Kerala high court was left stunned recently as it delved into the plight of a 39-year-old woman from Kollam, whose petition against her husband and in-laws unveiled a disturbing narrative: pressure to conceive only a “good boy child”, providing explicit instructions on how to do so on her wedding evening in 2012. She welcomed a girl child into the world in 2014, only to face relentless cruelty. Before the courtroom’s next chapter awaits, slated for Feb 29, Ashla Roy recounts her ordeal and fight for justice
A journalist recounts how she went about getting her money back after having fallen to online fraud
The two survivors who were paraded naked and allegedly raped in Manipur narrate these deeply disturbing accounts. The husband of one of the survivors, a Kargil war veteran, says, "I have seen war, fought on the frontline in Kargil. Now I find my own place more dangerous than the battlefield"
Accenture, Google, Amazon, Cisco, NetApp, Goldman Sachs, BNY Mellon, Walmart: How these organisations are making their LGBTQIA+ employees feel at home
The flash floods of 2013 reduced the temple town to rubble. A decade on, I find pilgrims trudging up a long, treacherous trail, living in tents and rooms with almost no facilities, and paying for everything through their nose
In an interview with TOI+, the actor and National Commission for Women member speaks about facing physical and mental abuse from her father at the age of eight and why victim shaming needs to end
In an open letter, the mother of a gay and gender-fluid child shares her worries about his future if he is unable to find a life companion, and explains why it’s time we recognise that every person, irrespective of gender or choices, has an equal right to love, marriage and laws that support them
TOI+ spoke to students across campuses on what pulled them to the BBC documentary on Gujarat riots after it was banned by the government. They all had the same answer – if the government tries to take away our basic freedoms, we will fight back
As a stage four cancer patient, instead of moping around, I am actively engaging with life — working, travelling with my wife and son, and trying to help people like me. There is one last dream to fulfil, but do I have enough time left?
You see it in movies and TV series like Jamtara, which revolves around a huge phishing racket that operates from a small village in Jharkhand. But you never think it will happen to you. Unfortunately, reel turned to real for me when I got this call a few days ago
Last week, the infamous 78-year-old, who is popularly known as ‘the serpent’ and ‘bikini killer’, was freed from a Nepal jail. The perfect villain of his time, what motivated him to kill? And how did he manage to live the 'resort' life in jail?
Selling a house is about brick and mortar and memories. But it’s also about money and how you can lose a whole lot if you don’t know about capital gains tax and the value of indexation. Here’s what I found out when I sold my home.
Many well-meaning people have asked us this question. The only answer we have is – If not us, then who? If not now, then when?
Frequent visits to the doctor, seeing my son suffer, or leaving the city…for me the choice was simple, a Delhiite says in this first-person account. But what about those who don’t have the luxury of choosing?
Rampant exploitation of nature in the name of progress and an obsession with building dams have radically increased the country’s vulnerability to climate change and extreme weather
On superstar Amitabh Bachchan's 80th birthday, we bring you these anecdotes shared five years ago by his co-star Rakhee Gulzar, who played both his lover as well as his mother in films
The upcoming Bollywood film "Doctor G" has triggered a conversation around male gynaecologists, a fast-shrinking tribe in India. Three practising male doctors in this lopsided medical speciality speak up about their trials and triumphs
On time, shorter flying hours, improved service... Tatas’ Air India ultra-long-haul flights are a delight in many ways. What the fleet needs is an overall cabin upgrade or newer aircraft
Friends told me not to report it. Cops said they could keep my name out. Journalists offered me anonymity. I couldn't understand — why are victims in our society made to feel guilty? This must stop
There’s a world out there that most people are only vaguely aware of — cryptocurrency investments. Here’s how I make money from it in a scientific way, keeping in mind that I can lose it all tomorrow