Jan 3, 2025
Because Nostradamus practiced pharmacy, a profession viewed as beneath medicine, he was dismissed from the University of Montpellier. Later, he helped plague patients and researched herbal medicines..!!
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Numerous astrologers questioned Nostradamus' forecasts, saying he lacked fundamental astrological knowledge and failed to modify them for the specifics of his clients..!!
Image Source: Freepik
Nostradamus quatrains were utilized by Nazi propaganda during World War II to persuade people that victory was certain. In response, the Allies asserted that he forecast..!!
Image Source: Freepik
Believing that history repeats itself, Nostradamus projected future events using astrology and historical events rather than making predictions about the future..!!
Image Source: Freepik
Nostradamus wrote a book about medicines and cosmetics. It featured oddball recipes designed to make people fall in love, such as a love jam with strange ingredients..!!
Image Source: Freepik
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