With the ongoing transition of WWE Raw from cable to a streaming platform as massive as Netflix, the Chief Content Officer,
Triple H has expressed how profanity and mature content will be handled since the streaming platform gives them leniency in content guidelines. While this transition is going to offer more creative freedom, Triple H focused on the fact that
WWE attracts people of all ages worldwide and a balance must be maintained for it to be family-friendly.
Here are more insights shared by Triple H regarding the transition of content guidelines
Profanity, Freedom, and WWE Raw: Triple H Reveals What’s Next
Swear words have made their way on WWE before too but it has always been exhibited in a way that the content always remains watchable for young adults and children too. This transition of WWE is set to bring more freedom and flexibility to showcase some content that has not been so regular before. The American Networks often muted the swear words and sometimes this dimmed the effect of a moment.
While talking about the happening of muting certain chants and swear words on
The Press Box, Triple H shared his views on how he took this when he heard about muting certain words and what he realized had to be changed about it, he stated, “The first time they bleeped the ‘holy sh*t’ [chant] out of a show for us. I was like what do you mean? Because they went fully to black at one point. I was like, What do you mean they did that? They’ve never done that before. I have a live television show to get through, but when I get off the air, somebody and I are having a phone call about this because I’m out of my mind on this. It’s sort of, well, the standards and practices changed, all this stuff. I’m a little unsure about how that’ll be. I’m sure that’ll be a conversation as we move forward.”
Triple H discusses the moments of Blood and Profanity
While talking further, the Chief Content Officer recalled his time during the Attitude Era where blood and profanity were there all the time and lost its element of shock. Keeping this in mind there will definitely be some changes to the showcase of such type of content however the constant effort to maintain the balance to keep it viewer-friendly for all age groups will also be a key point.
Relating to this, Triple H stated, “I believe that profanity, I believe that blood, I believe that all those things do they all have their place? Can they be meaningful? Yes. Do them all the time, they mean nothing. You build the drama in the right way, and you add in a pinch of those things, it can be game-changing, but you have to be disciplined with them, and that’s coming from a guy that was in the Attitude Era where we started to do things in the Attitude Era that were, ‘oh, my god. Can you believe they did that?’ Then it was every match, every segment, everything, and it meant nothing. You’ve got to be disciplined with it.
So, I think Netflix presents us with some freedom to do some things, but it’s not going to be free for all. It’s not going to be….there was a moment when we first signed where people like, ‘Oh my god, they’re going to go off the rails. It’s going to be crazy.’ It’s not going to be that way. We want the product to be able to be enjoyed by everybody.”
Stone Cold Scrapped Netflix RAW Appearance Sparks Outrage Among WWE Fans WWE Raw premieres on Netflix at 8 pm ET.