Together with the Vehbi Koç Vakfı / Vehbi Koç Foundation, we are developing a comprehensive guide for establishing container settlements in the aftermath of natural disasters. Led by Form&Seek partner and Social Impact Director Aylin Durmaz, a key milestone of this initiative was the Hope Cities 2025 Workshop, which brought together leading experts from the public sector, civil society, and private sector—individuals and teams with deep field experience and impactful work in disaster response and urban resilience. The day opened with Prof. Naci Görür, who shared insights from his latest book, “Deprem Dirençli Kentler: Bir Yol Haritası”. Following this, field researchers and experts (PORTA Eğitim ve Psikolojik Danışmanlık, Mud On Shoes Research - London&İstanbul) presented critical data and key insights on temporary social housing. Building on these perspectives, we launched into an intensive three-hour workshop where we examined existing field experiences and collaboratively outlined key steps for better preparedness and coordination in future disaster scenarios. This work is a step towards building more resilient, adaptable, and human-centered post-disaster communities. #hopecityguide #containercityguide #socialdesign #systemsdesign #hopecities #Vehbikocvakfi #Formandseek