Oct 27, 2024
Indoor plants are more than just decor pieces that give the rooms a sense of aesthetics. Some of them also help clean the air inside your homes, and have been endorsed by NASA to do just that job! Here we mention some of them.
The spider plant is one of the most famous air-purifying plants and is known to remove carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, and other toxins from the air. This plant is also low-maintenance, perfect for beginner gardeners, and will keep the rooms fresh.
The versatile Snake plant is another one that is low-maintenance, does not need much watering or light, and is believed to remove formaldehyde, benzene, and xylene from the air.
English ivy has beautiful leaves that perfectly set the aesthetics of the indoor space. And to put a cherry on cake, English ivy is known to filter mold from moist spaces, and makes the air cleaner to breathe.
Bamboo palms are great at filtering formaldehyde and other toxins from the air, making the air around you cleaner. Plus, they add a very tropical feel to the indoor space, working as excellent decor too.
The peace lily is another plant that helps remove pollutants like ammonia, formaldehyde, and benzene from the air indoors. The beautiful white flower, glossy leaves, and low-maintenance nature make it a great choice.
Another plant that gives a very tropical feel to the indoor space is the Boston fern. It is also believed to remove any pollutants like formaldehyde from the air.
With beautiful arching leaves, that seem to flow with the wind, the Areca palm gives a very relaxed energy to the indoor space. Plus, it is said to be great at removing toxins like xylene.
The Pothos plant is also said to be excellent at filtering formaldehyde and other chemicals in the air. .
The beautiful green and pink leaves of Chinese evergreen are a delight to see. And to make things even better, they remove benzene from the air, making the air around you cleaner.
Arrowhead is an excellent plant for aesthetics and air purification. The narrow, arrow-shaped leaves make it a perfect decor plant, and by filtering the toxins in the air, it makes breathing easier.
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