Together, we look towards the future and set out to discover optimal solutions, not only for today, but for the future. Together, we move forward because innovation doesn't happen by chance; it's formed from inspiration, knowledge, and experience. In all of this, it's the people who make a difference. Find out how we re-think the future of lubrication and beyond: #TogetherBeyondLubrication #KlüberLubrication a brand of Freudenberg
Klüber Lubrication
Kimyasal Üretim
Yenilikçi tribolojik çözümler için global uzmanınız
Klüber Lubrication – your global specialist Klüber Lubrication tüm endüstri dallarında ve bölgesel pazarlardaki müşterilere yüksek performanslı özel yağlayıcılar tedarik ederek uzman tribolojik çözümler sunmaktadır. Müşterilerimiz, ekipman, bileşen, modül, makine ve sistem üreticileri ile bu ekipmanları kendi üretim ve işletmelerinde kullanan tüm şirketlerdir. İddialı teknik konseptlerimiz ve deneyimli, yetkin kadromuzla, 90 yılı aşkın bir süredir verimli yüksek performanslı yağlar üreterek artan talepkar gereksinimleri karşılıyoruz. Yenilikçi çözümler geliştiriyor ve sürdürülebilirliğin itici gücü olarak bireysel iş hedeflerinize ulaşmanıza yardımcı oluyoruz. Klüber Lubrication, bir Freudenberg Chemical Specialties iştiraki ve bir Freudenberg Group şirketidir. Künye:
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- 1.001-5.000 çalışan
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- München
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- 1929
- Uzmanlık Alanları
- Speciality Lubricants, Tribological Solutions, Lubrication, Hydro Lubricants, Lubricant sprays, Oils, Greases, Pastes, NSF H1, Efficiency, Lubricant dispenser, Tribometry, Lubricating greases, Lubricating oils, Lubricants ve MOSH MOAH
Klüber Lubrication şirketindeki çalışanlar
Klüber Lubrication bunu yeniden yayınladı
Global availability of Specialty Marine Lubricants means significant cost savings for your business, improved efficiency, and optimized operations. At Wilhelmsen Ship Service, we pride ourselves on meeting your demands with our extensive global network. With access to over 2,200 port destinations worldwide, we ensure that your Speciality Marine Lubricants are always available when and where you need them! 👉 For more information, contact us #KLüberLubrication #MarineLubricants #SpecialtyLubricants #MarineIndustry #MarineIndustry
🤝 80% CO2eq reduction through Klüber Lubrication China perseverance on green electricity. 🤝 In 2020 we at Klüber Lubrication decided on an action plan how to reduce our global CO2eq emissions by 75% until 2025. One key element here was the switch from Klüber China to own solar and/or green electricity. This proved to be a lot more difficult than expected due to local restrictions, availability, and other issues. However, our Chinese team undertook many attempts… and never gave up! Finally, they could achieve 50% green electricity in 2024 and 100% for 2025. “This is pushing our global CO2eq reduction since 2019 finally over the 80% mark – a success the Klüber China team (photo 1, together with Stella Rochlitzer) has made possible. And again, we are underlining our sustainability leadership as we are fulfilling customer requests at an early stage”, says our Sustainability Manager Markus M.J. Hermann while thanking project leader and footprint coordinator Ruipeng Yang (photo 2). #KlüberLubrication a brand of Freudenberg
¡Atención a todos los profesionales de la industria eólica! Descubra cómo nuestros biolubricantes mejoran el funcionamiento de las turbinas eólicas. Nuestro informe técnico destaca las ventajas medioambientales y el rendimiento superior de nuestros lubricantes biodegradables: 🌿 Protegen el medio ambiente en caso de fugas, 💡 Reducen los costos de mantenimiento y los tiempos de inactividad, 🛠️ Mejoran su huella de CO2 con fuentes de materias primas renovables. Respaldados por pruebas exhaustivas y apoyados por nuestra experiencia en sectores sensibles, está demostrado que nuestros biolubricantes ofrecen unos resultados excepcionales. Descargue ya nuestro informe técnico para obtener más información: #KlüberLubrication a brand of Freudenberg
Supplier, technology leader, long-term partner - the roles we take on for our customers are many and varied. What makes us so special? Let's ask one of our customers to tell us more about their cooperation with Klüber. You can find out more about how we stand by your side here: #KlüberLubrication a brand of Freudenberg
Our Gear Lubrication Specialist, Benedikt Siewerin, will be speaking at Lubricant Expo North America about a game-changing innovation we have driven further together with Hilti Group: For years, water-based lubricants have been facing challenges in roller bearings – until now. Thanks to new advancements, they can work efficiently in selected gearboxes with standard bearings. A huge step towards sustainable lubrication solutions! Join Benedikt in Detroit, where he shares his findings from laboratory tests to tests with real gearbox applications. 📅 19th March 2025, 14:15 – 15:30, Track 2 Don’t miss it! Edit: Sharp eyes might have spotted a little date mix-up in the image. The right date is in the post: 19th March! #KlüberLubrication a brand of Freudenberg
Usuwanie pozostałości z łożysk tocznych wydłuża ich żywotność, zwiększa niezawodność, zmniejsza zapotrzebowanie na konserwację i obniża koszty poprzez minimalizację przestojów. Brzmi świetnie? Nasz Market Manager Oliver Bogen też tak uważa! Dowiedz się więcej o naszym specjalnym smarze płuczącym do łożysk tocznych w tym filmie: #KlüberLubrication a brand of Freudenberg
Klüber Lubrication bunu yeniden yayınladı
Elijah McCoy's lubricating oil cup revolutionized railroad steam engines, making 'The Real McCoy' a name synonymous with excellence. Today, Klüber Lubrication carries forward this legacy, supplying specialty lubricants to the automotive and railroad industries. This #BlackHistoryMonth, we celebrate McCoy's contributions and ingenuity. #Innovatingtogether #BlackHistoryMonth #Stillcurious #InnovationInEverydayLife
Sustainability & HSE are top priorities for us at Klüber Lubrication. Today's understanding of sustainability has evolved to include not only environmental aspects but also social and economic dimensions. It is also applied to topics such as climate protection, resource efficiency, corporate responsibility, and economic stability. This holistic approach covers the entire value chain in our responsibility, from the CO2 emissions of our suppliers and our company (footprint), to the performance of our products in our customers' applications (handprint), and their final disposal. Our commitment to sustainability runs deep – so much so that we’ve established a dedicated HSE/Sustainability department which reports directly to the Management Board. The team around Stella Rochlitzer and Markus M.J. Hermann ensures clear goals and seamless coordination across the company. #KlüberLubrication a brand of Freudenberg
L’élimination des résidus des paliers à roulement prolonge leur durée de fonctionnement, améliore leur fiabilité, réduit les besoins d’entretien et diminue les coûts en réduisant les périodes d’arrêt. Ne trouvez-vous pas cela formidable ? Notre responsable des marchés Oliver Bogen le pense aussi ! Découvrez dans cette vidéo notre graisse de rinçage spéciale à appliquer sur les paliers à roulement : #KlüberLubrication a brand of Freudenberg