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  • 搜尋飯店


3.4/529 評價
3.4/529 評價
4.4/549 評價
4.4/5滿意49 評價
3.3/512 評價
3.3/512 評價
服務人員很親切有禮貌 缺衣架的問題也即時解決 早餐都送到樓下的車庫 有溫熱感很謝謝 幫我們叫的計程車都很乾淨也能及時送達我們到南港展覽館 很感恩
4.5/5250 評價
4.5/5滿意250 評價
3.9/516 評價
3.9/516 評價
4.3/5192 評價
4.3/5滿意192 評價
地點非常方便,飯店步行1分鐘有便利商店,步行5-7分鐘有南港火車站、高鐵、捷運站。 房間和照片一樣,沒有圖文不符,浴室也很寬敞,乾溼分離,還有大浴缸,兩個小朋友泡澡都很夠。
4.4/5164 評價
4.4/5滿意164 評價
早餐:是常見的飯店會吃的早餐. 挺適合我們的. 因為在外面玩都吃得比較油膩. 早餐都可以清淡些. 住宿:首先我覺得位置很方便,一出門就是地鐵,雖然不是市中心人流比較旺,但很喜歡這種附近不擁擠的感覺。房間也每天都打掃得很乾淨。不過是環保飯店,建議自己可以帶齊生活用品。如果真的沒有也沒關係,樓下就有康是美,超級方便。 附近:門口下午就會有個小車賣水蜜桃和鳳梨,住這裡幾天我每天都買來吃. 馬路對面是7-11。馬路對面右邊的滷肉飯超級好吃!走路去饒河夜市也很方便.
4.3/5153 評價
4.3/5滿意153 評價
4.6/5383 評價
4.6/5很好383 評價
在南港老爺酒店的住宿體驗超乎預期! 這次在南港老爺酒店住宿一晚,從入住開始就感受到細緻的服務。接待人員非常親切且專業,快速完成了入住手續。房間設計典雅舒適,空間寬敞且乾淨,床鋪軟硬適中,讓我一夜好眠。 最驚喜的是浴室的設施,不僅乾淨整潔,備品的質感也很好,洗澡時特別放鬆。窗外景色開闊,夜晚俯瞰整個城市的燈火,讓人心情愉悅。酒店位置方便,鄰近捷運站,無論是到南港展覽館或是周邊購物中心都很便利。 整體來說,這次的住宿讓我感到非常滿意,無論是設施、服務還是地點都無可挑剔,絕對會再次光臨,也推薦給每位想要體驗高品質住宿的人!
4.4/5183 評價
4.4/5滿意183 評價
My wife and I recently stayed at the Amba Taipei Songshan hotel. We had a good time. Upon our arrival we entered with a lot of luggage because from Taipei we would be flying on to the Philippines for a long stay. Thankfully the very nice security guard on the ground floor offered to contact the upstairs front desk and moments later we were helped with our luggage by the very kind Michael Mao. He went beyond the call of duty in giving us personal help with our luggage and allowing us to check in earlier than usual. My wife was surprised by how large the room was and so was I. Very comfortable setup. We didn’t have a view of Taipei 101 but the other side of the building is nice as well. The only problem was that all three days of our stay, the weather was very gloomy with occasional rain. Thanks to Michael for helping with food suggestions, shopping info for my wife and great instructions on how to access the Hop On Hop Off, etc. Unfortunately, we ended up not using the Hop On/Off bus because the schedule is really not great for tourist. Availability of the bus isn’t good. Michael explained that this was mostly due to those Covid years. Perhaps in the future the Hop On/Off will be back to normal as I think most tourist around the world are used to taking advantage of it just to get a quick view of the entire city. I will say that the best form of travel around the city is definitely the subway, which is probably the easiest to use in the world. Its super clean and convenient. Also, as great as the Amba Taipei Songshan hotel is, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention something that others have made mention of and that is the breakfast. Unfortunately, its not a great selection and not very flavorful. I’m one of those people who never adds salt to my food once its cooked. With this breakfast, I was shaking the salt shaker constantly. Also, I think employees/chefs should be encouraged and allowed to be a little more improvisational, if you will. I witnessed several times where someone asked if their eggs could be cooked “sunny side up” but the chef only pointed to the sign with two choices, scrambled or omelette. Sunny side up is not hard to do and probably takes less time to make than an omelette. Also, there’s a sign that says pancakes but in front of this sign is a plate filled with waffles. I assumed that you had to ask for pancakes so when I did, the chef pointed at the waffles. That sign should be changed to waffles only or offer both, which in my opinion would be the better option. Pancakes and Waffles. The area where breakfast is served is very nice and spacious. They should really try harder to make the breakfast just as exceptional. Beyond that, I still very much recommend this hotel as a number one option. Its a great location, the city link is right across the street and the Raohe night market is not far away at all. Really nice relaxed vibe and a very safe area to walk around and explore. 😁. Thank you for a nice stay…
4.2/535 評價
4.2/5不錯35 評價
一個E化Check in設施,非常豪華的住宿環境,有一人獨享的女王感受!超大雙人床、超大書房,完整的衛浴設備,還有免費的停車場,根本有不想離開的感受👍
3.8/565 評價
3.8/565 評價
離松山站、後山埔捷運站很近。 樓下有便利超商,吃東西很方便。 浴室有加裝除溼、送風功能,讓浴室以及房間不會很潮濕! 隔音效果不太好, 電梯跑得很慢,只能容納約2個行李箱的空間。 貼皮的地板有凸起...感覺很久沒有保養了。 廁所要站在浴缸內洗澡,浴缸有污漬>< 以上勉強都可以接受,最不能接受的是check in 時櫃檯問我刷卡還付現,明明我在網路上已經付清,完全沒有確認好資訊就這樣,感覺很容易會二次付款。 應硬政府政策沒有提供牙刷,但在有需要的話櫃台那邊好像也可以提供。 (我有自備) 連續兩天住宿,不會進來打掃,我覺得還可以,但是如果住宿多天又沒打掃的話,垃圾桶可能會裝不下了~

