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上饒機加酒 旅遊景點&美食推薦

Wangxiangu Scenic Area has received mixed reviews online, with some visitors having a poor experience and advising others not to go. Before visiting Wangxiangu, it's important to understand these aspects to avoid disappointment. Wangxiangu has become a popular spot on social media in recent years, with an investment of 2.6 billion yuan. It is entirely man-made, transformed from an abandoned quarry. The main attraction is the houses built on cliffs, coupled with the ethereal name "Wangxiangu," earning it nicknames like "Paradise on Earth," "Fairy Town," and "Cliffside Fairy World." Most visitors come to see the cliffside houses and take photos, so if photography isn't your thing, you might not enjoy the experience. The scenic area mainly consists of cliffside houses and a commercial area, featuring architectural styles reminiscent of the stilted buildings of Western Hunan and the Hanging Temple of Northern Yue. There are also rivers, waterfalls, and buildings with Jiangxi's traditional architecture. The area is not large and can be toured in about three hours. Besides viewing the cliffside houses and taking photos, visitors can explore the commercial street's local snacks. Is this experience something you would enjoy? Photography Tips: Many say Wangxiangu's night view is beautiful, but it's hard to find a good spot amidst the crowds. Without professional photography skills and equipment, capturing the night view's beauty is challenging. Photos often turn out dark, with barely visible outlines of the houses. Non-professionals are advised to take photos during the day. Accommodation Advice: If you want to experience cliffside accommodations, it's recommended to stay outside the scenic area. Most guesthouses offer shuttle services, which are convenient, as cliffside accommodations within the scenic area are expensive. Dining Tips: Unless you want to try the local delicacies within the scenic area, it's advisable to bring your own food and water to avoid high prices and hygiene issues. Avoiding Crowds: A significant portion of the crowd consists of tour groups. For independent travelers, it's best to avoid these groups or visit during off-peak times, such as non-holidays. Suggested Routes: 1. Visitor Center - Qingyun Bridge - Sanqing Waterfall - Guanyin Waterfall - Rainbow Waterfall - Zuixian Street - Lanyue Bridge - Baiwei Street - Yangfu Square - Ruogu Street - Mingchan Alley - Changkong Bridge - Return Path - Baige Bridge - Workshop Street - Hu Clan Ancestral Hall - Lingguang Street - Mijin Pass - Glass Walkway. 2. Guesthouse Center - Sanshen Temple - Hu Clan Ancestral Hall - Workshop Street - Ruogu Street - Mingchan Alley - Rafting Square - Return Path - Baige Bridge - Zuixian Street - Lanyue Bridge - Baiwei Street - Lingguang Street - Mijin Pass. 3. Guesthouse Center - Chaoge Tower - Baihe Bank - Mijin Pass - Baiwei Street - Lanyue Bridge - Zuixian Street - Return Path - Changkong Bridge - Mingchan Alley - Ruogu Street - Yangfu Square - Baige Bridge - Workshop Street - Hu Clan Ancestral Hall - Lingguang Street - Sanshen Temple. #WangxianguTravelGuide #WangxianguInJiangxi #WangxianguTruth #ShangraoTravel #ShangraoTravelGuide
🚉交通攻略: 打開手機地圖軟體搜索馨緣民宿,即可展現出路線。該民宿位於望仙谷景區外1.5公里,交通便利。 🌟亮點特色: 馨緣民宿由知名設計師傾力打造,把現在流行的禪意新中式風格融入智能客控,讓整個住宿體驗 ⛰【景點攻略】 📍詳細地址:江西省 上饒市 廣信區 望仙鄉 馨緣民宿 🚗交通攻略:沒有自駕遊的遊客,可在上饒站地下大巴停車點乘坐直達景區的大巴,或者聯繫民宿老闆幫你約司機,五十公里路程拼車只需要三十五元一個人哦 🕙開放時間:望仙谷入園時間是上午八點半,出園沒有具體時間限制 💰門票價格:週一週五是100一個人,週六週日是120元一個人。聯繫民宿老闆有團購優惠哦 🌟亮點特色:望仙谷最美的景色莫過於夜景了,快來大山深處大飽眼福吧,絕對很震撼。 📌小Tips:最近天氣冷,建議帶個外套去景點
簡直是望仙谷裡面的寶藏民宿了! 周五下午就從上饒直奔望仙谷了,我們是自己開車去的,路上看到了很多漂亮的油菜花!走走停停花了差不多兩個小時了,到望仙谷三點多。逛到裡面小吃街吃了點東西,然後在鴿子廣場看了節目聽了聽歌手演唱。到了五六點以後我被驚艷到了。望仙谷望仙的名字原來真的有點意思嘛!晚上拍照太出片了,(可惜沒有帶漢服來,等到夏天一定要穿著漢服來拍一次)隨便拍一張都很仙。後面還有篝火晚會很好玩,玩的很開心。然後有些累了,就去住的地方了。老闆說他們哪裡有點偏不是在公路旁邊。是一家獨棟的老房子。我知道但是真開車進去還是有點難找,還好有路標🚦不過到了以後感覺環境還不錯,比較適合露營,或者團建之類的。房子是比較復古裡面是木質結構,很有年代感。(喜歡懷舊的人會很喜歡吧)晚上比較累了趕緊就洗漱睡覺了。第二天起來,看了一下周圍環境真不錯,特別是院子裡有兩棵樹我很喜歡,一棵是柳樹,就在院子右側,已經開始萌芽了,我想到了夏天在樹下乘涼下棋會不會很好的感覺,哈哈哈!然後後面有一棵梨樹,梨花也開了,棉花糖一樣!可好看了。我和老闆說如果夏天來望仙谷還來這裡住啊!哈哈哈
夜幕降臨燈火通明時,太震撼了,簡直是我夢中的神仙地 地址:望仙谷 門票:100/人 交通:高鐵到上饒站,可打車前往,約1小時車程,價格約100左右 營業時間:8:00-22:00 望仙谷 存在於現實中的仙俠世界、懸崖峭壁之上的古鎮這裡的夜景也堪稱一絕!絕對是被低估了的古鎮 裡面需要徒步上行,交通上饒站過去50m到達景區 進去景區,看到對面一座橋,直接上橋按逆時針方向走景區! 可以先逛瀑布群,建議五點之前進入景區,畢竟瀑布適合白天拍。走完瀑布群就到了天街,小吃、飯店、咖啡、酒吧.….啥都有,這裡也可以拍拍建築,正中心就是最好看的攬月橋,橋上可以拍兩張照片,當然最經典的角度要站在再往裡的百舸橋橋,真的一眼驚艷,太仙了太美了,這裡一個角度足夠值得來一趟望仙谷。
Plan a trip to Shangrao and experience a real-life fantasy world! While Suzhou and Hangzhou are often considered the epitome of Jiangnan, the scenic beauty of Shangrao in Jiangxi is equally breathtaking. A 4-day, 3-night trip here is truly worthwhile. **4-Day, 3-Night Shangrao Itinerary** - **Day 1:** Arrive at Wuyuan – Visit Wunvzhou – Overnight in Wunvzhou - **Day 2:** Explore Wunvzhou – Head to Huangling – Stay overnight in Huangling - **Day 3:** From Huangling to Shangrao Station – Visit Wangxiangu – Overnight in Wangxiangu - **Day 4:** Explore Wangxiangu – Visit Gexiancun – Return home **Attractions Overview:** - **Wangxiangu:** Known for its cliffs and waterscapes, the nighttime views under the lights are stunning. - **Gexiancun:** A village surrounded by mountains, where you can boat on the lake with koi fish during the day and enjoy lanterns and mist at night, creating a time-traveling experience. - **Huangling:** With its misty Flower Creek Water Street and magical forest, it feels like a Miyazaki world, featuring flying fish, talking trees, and floating castles. - **Wunvzhou:** The night view here is spectacular, especially the iron flower and fireworks show! #ShangraoTravel #JiangxiTourism #WuyuanAdventure