Cisco Security

Cisco Software Checker


Select a Method

A. Search By Release

  • {{os}}
  • {{::os}}
  • {{v}}
  • {{::v}}
  • {{::v}}
  • {{v}}
  • {{::v}}
  • {{::v}}
  • {{v}}
  • {{::v.pName}}
  • {{v}}
  • {{::v}}
  • {{::v}}
  • {{v}}
  • {{::v.pName}}
  • {{v}}
  • {{::v}}
  • {{::v}}
  • {{v}}
  • {{::v.pName}}
  • {{v}}
  • {{::v}}
  • {{::v}}
  • {{v}}
  • {{::v.pName}}
  • {{v}}
  • {{::v}}
  • {{::v}}
  • {{v}}
  • {{::v.pName}}
  • {{v}}
  • {{::v}}
  • {{::v}}
  • {{v}}
  • {{::v.pName}}
  • {{v}}
  • {{::v}}
  • {{::v}}

The maximum number of release selections is 50

The maximum number of release selections is 50

The maximum number of release selections is 50

The maximum number of release selections is 50

The maximum number of release selections is 50

The maximum number of release selections is 50

The maximum number of release selections is 50

The maximum number of release selections is 50

B. Use Show Version
Command Output

  • {{os}}
  • {{::os}}

  • {{v}}
  • {{::v.nxOsPlatformDesc}}

C. Upload a .txt file from
your local system

  • {{os}}
  • {{::os}}
  • {{v}}
  • {{::v.pName}}
  • {{v}}
  • {{::v.pName}}
  • {{v}}
  • {{::v.pName}}
  • {{v}}
  • {{::v.pName}}
  • {{v}}
  • {{::v.pName}}

Use the Browse button to locate and upload a .txt file that contains one Cisco ASA Software release per line.(max 50 releases)

Use the Browse button to locate and upload a .txt file that contains one Cisco FMC Software release per line.(max 50 releases)

Use the Browse button to locate and upload a .txt file that contains one Cisco FTD Software release per line.(max 50 releases)

Use the Browse button to locate and upload a .txt file that contains one Cisco FXOS Software release per line.(max 50 releases)

Use the Browse button to locate and upload a .txt file that contains one Cisco IOS Software release per line.(max 50 releases)

Use the Browse button to locate and upload a .txt file that contains one Cisco IOS XE Software release per line.(max 50 releases)

Use the Browse button to locate and upload a .txt file that contains one Cisco NX-OS Software release per line.(max 50 releases)

Use the Browse button to locate and upload a .txt file that contains one Cisco ACI Software release per line.(max 50 releases)

No file chosen

{{platformDesc}} {{platformDesc}} {{platformDesc}} {{platformDesc}} {{platformDesc}} Cisco IOS Cisco IOS XE Cisco NX-OS Software in ACI Mode Cisco Cisco ASA Cisco FMC Cisco FTD Software release(s) selected: for all Cisco NXOS Software Platforms for all Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) Software Platforms for all Cisco Firepower Management Center (FMC) Software Platforms for all Cisco Firepower Threat Defense (FTD) Software Platforms for all Cisco FXOS Software Platforms

{{v}}, {{v}}, {{v}}, {{v}}, {{v}}, {{v}}, {{v}}, {{v}},

The maximum number of release selections is 50

{{ v }}
{{ v }}

Select Cisco Security Advisories Impact Rating

Select Cisco Security Advisories that you are interested in searching

Please select up to 150 number of advisories.

Cisco Security Advisory Selection

No advisories found for the selected impact.

{{platformDesc}} {{platformDesc}} {{platformDesc}} {{platformDesc}} {{platformDesc}} Cisco IOS Cisco IOS XE Cisco NX-OS Software in ACI Mode software release(s) for all Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) Software Platforms for all Cisco Firepower Management Center (FMC) Software Platforms for all Cisco NXOS Software Platforms for all Cisco Firepower Threat Defense (FTD) Software Platforms for all Cisco FXOS Software Platforms Cisco ASA Cisco FMC Cisco FTD Cisco FXOS

The maximum number of release selections is 50

Please select up to 150 number of advisories.

First uncheck Security Advisory boxes and then click the Recalculate button

Check Your Cisco Software

Use the Cisco Software Checker to search for Cisco Security Advisories that apply to specific software releases of the following products: Cisco ASA, FMC, FTD, FXOS, IOS, IOS XE, NX-OS and NX-OS in ACI Mode.

To use the tool, select a product, platform (as required) and one or more releases, enter the output of the show version command, or upload a text file that lists specific releases. Then narrow the check to certain advisories, if desired.

The availability of security fixes after the End of Sale is defined in the product's End-of-Sale announcement, as explained in the Cisco End-of-Life Policy. Additional information about Cisco software updates, vulnerability rating and scoring is available in the Cisco Security Vulnerability Policy.

This tool does not provide information about Cisco IOS XR Software or interim software builds. Also note that for Cisco ASA, FMC, FTD and FXOS Software, the tool only contains vulnerability information for Cisco Security Advisories first published from January, 2022 onward, and for NX-OS Software and NX-OS Software in ACI Mode from July, 2019 onward.

Results for all previously published {{ratings}} Cisco Security Advisories
Export Selected

Export All

{{ratings}} {{result}} from the latest Cisco IOS Software Security Advisory Bundled Publication ({{bundleDate1}})

Results for all previously published {{ratings}} Cisco Security Advisories

Export Selected

Export All

Results for selected Cisco Security Advisories:

Export Selected

Export All

Show advisory list
Security Advisories That Affect This Release
Uncheck security advisory boxes and click the Recalculate button to omit advisories and redetermine vulnerability and First Fixed information.
The following results include the first fixed or not affected release that addresses all vulnerabilities in a security advisory. The availability of security fixes after the End of Sale is defined in the product's End of Sale bulletin, as explained in the Cisco End-of-Life Policy. Please refer to the Cisco Security Vulnerability Policy for additional information.
The first release in the upgrade path that addresses all vulnerabilities detailed in the advisory.
This advisory does not affect all platforms.
{{v1.firstPublished | date :'yyyy MMM dd' : 'UTC'}}
The first-fixed release for this advisory is not the same for all platforms. Search against individual platforms to determine the first-fixed release for each platform.
Some platforms do not have a first-fixed release for this advisory. Search against individual platforms to determine the first-fixed release for each platform.
The first release in the upgrade path that addresses all vulnerabilities in all selected advisories.
None of the specified Cisco Security Advisories affect the selected Cisco software release

Cisco Software Checker data is currently unavailable.


Security Check

Please enter the text correctly.

Can't read the security check?  Try another.

The information on this page is provided on an 'as is' basis and does not imply any kind of guarantee or warranty. Cisco reserves the right to change or update this page without notice, and your use of the information or linked materials is at your own risk. This tool is intended solely to query certain Cisco software releases against published Cisco Security Advisories; it does not account for enabled or disabled features. Customers whose Cisco products are provided or maintained through prior or existing agreements with third-party support organizations, such as Cisco Partners, authorized resellers, or service providers, should contact that support organization for guidance and assistance with the appropriate course of action in regards to any Cisco Security Advisory.
