Today, at the 11th International Ethics Summit organised by Etik ve İtibar Derneği (TEİD) - Ethics and Reputation Society (TEID), Dr. M. Fevzi Toksoy moderated a fireside chat with Ninette Dodoo from Freshfields. Ninette shared her valuable insights and experience in competition law compliance, highlighting recent developments in the field and addressing the key challenges faced. The conversation underlined the critical nature of competition law compliance, given its complex and ever-evolving regulatory frameworks, the risk of significant penalties, and the potential for reputational damage. With varying rules across different geographies and the peculiarity of cases, a one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work. Among the key takeaways in navigating these challenges was the emphasis on the importance of a strong tone at the top, a commitment to honesty, and the necessity of being well-prepared with a solid competition compliance programme. Special thanks to Etik ve İtibar Derneği (TEİD) - Ethics and Reputation Society (TEID) for organizing a day of insightful presentations and for bringing together distinguished speakers and an engaged audience. #ACTECON #competitionlaw #competitionlawcompliance
Leading competition law, international trade and regulations advisory services firm
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- 2003
- Uzmanlık Alanları
- Competition Law, Government Affairs & Advocacy, Merger Control, Trade Remedies, Compliance Programs, Strategic Competition Law Advisory, Regulatory Advisory ve Anti-Dumping
Çamlıca Köşkü, Tekkeci Sokak, No :3-5
Arnavutköy, Beşilktaş
İstanbul, 34345, TR
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ACTECON bunu yeniden yayınladı
We are closing the chapter on another remarkable year. We have taken on responsibilities that are "the most important" for us in the fields in which we work. Why the most important? Because in each of them there is trust in ACTECON. We experience the peace and happiness of working in the best way to repay this trust. All this comes from ACTECON's values. We strive not only to do our work, but also to touch people's lives while doing our work, and we are proud that we have achieved this goal. ACTECON is the scholarship sponsor of one of the 15 Turkish students accepted to the College of Europe. Onur Bora Hancı represents the Turkish student at the College of Europe and he is doing a great job. Many, many thanks again to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Directorate for EU Affairs, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Head of EU Affairs Ambassador @Mehmet Kemal Bozay and Ambassador Faruk Kaymakcı for allowing us to participate in the scholarship program. Lawment organized LawFest, the first law festival in Türkiye this year, and ACTECON was with Lawment as they took these first steps. We don't do what we do just once. In 2025, we will meet again with law students from all over Türkiye. This year, ACTECON also launched its first #CareerWorkshop, where we spent 12 enriching weeks mentoring 20 ambitious students. Sharing lessons about life and the legal profession was as inspiring for us as it was for them. We’ll be back in 2025 for another round of workshops. Our children’s books, #TheSecretAgreement and #TheGreatestArtist, on competition law and ethics have now reached over 30,000 kids worldwide. This year, we personally delivered them to children in Kenya and hosted competition seminars with elementary school students in Aliağa and Düzce. These young minds are the future, and in 2025, we will be reaching even more children to share our love for fairness and competition. We would run everywhere for this purpose. #ProjectEverest gave us the most exciting 2.5 months of our lives. Tunç Fındık and ACTECON went to the summit of #Everest to raise awareness about climate change and the responsibility of each individual and organization. Because our goals are always the summits, and we all have to do something to protect our world. Tunç captured every moment of this climb with his photographs, and together with #ArtOn we made this climb accessible to everyone. We shared the proceeds of our photo exhibition with the Sivil Toplum için Destek Vakfı. Behind all these achievements are the trust, contribution and support of our partners, colleagues, and friends. To each of you: Thank you. Here’s to a 2025 filled with new heights, shared success, and impactful work. Happy New Year from all of us at ACTECON! 🎉 #ACTECON #competition #ethics #Everest #thesecretagreement #thegreatestartist #Lawfest
ACTECON Kariyer Atölyesi'nin dokuzuncu oturumu 19 Aralık tarihinde gerçekleşti! Oturumun ilk kısmında Counsel'ımız Can Sarıçiçek ve Kıdemli Danışmanımız Özlem Başıböyük Coşkun ile dijital pazarları ve bu pazarlarda yaşanan rekabet hukuku sorunlarını irdeledik, bu sorunların çözümü için bir öneri olarak ortaya çıkan Dijital Pazarlar Yasası (DMA)'nı ele aldık. İkinci kısımda ise TEB Asset Management CEO'su Yagiz Oral ile keyifli bir kariyer yolculuğu sohbeti gerçekleştirdik. Davetimizi kabul ederek atölye katılımcılarımızla kıymetli tecrübelerini paylaştığı için kendisine teşekkür ederiz. #ACTECONKariyerAtölyesi #ACTECON #competitionlaw #TurkishDMA
On the 7th of December, our Counsel Erdem Aktekin and our Associate Seda Eliri engaged with law students at the 7th edition of the Career in Law Summit organised by Bilkent Üniversitesi Kariyer Merkezi. During the interactive session, they shared valuable insights about ACTECON's core values, work culture, and areas of expertise. The session provided practical advice to help students navigate the early stages of their legal careers. We would like to thank Bilkent Üniversitesi Kariyer Merkezi for the seamless organisation. #ACTECON #competitionlaw #rekabethukuku
The Turkish Competition Authority imposed a record fine on #Google for abusing its dominant position through self-preferencing practices in the publisher advertisement server market. The decision highlights the TCA's continued focus on #BigTech in digital markets. Read ACTECON's article by Ertugrul Can Canbolat, Can Yıldız, Yavuz S. Yıldız and Ali Katoğlu on Concurrences! #competitionlaw #Turkishcompetitionlaw
ACTECON Kariyer Atölyesi’nin sekizinci oturumu 16 Aralık tarihinde gerçekleşti! Bu oturumda Counsel’ımız Erdem Aktekin ve Kıdemli Danışmanımız Ayberk Kurt, Rekabet Hukuku kapsamında birleşme ve devralmalar konusunu teorik ve pratik boyutlarıyla ele aldı. Katılımcılara yoğun ilgileri ve değerli katılımları için teşekkür ederiz. #ACTECONKariyerAtölyesi #ACTECON #Turkishmergercontrol
The Turkish Competition Authority adopted the "technology undertaking exception" in the #mergercontrol regime in 2022. As 2024 comes to a close, it’s a good time to evaluate the outcomes of its first two years of implementation. Read ACTECON’s article by Bahadir Balki and Ayberk Kurt on Lexology - #ACTECON #competitionlaw #Turkishmergercontrol
What have the first two years of “technology undertaking exception” shown us?
ACTECON olarak parçası olmaktan büyük keyif aldığımız İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Hukukta Kariyer Günleri etkinliğine bu sene Counsel’ımız Caner K. Çeşit ve Bilgi Üniversitesi mezunu Kıdemli Danışmanımız Ayberk Kurt ile katıldık. Genç hukukçu adaylarıyla hem rekabet hukukuna hem de danışman avukatlık kariyerine dair sohbet ettik. Bu keyifli organizasyon için İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Kulubü'ne teşekkür ederiz. #ACTECON #rekabethukuku Istanbul Bilgi University
The Turkish Competition Authority (TCA) has published its much-anticipated Guidelines on Competition Infringements in Labour Markets. The adoption of the Guidelines is a significant step towards enhancing clarity regarding the TCA’s enforcement priorities in labour markets. Read ACTECON's article by Erdem Aktekin, Ayberk Kurt, Seda Eliri and Ece Ulusoy on Wolters Kluwer: Antitrust and Competition Law Blog: #labourmarkets #competitionlaw #ACTECON #Turkishcompetitionlaw
Turkish Competition Authority Sheds Lights on Labour Markets - Kluwer Competition Law Blog
ACTECON Kariyer Atölyesi’nin yedinci oturumu 12 Aralık tarihinde gerçekleşti. Uyum konusuna odaklandığımız bu oturumda, Knowledge Counsel’ımız Hanna Stakheyeva ile uyum ilkelerini, Etik ve İtibar Derneği (TEİD) - Ethics and Reputation Society (TEID) Genel Sekreteri Neslihan Yakal ve Eğitim Koordinatörü Bahar Karacar ile kurumsal etik ve uyum yönetimini ele aldık. Bir sonraki oturumumuz Rekabet Hukuku kapsamında birleşme ve devralmalar konusu üzerine 16 Aralık günü (bugün) gerçekleşecektir. Tüm katılımcılarımızı aramızda görmekten mutluluk duyarız. #ACTECONKariyerAtölyesi #ACTECON #TEİD #compliance #competitionlaw #Turkishmergercontrol