site (WordPress), I just bought the pro version and I need help to activate it. I would need help to active it 🙁

    1. Hi CLARA,

      Thank You for buying Pro.

      Installation is very easy. Please go to Dashboard > Appearance > Themes > Add New > Upload and select the downloaded file. Then activate it. Since free and pro versions little bit different you need to install it separately. If you need more help please contact us via email. –

      Thank You.

  22. Hi Pubudu,

    I’m just trying out the awaken, so far it works great for desktop version, but for mobile version the menu just fully open, and when i tap the head categories, the branches won’t pull up, you understand what i’m saying right? sorry i just can’t describe it well.

    is there anyway to overcome this?

    thanks again!

    1. Hi Adlink,

      Theme is developed to display long list menu. It will display all the menu items. Submenu items will be indented. However I am going to provide a better mobile menu solution in a near update.

      Thank You.

    1. Hello Melanie,

      Please note that those icons for sharing your posts. It does not matter whether you have accounts on those networks or not, but site viewers can share your posts in their preferred network. So it is better to keep them as it is. There is no instagram icon because instagram is a photo sharing network.

      Thank You.

  23. Hi Pubudu,

    I seem to be having trouble with some spacing issues. How do I move my footer area on my home page up closer to the content?


    1. Hi Jordan,

      It seems your facebook widget takes more height than it should. Please go to facebook widget and adjust the height.

      Thank you.

    1. Hi Benoit,

      It seems the lazy load plugin is the reason for this issue. Please deactivate the lazy load plugin and try again.

      Thank You.

  24. Hi Pubudu,
    I’m currently building a website with your awesome theme, but there are a few things which I want to modify.

    1. Is it possible to make the images in the slider clickable? Currently, it’s just the text/title which leads to the post/site.
    2. I don’t want the featured image to be visible in the actually posts but still on the frontpage. How can I hide them in the posts?


    1. Hello Matthias,

      1. Yes we can do this. I will provide you a child theme to do this.
      2. To hide featured image on posts please go to Appearance > Customize > Post/Page Settings and find the “Display featured image inside the single post article.” Setting. And un check it. ( Remove the mark on checkbox. )

      Thank You.

  25. I am using awaken pro theme for my website from past 8 months. But, from past few days “YOU MAY LIKE THESE POSTS”
    is not working. can you please help regarding that?

    1. Hello Ksenia,

      Don’t assign anything to top menu. 1) Don’t select any menu to top menu. 2) Un-mark “Display social icons?” in Appearance > Customize > Social Media. That way you can remove top bar.

      Thank You.

  26. Hi Pubudu,

    I like your theme, it’s perfect, easily customizable but I would need some advises to go to an advanced customization.
    I’d like to know how to add a a:hover on the images of the main slider and how to synchronize the a:hover of the titles and the images (afp-thumbnail + afp-title and awaken-featured-slider + awaken-title-slider).
    Could you help me please, it would be really helpful!

  27. The site logo is very small on mobile devices but normal size on desktop, is there any way to increase the size of the site logo section for mobile?

    1. Hello Hampton,

      Could you please give me your url? I will check it and send you a css code to edit that.

      Thank You.

  28. Hello,
    I have bought it for my multisite wordpress (WPMU), but it doesn’t work after active it in main site or children site.
    Would you like to give me some advise to moderate it and let it available in my multisite ?
    Thank you.

    1. Hello Ilaria,

      1. Click on the date of the tweet you want to embed. ( It will open up the individual tweet )
      2. Then copy the url of the tweet.
      3. Then paste the url of the tweet in your posts editor where you want to appear your tweet. In just few seconds it will display the tweet.

      Thank You.

  29. I love your theme, Awaken! It’s super clean and easy to modify to my needs. Two questions:

    1) my customer would like me to remove the ‘page titles’ that appear in colored backgrounds. For example, there is a green tab on the home page that says ‘home page.’ (I changed the color from the original red).
    2) I can’t get my home page to show full width. I’ve removed the widget areas from the CSS, but it still won’t go full width. Any suggestions?

    1. Hi Haley,

      To change the page to full width you can use the full width template for home page. From page attributes dialog box of page edit screen, change the template to full-width template. And to remove the title you can use the following code in the custom css area.

      .home .page-entry-header {
      display: none;

      Thank You.

  30. Hello,
    I have the awaken pro version, and I created a magazine template page for my home page but when I want to use the widgets category post, I can’t select any post category ( this is the same problem for single, two or three category ). What should I do to fix this ?

  31. Hi, Pubudu,

    I love Awaken Pro! We’ve been using it as the main theme for our website ( since our launch last March. Your theme looks great and continues to work flawlessly for us even after the recent WordPress updates.

    I have a question. We are currently using version 2.0.2, and today I noticed the 2.0.5 update in my account. I’m thinking of updating our theme but I was wondering what the improvements are in 2.0.5 and if there is anything I should be concerned about before installing it.

    Thanks in advance for any helpful info.

    1. Hello Dennis,

      Your site looks great.

      And sure I will list them here. Following are the main changes. However I can say there are no security updates so that you don’t have to update your theme in a hurry.

      - Version 2.0.3
      Changed archive title for categories and tags.

      - Version 2.0.4
      Removed checking useragent for html5shiv and used wp_script_add_data instead.

      - Version 2.0.5
      Added a method to display sticky posts for the two featured posts that are just next to the slider.
      Fixed a simple layout issue in three block posts widget.

      Thank You.

    1. Hi Gonçalo,

      You can display a full page as the home page. What you need to do is, create a page and set your particular page as the front page from Reading Settings. That page should have set to default or full width tempate from the page edit screen.

      Thank You.

    1. Hello Bryce,

      It’s very easy. When you write posts assign them into categories. Then display those categories on the main menu for easy access.

      Thank You.

      1. I can only get the magazine widget to show me 4 different categories to choose from
        – allthough I’ve added anew 5th category in the post – and checked it being on the list of categories??

        1. Hello Maiken,

          The new category should display on widgets. There is no limitation on number of categories. Did you refresh the widget page?

          Thank You.

  32. Hola, Pubudu, tengo un problema con la imagenes de mi sitio : ellas no cargan en el frond end, sóloo aparce el nombre o código por ejemplo : proyec_acceso1-1 o banner_copropie. Qué será lo que está pasando? Cómo debo solucionar este problema. Por favor, ayuda urgente.

    Hello, Pubudu, I have a problem with the images of my site : they do not load on the frond end, sóloo aparce the name or code eg proyec_acceso1-1 or banner_copropie. Out what’s going on? How do I fix this problem. Please urgent help.

    1. Hello jtorres,

      It seems your server is taking too long time to load images with a 504 error. Please ask your hosting provider what’s going on. I am sorry I cannot do anything regarding this matter.

      Thank You.

  33. Where is the .zip file for the pro version. So far you are a company that takes people’s details and do not deliver product.

      1. Thank you Pubudu. There was no redirect and the email receipt only had information to contact you about content delivery. I was able to find the link through my account however. I do recommend purchasing this theme as it is well built and Pubudu’s customer service is excellent.

  34. Hi Pubudu,

    first of all, I congratulate you for your theme. Nice work. I would like to insert an ad banner in the top pages, but i can’t find the option to do that. Could you explain me?

    Best regards,


  35. I’ve noticed. When I use the magazine template frontpage (static), the page is not updating when I make a new post. Any ideas what could be causing this? I’m using W3 Cache and the Awaken Pro Theme. The site is I’ve tried clearing everything from the browser caches to temporary files on the computer and deactivating the caching on the site. Still no change. If you are signed in though, the page will show the updates.

    1. Hello Tristan,

      Most probably this is because of the cache plugin. Don’t deactivate it. Please activate it and delete the cache of it and see whether the posts are showing.

      Thank You.

      1. I have done that several times. Still would not update.

        I think I found the solution. I changed the reading settings away from a static front page, cleared the cache, and then reverted it back to a static homepage. As of now, everything is updating again as it should.

    1. Hi Gladys,

      It is because your site is not reading the jQuery file. One of your plugin may have de-queued it or has a conflict with it. First of all if you are using any cache plugin please empty the cache and see if it is working.
      If it is not working –
      If you can remember the last plugin you installed please uninstall it and check whether it’s working.
      Or if you can remember the last change you made that made it not working please undo it.

      Please reply to if you couldn’t resolve it. I’ll help you.

      Thank You.

    1. Hello Vijay,

      Just add the video url to the post editor and mark that post as a video post type post.

      Thank You.

  36. Hello Pubudu, i have problem with header banner.
    I want to fix a banner to Header Ad Area .

    My image link is following scroll.
    How can i fix banner to header area?
    Thank you very much for your help.

    1. Hello Tetsuya,

      You can use Awaken 728×90 Ad Widget in the “Header Ad Area”to display a header banner.

      Thank you.

    1. Hello Robb,

      Please use the regenerate thumbnail plugin once to optimize all of your images.

      Thank You.

    1. Hello Jose,

      I checked on several devices and I couldn’t find such a huge gap. However please paste the following code in the Custom CSS code area in the customizer and save. And please let me know if this worked.

      @media only screen and (max-width: 768px) {
      .site-branding {
          height: auto;

      Thank You.

  37. How can I add Magazine1 widget on my blog? Only main sidebars and footers are available in the theme customizer. Do I need to purchase Pro? I downloaded the free version. Thanks

    1. Hi Joseph,

      Following are the list of image sizes. But you don’t have to make exact image sizes. Regenerate thumbnail plugin will crop all the images to fit following image sizes.

      Slider image size – 752px x 440px ( W x H )
      Article image( on listing pages ) size – 388px x 220px ( W x H )
      Small Thumbnail Size – 120px x 85px ( W x H )

      Thank You.

  38. Hice una consulta sobre la traducción al español y no he recibido respuesta. Por qué? Acaso no existe soporte para el tema? La consulta fue que traduje el tema al español y lo subí al sitio pero no funcionó. Me quieren decir porqué?

    I made a consultation on the translation into Spanish and I have not received a response. Why? Perhaps there is no support for the subject? The consultation was that the subject translated to Spanish and went to the site but did not work. I mean why?

  39. G’day Pubudu,

    Is there an easy way to modify the CSS settings for headings (eg. , , etc) within the theme, or do we simply modify the CSS directly?


    1. Good day Brett,

      There is not settings to do that directly from customizer. However you can directly write your modified css on Custom CSS Code area in the customizer.

      Thank You.

    1. Hello Ravi,

      Please go to Appearance > Customize > General Settings > Footer Copyright text. You can edit the footer text from there.


  40. Hello,

    My website is not a static page but a latest post, is it possible to put separators between each post, I will love that each post is framed.
    Is it possible? Thanks for your help, promise this is my last request but it is essential.

  41. last question, usefull this time, is it possible to change site’s title font ? You can change the Heading Font but not the title font.

    1. Hello Thibaut,

      I am sorry currently this is not possible directly from the Options Panel. But I will give the Awaken Pro 2.0 main update within this week. After that you will be able to do that. However for now if you want to choose a font that you have already chosen for other elements ( body or heading ) you can use that font for the site title. Just paste the following code in the custom css code area in the options panel. Use your preferred font instead of “Ubuntu”.

      .site-title {
      font-family: “Ubuntu”, sans-serif;

      Thank You.

  42. Hello, im in the pro version.

    Is it possible to change the color’s background menu ? The menu is actually in grey/black and i want to change it in white.

    Thanks a lot for your information.

  43. Hello,
    I have bought and installed awaken pro theme on my site. I have created the slider as you could see on the homepage, but I want it to take the full width of the page and show the latest posts under the slider as 3 columns layout.

    Could you please help me with that ?

  44. Hello, I need help. I had Awaken basic installed on my site (WordPress), I just bought the pro version and I need help to activate it. Can someone please help me?

    1. Dear Nimz,

      I will fix this in a theme update. However for now please paste the following css code in the Custom CSS Code area in the Awaken Options Panel. After pasting hit save.

      @media only screen and (max-width: 768px) {
      .header-ad-area {
      display: block !important;
      width: 100%;
      height: auto;
      margin: 0;


  45. Hello, is it possible to link blog categories to specific pages. So for example under BLOG menu, I have a drop down menu which has more blog categories. If I wanted only certain blog posts to show on certain pages, is this possible. Thank you

    1. Hello Enimien,

      Yes that is possible. Just go to Appearance > Menus and put categories in to your menu from the left categories section. Then drag and drop them under blog menu. Hit save. Then you are good to go.

      Thank You.

  46. Hello Pubudu,
    need your support once more.

    In my home page, I set the magazine 2 widget to display the last 5 posts. On the top of the widget, on the left you see the category name and on the right upper side, two icons
    1) the squares, for view all = working fine
    2) a arrow, for page (next page) = this one is not working. Once you click it, the widget fades and the loading animations shows, but after they disappear and nothing happens (no paging).

    Can you help me.


        1. Dear Ricardo,

          In my end I can see it’s working properly. Tried using two different browsers firefox and chrome.


  47. 1.I have problem with size of some images in feature posts: What should i do to fix this?
    2.How to choice which post i want to be added on Featured Posts and Slider?
    3.How to make clickable (images are not clickable right now) posts of Featured Posts and Slider?
    4.How can i disable Featured Posts and Slider for 2 / 3 / 4 … pages? ex:

    My site:

    I also sent you email about those questions.


    1. Hello There,

      I will answer all the questions in the same order that you have asked..

      1. That happens because some of your slider images does not has not a minimum width of 752px and 440px. Please read the last comment here to get an idea. –
      2. You can create a specific category only for slider. For example if you make a category called “Featured”, you can add posts to that category and then choose this category as the slider category. That way you can choose what posts you want to include in slider. And if you want you can make a custom slider linking to relevant posts. To create a custom slider use the custom slider feature. ( Awaken Options > Home Settings > Custom Slider ).
      3. 4. And for the third and fourth questions I will send you a Child theme which works in the that way.

      Thank You.

      1. Thank you very much, 1, 2, 3 is done, can you help me with 4th question ” 4.How can i disable Featured Posts and Slider for 2 / 3 / 4 … pages?” If i need to use your child theme, please email it to me and let me know how to fix it, Thanks very much for your help!

          1. Last question, how can i disable Featured Posts and Slider for page 2 / 3 / 4….. I need to let it active on home page only.

          2. Hello thumperdc,

            I will reply you via email. And I hope you have got the child theme also which I sent you on 20th Oct.

            Thank You.

  48. Hello, the social media buttons on the home page preview seem to be not formatted correctly. Is there a way to turn these off, as I find them somewhat redundant since there are share icons in the post body as well. Please advise, and if possible email me at

  49. Chiedo scusa anticipatamente, scrivo in italiano perchè non ho troppa dimestichezza con l’inglese. Ho risvegliato il thema awaken pro, faccio i complimenti perchè è favoloso. Ho notato una cosa io non ricevo gli aggiornamenti e sono fermo ancora alla versione 1.0.0. Oltre questo da qualche giorno la Main Sidebar dei post. non sempre mi compare a destra ma capita che esce sotto. come posso risolvere ? grazie anticipatamente.

    1. Dear Antimo,

      Mi dispiace per il ritardo di risposta. È possibile ottenere tutti gli aggiornamenti da . Il processo di installazione di aggiornamento è manuale , per ora . Ma noi implementare un sistema per ricevere automaticamente gli aggiornamenti . Daremo questa funzione entro pochi giorni . Fino a che si prega di aggiornare manualmente . La prego di spiegare che cosa è la questione sidebar ?


  50. Hello,
    just bought the them and installed it and a weird border appeared around the header and I just can’t remove it. Could you help me? I’m on a deadline to finish the blog. I can send pics with the issue (just let me know who to)


    1. IN addition to that, when I select to see all the post from a certain category, the word “CATEGORY” appears before the name of the category in the section tab. Can it be translated (to portuguese) or removed all together?


        1. Hi, would you have any news about this? Our site is close to launch and I’d like to go live with this fix.
          Thank you for all the support.

          1. Dear Ricardo,

            I have sent you the instructions 4 days ago to your email “”. If you cannot find it, please check in the spam folder also.


    2. Dear Ricardo,

      It seems you have activated the redux framework demo mode. Please go to plugins page ( Dashboard > Plugins ) and click the “Deactivate demo mode” link in the redux framework pluginn.


  51. Hi,

    I just purchased the pro theme. I recently noticed that the images within the slider are not linked to the article and only the title/text of the post is a link to the article. Is it possible to make the images themselves links as well?

    Please contact me.



  52. hello
    I have a problem… how can I reach out to you ?

    I wanna show the problem that Main slider has a problem.

    Thank you.

      1. Hi, I’m facing the same issues regarding the translation of the phrases: “YOU MAY LIKE THESE POSTS”, “Leave a comment “, “Find us on Instagram” and etc it was in my language (Portuguese). How can I change them?
        Excellent theme!

  53. Hi Pubudu
    It’s really great this theme! Congrats!

    Well… I have some question. It’s possible to translate it? I want the phrases: “YOU MAY LIKE THESE POSTS”, “Leave a comment “, “Find us on Instagram” and etc it was in my language (Portuguese);
    It would be fantastic if we could write what we want to show on.

    Another thing:
    In my layout, I want to increase the “post area”, making the sidebar smaller. How can I do that? It’s possible?

    And It’s possible to put the slider in a page? Or just in the front page?

    In a future upgrade, could you insert a Pinterest Button on Social Media?

    Thanks so much for you time
    ps: I use Awaken Pro

      1. I saw it!
        Really thank you Pubudu!
        If I have some question, I’ll return to write you!
        Thanks again and have a nice week!

  54. Hi
    If I try and add posts to magazine 1 or 2 like you’ve shown above….it doesn’t do anything.
    All my blog posts are just listed. I can’t section them off like you’ve done above and in your demo.
    Hope I’m making sense..
    Could you direct me and tell me what I might be doing wrong?

    1. Hi,

      It is not a plugin you have to customize the post content to have it like that. You have to change the code.


  55. Hi Pubudu,
    I was installing the pro version on my site, but now I see that the top menu and the main menu has a rectangular line.
    How I remove the rectangular border? Can you check in please? Thanks an advance!!

    1. Hello,

      It seems you have activated the redux framework “Demo” mode. Go to plugins > installed plugins > Redux framework and press “Deactivate Demo Mode” link.

      Note: don’t deactivate the plugin. Just deactivate the “demo mode” only.


  56. Hello. I installed the theme on my site. The problem I face is I have a static page, and I want to show that page as static. But the blog page which is in menu navigation with heading: “Nachrichten” doesn’t show blog posts anymore since theme change from a Genesis to Awaken. I also applied Magazine template. It should start showing. What am I doing wrong here?

    1. Hello,

      I guess you have selected a static page as the homepage. Same way you can choose Nachrichten page as blog posts page. You can select it from Settings > Reading Settings > Front Page Displays > A static page > Posts page > Choose Nachrichten. It will display your blog posts as demonstrated in here. If this is not the answer for your question please email –


  57. Hi Pubudu, How view Awaken theme on a phone/tablet with a same format that I see on the computer ? Thanks!

    1. It’s made to be responsive. That means it adjusts it’s layout to the particular screen. But don’t worry that doesn’t hide your content.

  58. Yes It’s OK Now, Thanks, another question, Can I see the website in a phone or tablet with the same format that I see on a pc?

  59. Hi,
    I bought Awake pro but can not find “awake folder option” in the dashboard, why that happen?

    1. Pavel,

      I can see it is working. But please make sure your images has a minimum width of 752px and a minimum height of 440px in order to work it properly. If your images are larger than that please use regenerate thumbnail plugin to crop. But if your images are smaller than that slider will not display it properly. In this case your image that you have used for “ппопоп” post, has a lower height than 440px.


  60. How to set up this theme, I want the ame exact copy of yours, but when I put a post in magazine 1 and then in magazine 2, post is not showed in the seconde widjet area only in fist one, how to do that?

    1. Hello Pavel,

      It seems now your blog page has been displayed as the homepage. And seems you have selected the no sidebar option for it from the page that you have chosen for blog. If you slowly go through the images of the “5. Magazine Homepage” section of the documentation you will be able to setup your homepage as shown. If you cannot find or seem it is difficult please contact us via I will setup your site for you.

      Thank you.

      1. Hi, could you please help me: I have Awaken pro and need to have ads on post pages inside, before and after the posts (not in the sidebars), and need the same on the pages as well.
        What can I do for this? Is it possible? I only see Magazine 1, 2, the sidebars and the Header ad.

        1. Dear Heli,

          You can use a Adsense ads plugin for that. There are plenty in the plugins directory.

          Thank You.

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