RichWave Technology Corp (4968)

RichWave Technology Corp (4968)


台灣台北市 1,089 位關注者

Founded in 2004, RichWave is devoted to RF IC development and design. Our product lines include RF front-end components


RichWave Technology Corp (4968) is a semiconductors company based out of Taipei City, Taiwan.

201-500 名員工
IC Design


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    114 TW台灣台北市

  • 3F No. 1 Alley 20, Lane 407, Sec. 2, Tiding Blvd, Taiepi, 114, Taiwan


RichWave Technology Corp (4968)員工


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    #TESDC2024 The 22th annual event, Taiwan ESD and Reliability Conference (TESDC-2024) held by Taiwan ESD association (T-ESDA) was great indeed. The conference focus on the ESD protection and reliability related technologies. #RichWave actively network with ESD professionals, as well as gain access to advance ESD expertise. Very proud that our colleagues, Ph.D. CJ Chao and Joseph Pai are listed as Technical Program Committee and chairing major conference sessions. In addition, Joseph Pai was honored TESDC-2023 BEST Paper Award, continuously publish new paper and presenting at 2024 conference. This two-day event was filled with interesting interactions, valuable insights, and exchange new ideas to accelerate chip development, enhance reliability and performance. 👏 👏 👏 #ESD #CDM #semiconductor #3D #EDA #reliability #testing #chiplet #SiGEHBT #ICDesign 【2024 台灣靜電放電防護技術暨可靠度技術研討會】 由台灣靜電放電防護工程學會 (T-ESDA) 主辦的第22屆台灣靜電放電防護技術暨可靠度技術研討會 (TESDC -2024),該一年一度的盛會聚焦在積體電路設計、半導體製程、製造環境靜電放電防制、以及可靠性測試方法標準化等全面討論,在本屆 2天的研討會中,可看到國內外各方先進發表相關技術的研究與實作成果,所有與會人士在研討會期間進行密集技術交流、分享重要資訊,以期加速半導體開發、增強可靠度技術及性能,或尋得專業問題的解決方法。 立積研發同仁趙傳珍博士及白景堯,任 T-ESDA 技術議程委員會成員,受邀參加這場台灣最具規模、最專業的研討會,並在本屆研討會中,分別擔任專業課程講授及技術論文研討會之主席。此外,白景堯繼榮獲 TESDC-2023 最佳論文獎後,本次研討會也持續公開發表最新論文 「設計SiGe HBT靜電放電防護電路」,展現立積半導體核心研發技術,ESD設計與應用的深厚實力。 👏 👏 👏

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    🌱 Building a Greener workplace Towards Net Zero Green Living 🌱 🏢 🌲 Green office is becoming a lifestyle with a focus on eco-friendly working, energy conservation, and environmental awareness toward sustainability in the workplace. Recently #RichWave joined Green Office Program, a sustainability platform lead by Ministry of Environment (Taiwan). We've been certified as a ✨green partner✨ to incorporate sustainable practices into our day-to-day operations by reducing energy consumption, adding office plants, implementing reduce/reuse/recycle programs, sustainable transportation, green procurement, and engaging employees in green initiatives. 🍀 Sustainable office spaces are shaping the future of work. As RichWave increasingly prioritize environmental responsibility, 📌our goal is to set a more sustainable and prosperous future for businesses, employees, and the environment alike. #GreenOffice #SustainableBusiness #EcoFriendly #EnergyEfficiency #Sustainability #GreenWorkspaces #Wellbeing #GreenPartner #ZeroCarbon 🌱 響應綠色辦公 邁向淨零綠生活 🌱 🏢 🌲 氣候變遷是近年全球最關注的永續議題, #立積電子 主動參與環境部所推動 "淨零綠生活 – 綠色辦公", 從節約能資源, 源頭減量、綠色採購、環境綠美化、宣導倡議 5大指標, 響應其綠色環保措施, 包括辦公室節能減廢、資源回收再利用、環境綠美化、向同仁宣導綠生活訊息、辦舉淨山水或植樹等環保行動。我們也順利通過環境部之衡量標準, 成為✨"綠色夥伴"✨的一員。 🍀打造綠色低碳空間已成為未來辦公模式, 我們會持續深化環保知識與減碳活動並成為辦公日常, 📌期許為企業、員工和所處環境創造一個更永續和繁榮的未來!

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    📢 🏆 Honored to receive the prestigious "BEST RFIC SUPPLIER 2023" by #Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. 👏🎉 We are particularly proud to be awarded for the third year in a row 🥇🥇🥇!! Congratulations to #RichWave outstanding team whose passion and expertise have made this remarkable achievement. 👍🤩 This esteemed recognition underscores our unwavering commitment to delivering the highest quality products, backed by industry expertise, innovation and breakthrough technology of our entire team, who tirelessly strive to uphold rigorous high standard validation and ensure timely deliveries. We appreciate Murata Mfg. Co., Ltd. for entrusting us as key partner in their business. 🤝🎯  At RichWave, our dedication to excellence continues to drive success, growth, and fruitful in every partnership! 💪✨ #bestsupplieraward #bestrficsupplier #award #RichWave #success #partnership #RFIC #vendors 📢 🏆 立積電子 榮膺村田製作所(Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Murata) 公佈「2023年最佳 RFIC 供應商」殊榮,👏🎉這是我們連續3年 (2021, 2022, 2023) 蟬聯第一 🥇🥇🥇!! 恭喜立積團隊憑藉專注堅持的精神和核心技術能力,讓我們能達到這意義非凡的重大成就!!👍🤩 在2023年度供應商評比中,立積電子在消費性產品及車用產品類別,皆取得所有供應商排名第一。立積以研發技術、品質、交付、支援服務等評比項目的優秀表現,取得最高分評價。能贏得客戶高度認可並享有此特殊榮耀,在於立積以持續開發新產品新技術、嚴格高標準產品驗證,及確保即時交付與技術支援。🤝🎯 我們會持續成長、創新、改善,並與每位合作夥伴實現最佳表現!💪✨

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    📣 So proud to unveil RichWave third annual #ESGreport ! 🌱 We've come a long way the past three years making significant strides in our commitment to sustainability and responsible business practices. 📗This report showcases outstanding initiatives and projects that we've been worked tirelessly to uphold robust governance principles, minimize our environmental footprint ♻️ 💧 while in increasing the positive impact we make on our stakeholders and communities in which we operate. 🤝 We encourage you to review our 🍀 2023 ESG report and join us on our journey towards a more inclusive, equitable, and sustainable world for all! 🌍 🌈 🔗 Click on the link to read the report : #ESG #ESGReport #Sustainability #Environment #Governance #richwave #governance #enrivonment #socialresponsibility 📣 立積電子 2023年ESG報告書!🌱 這是我們自2021年起連續第三年發佈永續報告書! 過去三年來, 立積一直努力不懈, 全面深化永續行動與理念,也讓我們在企業永續發展與經營管理上獲得很大的成效。📗本報告展現立積制定具整體考量的前瞻永續策略及專案計劃,並逐項實踐公司穩固治理責任、減少環境碳足跡,♻️ 💧 及加強對員工、利害關係人和社區關懷的 ESG 目標,同時展現我們積極承擔企業永續發展責任的決心。🤝 歡迎各位閱讀立積電子永續報告書,我們期許打造一個公平、包容和永續發展的未來 ! 🌍 🌈 👉 請點選報告書連結:

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  • 👩🎨RichWave Art Sponsoring 👨🎨 【SURGING WAVE – 2024 International Exchange of Art】 RichWave Technology sponsors for the art exhibition "Surging Wave - 2024 International Exchange of Art", opening July 11, at Taoyuan Arts Center in Taoyuan City, Taiwan. The theme focus on 🎨 🖌 "ink painting” which bringing together artists from around the world by presenting 140 artworks that showcase a variety of cultures, styles, concepts, media, and subjects to form the unique creations of "Ink Art". RichWave is dedicated to promoting premier art activities that are available for everyone to bring art and culture into our leisure-time. A great preasure for RichWave to join the opening ceremony and meet these talent artists. The exhibition runs until July 28. Welcome all art lovers and individuals to enjoy the show and discover the infinite possibilities of contemporary ink art. 👋👋 Read more ➡ 👩🎨 立積電子邀民眾訪桃園展演中心 共賞國際藝術饗宴 👨🎨 由立積電子贊助支持的《湧動墨潮-類水墨2024國際交流展》, 於7/11在桃園展演中心盛大登場。本次展覽以 🎨 🖌「類水墨」為題,集結各國共99位藝術家,展出當代水墨、蠟彩、絹畫、漆畫、油畫等140幅作品,風格多元,內容豐富。立積持續推廣各類優質藝術活動,致力普及藝文欣賞,提倡藝術文化的休閒生活。本次開幕式貴賓及藝術家雲集,立積電子也獲邀出席致詞。本次展覽展期至7/28, 我們誠摯歡迎藝術同好及各界人士觀展,共同見證當代水墨藝術的無限可能。👋👋 相關聯結 ➡ #richwave #ArtExhibition #exhibition #ESG #sustainability #ESGforCulture

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  • 🎉 ECOVADIS BRONZE MEDAL FOR RICHWAVE 🏅 RichWave was awarded the bronze medal in the sustainability audit by #EcoVadis, one of the world's leading providers of sustainability. We scored above the industry average based on its significantly stricter criteria of assessment standards. This award of the bronze medal in the Ecovadis rating is definitely a highly recognition and incentive for our activities in the area of sustainability. 🎉 立積電子榮獲 2024年EcoVadis銅牌勳章 🏅 立積電子在歐美系客戶重視的全球供應鏈永續發展評鑑平台 – EcoVadis 之永續發展審查中榮獲銅牌勳章! 我們在嚴格的評估標準中取得在企業前35%排名。本次獲得 Ecovadis 優異評級是對我們在永續發展的各項執行活動所給予高度認可與激勵,我們會持續努力! #ecovadis #sustainability #ESG #richwave  

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    RichWave Technology hosted the Martindale students and faculty to share the insights on RichWave's founding in RFIC designs, major milestones, technical capability and business operations. Also presenting an informative sessions to the challenge and overcoming we experienced while Taiwan positioned as the global leader in semiconductor industry. We expect this enterprise visit will help young talents to expand their high-tech visions, explore overseas careers, and strengthen international communications. 😊👍 美國賓州理海大學馬丁代爾中心「馬丁代爾學生榮譽計劃」2024年擇選台灣進行深度拜訪及研究,立積電子身為國際重要IC設計公司, 很榮幸成為企業參訪行程之一,並與訪問團分享立積RFIC創業理念、發展歷程、技術實力及事業經營,並對談台灣身為半導體產業領先者所面臨的挑戰與克服。期望透過本次參訪幫助青年學子拓展高科技視野、探索海外職涯,並深化國際交流。😊👍 #richwave #martindalecenterlehigh #RFIC #semiconductor

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    📢 We are live at 2024 Rohde & Schwarz Wireless Innovation Day! Presenting 🤳 RTC66937 WiFi-7 6GHz Non-Linear Front End Modules and getting the best out of Wi-Fi7 with RichWave RF Solutions . Stop by and talk to our experts on timing. Booth5 in Taipei Marriott Hotel. 🏃♂️ 🏃♀️ 📢 立積電子受邀參加 2024 R&S Wireless Innovation Day 台灣羅德史瓦茲通訊技術研討會,我們正在展示 🤳RTC66937 WiFi-7 6GHz 非線性前端射頻模組之實測演示,歡迎大家親臨現場和立積同仁做技術分享, 感受Wi-Fi7的全新速度體驗 🏃♂️ 🏃♀️ 📆 2024/5/31 (Fri.) 09:00-16:00, 台北萬豪酒店5樓 #richwave #WiFi7 #RF #wireless #connectivity

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    【CEO INTERVIEW 🎬 】in an exclusive interview with #TheJapanTimes –Taiwan Report May 20, 2024, Shyh-Chyi Wong, Founder & President of #RichWave Technology Corporation, sharing her leadership journey of expanding RichWave's unique full-RFFE capability in creating comprehensive, revolutionary RF wireless solutions. President Wong also highlights RichWave is uniquely positioned in integrating impactful technology into product design to become a leader in RFFE.  Link to interview: 【CEO 專訪 🎤 】立積電子創辦人兼總經理王是琦接受日本時報-台灣報導的獨家專訪 (2024年5月20日發行),分享她帶領立積一路走來的公司發展歷程,一方面擴大立積獨特的射頻前端技術能力,同時建立完整創新性的射頻通信解決方案。王總經理也強調,立積掌握射頻關鍵技術並整合至產品設計,充分發揮其獨特產品定位優勢,成為當今射頻前端市場的領先者。 連結專訪報導: #richwave #ceointerview #leadership #RFFE

    RichWave Technology: Leading the way with impactful technology

    RichWave Technology: Leading the way with impactful technology

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    📢 RichWave Ranks Top100 Patent of Taiwan IPO in 2023 🎉 Taiwan Intellectual Property Office (TIPO) announced the statistical rankings for patent applications filed and patent grants in 2023. For 5th consecutive year, RichWave recognized among the Top100 in two items : domestic invention patent applications (ranked 72 with 32 cases ), and publication of granted invention patents ( raked 74 with 30 cases). We're committed to investing in new and innovative technology through our scientific expertise in physics and engineering, which brings effective wireless solutions that address customer requirements with the most advanced RF front end modules and components, deriving our industry leadership from passion, persistence, and engineering insights that enables new horizons in mobile networks and wireless communications. ~Invention is the result of trial and success over the endeavor to solve unanswered challenges. ~ 📢 立積電子榮登 經濟部智慧財產局(TIPO) 公佈 2023年百大專利排名 🎉 在「本國法人發明專利」及「本國法人發明專利公告發證」項目, 立積獲百大排名,這已經是我們連續五年蟬聯!! 立積堅持研發、持續創新、展現優異的技術實力,引領產業開創無線射頻通訊新視野,提供RFIC最佳解決方案!! Related Links : #richwave #tipo #patent #invention #RFIC #wireless

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