【2024 APEC中小企業數位創新低碳轉型工作坊 🌟 】
台中精機積極實踐低碳轉型並與國際永續供應鏈接軌,這次的工作坊,由台中精機-#黃怡穎永續長 主題演講「數位解方低碳轉型-減少中小企業碳足跡」,分享公司如何通過創新技術減少生產製程的碳排放,推動機械產業綠色轉型,攜手上下游供應商啟動永續減碳的方法學。
🌏 產業報導:
【2024 APEC Digital Innovation to Implement SMEs' Low-carbon Transformation Workshop🌟】
The workshop guided participating SMEs in applying low-carbon innovative solutions through practical case studies and research sharing, thereby assisting SMEs in their low-carbon transformation and enhancing awareness of green transformation.
During the workshop, Catherine Huang, Chief Sustainability Officer of Victor Taichung, delivered a speech on 「Digital Solutions for Low-carbon Transformation – Reducing the Carbon Footprint of SMEs」. She shared how Victor Taichung reduces carbon emissions in the production process through innovative technologies, and how to collaborate with suppliers to initiate sustainable carbon reduction transformation.
🌏 News: