
Jana 🪷

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  • #443694
    Jana 🪷

    I wrote, do not respond, because I am literally terrified by your reaction. You see that I shouldn’t be a part of this forum. I also want to observe and learn… but I must find a safer place for me. It is okay! Just let’s learn from it and move on. Good bye!

    ☀️ 🪷

    Jana 🪷

    Hello Anita,

    Alessa let me know that you had left a message for me here.

    This will be very personal. I would send it to you by an e-mail, but I don’t have it. I will write to you how a sensitive stranger with deep emotional world like me can perceive you in this forum. Please, do not read this as criticism but as a part of your analysis of people – there are people like me out there online and in the real life and you might understand them better now.

    I thought it was a bit strange that you had posted in every single thread and that there were many threads which weren’t yours and you started your conversation with somebody else in them. It is against the guidelines, but nobody seemed to care, so I thought it was okay. After some time it started to feel a bit “suffocating”. I sometimes feel that other members are discouraged to take part in the forums by your constant presence because majority of threads become your conversation with one other member. For a sensitive person, it feels that this forum is controlled by you and a space for others is limited by it.

    When we started conversation, after some time, I realized that I had been afraid of you, Anita. But I supressed it because everyone appeared to respect you here and as I wrote above it seemed that you are in charge and for me it is a bit scary. I noticed that it was very easy to make you feel uncomfortable and you emphasized the topic of trauma a lot. I noticed that you got suddenly cold when I wrote something you probably didn’t like (and I didn’t understand why because I was new in this forum). It influenced me A LOT. I sometimes felt a need to write something different especially in connection to mothers, but I didn’t because I was very afraid of your reaction. I was afraid that I would without any intention to do so hurt you by my different opinion and you would get upset.

    Even though you did help me to reach internal validation (together with Alessa), I with my sensitive brain felt a bit pressured by your analytical approach and your convinction that there must be bad influence on my current problems coming from my mother. I do understand, but it is not always that case. I felt as if you insisted on it and because you are in charge and respected by everyone, I felt you must be right.

    Imagine that I was so influenced that I even wrote to Lori if I was allowed to write about my parents because I knew you read everything and I was afraid that my nice words for them and my need to reconnect with my mom more when she is now old and ill would trigger you… This is how big influence you have on somebody who is new here, very sensitive to what is happening and moreover with problems (submissive, low self-esteem, fear …) when they see you here as the one who is in control.

    When you wrote to Tommy in another thread about some old conflict, I started to search older threads trying to find the original thread. I found some posts where you were very impolite… actually really rude. I am still quite new. I didn’t know a lot about the history of this forum. And I was shocked… searching more and more, already troubled by my fear of you I thought: “This is Anita’s forum. Her personal space where she can do whatever she pleases and others must be careful and very nice to her.”

    You asked me about anger. I am calm and slow. I experience anger more as irritation which comes and goes… but when I saw how you lectured Tommy for his rudeness making him feel bad and at the same time I saw your own rude words here in older threads, I was honestly angry with you, Anita. And thank to Alessa who helped me by email, I processed it and let it go. I am not angry but I still feel a sense of unfairness…

    As a sensitive person, I feel that you as a person for a passion for analysis only need my problems to have something to analyze, which is in your words something you love to do. But actually I do not matter at all… Analysis goes over feelings…

    I do respect this. It is interesting to know people with different mindset. I know you love analyzing. It is okay. I think that even others love it (most of them)… but I just wanted to let you know that you will never really understand the person behind the problems with this approach. You cannot (and shouldn’t) put people into boxes by analyzing their words because your conclusions from your analysis weren’t always right… but some people like me get overwhelmed by it and before they process it, they might make a mistake…

    Please, do not respond. I only wanted to let you know what influence and feelings you can create in some people in reality. I thought that you didn’t realize this. I hope we both will learn a lesson from this

    ☀️ 🪷

    Jana 🪷

    Thank you for everything! I hope we will all reach the desired peace and self-compassion. .. and the enlightenment in the end. One day, one lifetime. 🌸 I will leave the forums because I do not feel safe here anymore. Remember that this is only my problem (my feeling = my problem) Stay true to yourself.

    I will let this thread open for anyone. I will not check it again, though.

    Sometimes the life path gets us somewhere but at some point the change of direction is necessary to move on and grow.

    THANK YOU for understanding and help. 🙏 I am sending a lot of ❤ and ☀️

    Bye, bye!
    Jana from Czechia

    ☀️ 🪷

    Jana 🪷

    “…This forum is a safe place for those who wish to express themselves. But, that seems to be only for the chosen few….”

    Why do I begin to feel this way, too? Why…

    ☀️ 🪷

    Jana 🪷

    I am still working on my self-compassion and in the process – during a meditation – I realized how many nice feelings I have for my parents.

    Maybe I have reached an important step on my way to self-compassion. I allowed myself to let the bad memories go. I reached a point where I realized I no longer needed these memories. (and ask Lori to delete my journal where all bad memories were…) I felt a great relief. And I smiled. And the happy memories are more bright now.

    In the future, I would like to try to help them to be more compassionate, even though I know it’s their decision. But if I express my feelings to them more, like I love them, maybe it will help my parents to heal at least a bit, too.

    ☀️ 🪷

    Jana 🪷

    You can analyse your feelings and emotions, of course. It is a part of self-compassion.

    But try not to analyse others. If we analyse others, we can actually demean their truth and experience. Because when we analyse others, we do it through our own lenses. We project our truth and experience on them. While in reality… we don’t really feel and understand them…

    Isn’t it compassion to accept people as they are without trying to fix them?

    Knowledge does not equal understanding (when we speak about people’s psyche).

    Life’s experiences, feelings and mental formations and how people experience them are completely different. We shouldn’t try to analyse others and try to explain what they feel. If we do it, we don’t understand them on a deeper level. And without this kind of understanding, there is no compassion.

    🤗 😇

    Please, go ahead. Tell your story. ❤️ I haven’t been uncomfortable with any topics you started. It is your way to self-compassion. And it is accepted and understood by me. No fixing.

    ☀️ 🪷

    Jana 🪷

    That is okay. ☀️ I only wish this thread was more about honest feelings and real experiences and less about analyzing, explaining and fixing.

    I am looking forward to reading more about your experience, feelings and emotions. But please retreat from trying to fix or analyze someone. Our lives, our experiences, our truth and our ways to self-compassion are different.

    The same, but different.

    No explaining of concepts etc. is necessary here in this thread. We are human beings and not subjects of analysis. Let’s be more open to emotions without judging and explaining how others should or shouldn’t feel. ❤️

    This is a rule of this thread for the future. 😊

    ☀️ 🪷

    Jana 🪷

    Please, respect that this thread is about self-compassion.

    ☀️ 🪷

    Jana 🪷

    Hello Anita,

    I do find myself as the one who has a different opinion, but I don’t have the urge to say it whatever it costs… without thinking about the consequences. The fact is that I am so slow that it might not be even possible to be aggressive. I mean it seems to me that confrontational people are quite hot-tempered, fire-like personalities… exact opposites of me. And that’s also why they hate me.

    I agree that it can be a result of frustration or stress, too. But I was always submissive, maybe you remember… and in very unhealthy way… a submissive escapist, avoiding a conflict… rather completely isolated than confrontational. It is not good, either. I know. That’s why I’m on my way to self-compassion and hope to find healthy assertiveness.

    I know people who are dominant but with the need to be protective. I feel better with them. But they can be unhealthy in relationships too when they become too controlling.

    ☀️ 🪷

    Jana 🪷

    Thank you for sharing your experience.

    I wonder. When I am in presence of too dominant people, I also freeze. But I am not sure what the source is… I connect this to my introversion and slow thinking.

    I call “dominant people” those people who are loud, agressive in speech/act, very moody and always in the mood of attacking (gossiping, judging, you say “A” and they have to say “B” just only to have a reason to oppose and argue…)

    ☀️ 🪷

    Jana 🪷

    I understand your anger. I will not bother you anymore. Good luck, Drew! 🙏 😊

    ☀️ 🪷

    Jana 🪷

    Hello Drew,

    Mindfulness DOES HELP with self-control.

    How long have you practiced mindfulness? Have you had any troubles while trying to be mindful in your everyday life?

    You need to go deeper into your problems. The results won’t come in a few days. Changes take time. If you feel like sharing more, we are here to help. But bear in mind that you must be open to discussion and advice.

    ☀️ 🪷

    Jana 🪷

    Hello ☀️

    I haven’t seen Pirates of the Carribean. What kind of connection did you see in the movie?

    Exactly. I choose to work with my nature, not against it. I used to have this mindset that others knew me better. They could see me from the outside and I thought that this outside view is more objective. I don’t know why I believed it. I guess it was the result of the harsh criticism I received everywhere in my social bubble and culture.

    The thought on vulnerability is great. I agree. It takes courage to be vulnerable because we expose ourselves to the threat of being hurt. I connect tenderness with vulnerability a lot. These two are interconnected. Maybe that’s why I see tenderness as “weakness” because when I am tender and thus vulnerable, bad people have an opportunity to use me as a target of their frustration.

    This is something I am still working on. I cannot defend myself without the feeling of guilt. I feel guilty to protect myself because I could hurt someone by being unskillful and I don’t want to do that. I am learning to protect myself skilfully… it is also a part of compassion and self-compassion.

    I am very happy that your self-esteem and self-compassion have improved significantly, and criticism no longer devastates you, Anita. Would you like to share more about that experience?

    I believe I have had these so called clicks, too. For example, I remember the moment when I realized that I would be in troubles if I didn’t stop using alcohol as my remedy.

    ☀️ 🪷

    Jana 🪷


    I think you should try to work with your emotions.

    What is it that makes you feel guilty? What exactly is holding you back?

    We are not able to move on without processing our emotions. It is what I have learned here and what Buddhism taught me. Try to focus on your feelings and their source.

    ☀️ 🪷

    Jana 🪷

    Hello Gabriel,

    I thought my experience could be useful for you because I am a huge introvert myself and I have been in relationship with a man with a strong need for my physical presence for almost 10 years. And I am very happy (and lucky) to have him!

    Are you sure that your anxiety is really connected to your introversion and not for example to a fear of commitment or anything else? I don’t experience anxiety when I am with my partner. He is a man I love and I enjoy his presence. It is all about working with my own energy. I don’t feel anxiety with other people (today… finally!), either. I myself would decribe the state as tiredness. I am really physically tired, feeling sleepy and a bit dull too when I socialize too much. I have rich experience with introvert hangovers.

    The issue I had from time to time was that when I felt very depleted I didn’t have any more energy for my boyfriend. Then I was kind of cold, detached even when I didn’t want to be… I let him know about this and made sure that he understands that it is not him who is the source of my tiredness but simply my low bateries.

    He is the type of person who needs a lot of touch, hugs, kisses… I do housework and he comes and hugs me. 😂 We sit together and he needs to be very close and hold my hand or stroke my hair. I mean, it is so sweet. I finally feel really loved and needed, but sometimes it was too much and I needed my space. The most important is communication – explain how you feel and make sure that your partner really understands that it is not her or her behaviour (if this is of course true in your case) which bothers you but it is your need for your personal space.

    I wrote in the past tense because we both are working on it. BOTH. It means that I also have to respect his needs, it is not only about me and my needs. I reorganized my activities so that I had more energy and time for him. I started to cherish our moments together. Mindfulness and buddhist teaching on love helped me a lot with it. I am now trying to use his energy to boost my energy and really enjoy every moment, every touch and kiss… I found out that my problem was that I used to ignore my introversion and pushed myself into activities that were depleting me and then I had no more energy for the most important person in my life…

    I suggest the same to you. Think about what exactly makes you anxious. I believe that healthy introversion is not about life in anxiety. Yes, I always become tired with people and face challenges with all the information overload, but I don’t feel strong negative emotions… introversion does not equal anxiety. It is not something wrong. It is only about our energy and how to work with it, which we need to learn in this extroverted world. The anxiety is maybe trying to tell you more about yourself.

    ☀️ 🪷

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