We provided "refresher training" to Obstacle Management System users. We wish you good work and success, Kyrgyzstan. 🇰🇬
Haritaevi Aviation
Hava Yolları ve Havacılık
Ankara, Çankaya 6.093 takipçi
We are working for safer airports and aviation
At Haritaevi Aviation Engineering Inc., we are a high-value engineering company delivering services in the aviation sector at international standards. Our goal is to contribute to the industry's growth by making airports safer and more efficient while positioning ourselves as a pioneer in this field. With an innovative approach in accordance with ICAO, FAA, EASA and Eurocontrol Standards, we closely follow technological advancements and aim to make a difference in the sector with solutions aligned with digital transformation processes. Our headquarters is located in Ankara, and we operate through a total of four offices, including branches in Istanbul and Bucharest. However, with our extensive expertise and dedication, we are capable of providing services anywhere in the world. We are proud to serve clients in countries such as Romania, the USA, Malaysia, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Iraq, Libya, and Turkiye. Our Services & Solutions: Airport Safety Audits Aeronautical Studies Shielding Studies Electronic Terrain and Obstacle Data (eTOD) Vertical Obstacle Data Biodiversity and Wildlife Management Airport Noise & Environment Solutions Obstacle Management Software (Obstacle Analyze) Air Traffic Forecast Airport Capacity Simulations Airport Design and Engineering Solutions GIS Softwares (Aero Data Market) AIXM Management Software (AIXM Management System) Aerodrome Mapping Database (AMDB) Aerodrome Surface Routing Network (ASRN) Aerodrome Charts (Type A, Type B, PATC) Digital Notam (DNOTAM)
- Web Sitesi
Haritaevi Aviation için harici link
- Sektör
- Hava Yolları ve Havacılık
- Şirket büyüklüğü
- 11 - 50 çalışan
- Genel Merkez
- Ankara, Çankaya
- Türü
- Özel Şirket
- Kuruluş
- 2006
- Uzmanlık Alanları
- Airport Safety Review, Aeronautical Studies, Shielding Studies, Traffic Forecast, Engineering Analyses, eTOD, Airport Simulation, e-Obstacle, Havalimanı Emniyet Analizi, Havacılık Çalışması, Gölgeleme Çalışması, Trafik Tahmin, Mühendislik Analizleri, Havalimanı Simülasyonu, e-Mania, bigdata, Veri İşleme, Büyük Veri ve Data Processing
2159. Sokak
Maidan İş Merkezi
Ankara, Çankaya 06530, TR
Haritaevi Aviation şirketindeki çalışanlar
We joined an inspiring meeting with Turkish Airlines TERMINAL into EUREKA Investment Readiness Programme. Thank you for information about targets. ✈️
28-29 April 2025, Dalaman TÜRKİYE. We will wait for all delegates and visitors. https://lnkd.in/egnn7Hyi
Özbekistan, Azerbaycan ve Türkiye iş forumuna katıldık. Teşekkürler TOBB ve Export and Investment Promotion Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan – AZPROMO ve @investuzbekistan.
Haritaevi Aviation bunu yeniden yayınladı
🇦🇿 Azerbaycan'daki yas, Türkiye'deki yasımızdır. Hayatını kaybedenlere rahmetler diliyorum. Yaralılara acil şifalar diliyorum. Teknolojiler, barış ve uygarlık için kullanılmalıdır.
Bu gün Bakı aeroportunda J2-8243 nömrəli Bakı-Qroznı reysinin qəzaya uğraması nəticəsində həyatlarını itirən pilotlar İqor Kşnyakin, Aleksandr Kalyaninov və təyyarə bələdçisi Hökumə Əliyeva ilə vida mərasimi keçirilib. Mərasimdə Azərbaycan Respublikasının Prezidenti İlham Əliyev və birinci xanım Mehriban Əliyeva, ekipaj üzvlərinin ailələri, dövlət rəsmiləri və AZAL əməkdaşları iştirak ediblər. Həlak olan ekipaj üzvləri II Fəxri xiyabanda torpağa tapşırılıblar. Onların cəsur və fədakar xidmətləri heç vaxt unudulmayacaq. Allah hər birinə rəhmət eləsin, ruhları şad olsun! *** A farewell ceremony was held today at Baku Airport for the pilots Igor Kshnyakin, Aleksandr Kalyaninov, and flight attendant Hokuma Aliyeva, who tragically lost their lives in the crash of the flight numbered J2-8243 on the Baku-Grozny route. The ceremony was attended by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva, the families of the crew members, state officials, and AZAL employees. The deceased crew members were laid to rest in the Second Alley of Honor. Their brave and selfless service will never be forgotten. May they rest in peace, and may their souls be blessed!
Our prayers for the victims... Our prayers for the people of South Korea... Our prayers for Jeju Air Haritaevi Aviation completed a lot of Aeronautical Studies of different Airports for ICAO Annex 14 Article 4.2.20. The risk of disaster in this accident could have been reduced with detections and precautions. We recommend that all airlines urgently conduct Risk Analyses for the airports they use as bases and take action. https://lnkd.in/dhJwmrvi
Bu gün AZAL üçün son dərəcə ağır və faciəli bir gündür. Aktau şəhəri yaxınlığında “Embraer-190” təyyarəsinin qəzaya uğraması nəticəsində həyatını itirən sərnişinlərə və ekipaj üzvlərinə Allahdan rəhmət diləyir, ailələrinə, yaxınlarına dərin hüznlə başsağlığı veririk. Onların ağrısı bizim də ağrımızdır. Xəsarət alanlara tez bir zamanda şəfa arzulayırıq. Today is a tragic day for AZAL. We extend our deepest condolences with profound sorrow to the families and loved ones of the passengers and crew members who lost their lives in the crash of the Embraer-190 aircraft near the city of Aktau. We pray for God's mercy upon them. Their pain is our pain. We wish a speedy recovery to the injured. Сегодня для AZAL — чрезвычайно тяжелый и трагический день. Мы скорбим вместе с семьями и близкими пассажиров и членов экипажа, погибших в результате крушения самолета Embraer-190 близ города Актау, и выражаем им глубокие соболезнования. Их боль — это наша боль. Желаем скорейшего выздоровления пострадавшим.
Firstly Safety! Congrats to Antalya Airport ARFF Team of Turkish State Airport Authority. 💯 Operation in less than 60 seconds. Emergency evacuation success in less than 10 minutes. 👏 Zero death and zero injuries. dhmi Devlet Hava Meydanları İşletmesi Genel Müdürlüğü T.C. Ulaştırma ve Altyapı Bakanlığı https://lnkd.in/dsS5x3zF
"Blockchain can store critical information such as location information, height information, and update dates of these obstacles in an unalterable structure." Selim SEZER So visionary and so cool ⚡️ https://lnkd.in/dEaxTAgC