
Sat, Jan 11
Sun, Jan 12
  • 普羅夫迪夫大飯店


    (Grand Hotel Plovdiv)

    4.4/556 則評論 | 距離市中心 3.3 km
    香港飛往普羅夫迪夫 | 尋找低價航班優惠
    • 已包含早餐
  • 普羅夫迪夫假日飯店


    (Holiday Inn Plovdiv)

    4.4/533 則評論 | 距離市中心 4 km
    香港飛往普羅夫迪夫 | 尋找低價航班優惠
  • 普羅夫迪夫中心希爾頓逸林飯店


    (DoubleTree by Hilton Plovdiv Center)

    4.8/585 則評論Plovdiv Center | 距離市中心 1.9 km
    香港飛往普羅夫迪夫 | 尋找低價航班優惠
  • 景點溪養生飯店


    (Landmark Creek Hotel & Wellness)

    4.6/540 則評論 | 距離市中心 5.9 km
    香港飛往普羅夫迪夫 | 尋找低價航班優惠
    • 已包含早餐
  • A&M飯店-普羅夫迪夫


    (A&M Hotel with Free Parking)

    4.1/59 則評論 | 距離市中心 1.1 km
    香港飛往普羅夫迪夫 | 尋找低價航班優惠
  • 普羅夫迪夫百貨商店飯店 - 美憬閣系列

    普羅夫迪夫百貨商店飯店 - 美憬閣系列

    (The Emporium Hotel Plovdiv - MGallery Collection)

    4.6/531 則評論Plovdiv Center | 距離市中心 1.7 km
    香港飛往普羅夫迪夫 | 尋找低價航班優惠
    高級房, 1 張特大床


台北 (TPE)到 普羅夫迪夫 (PDV)

  • 612
  • 1319
  • 2026
  • 2 月

  • 39
  • 1016
  • 1723
  • 3 月

  • 39
  • 1016
  • 1723
  • 2430

普羅夫迪夫機加酒 旅遊景點&美食推薦

保加利亞🇧🇬景點巴拉巴諾夫之家 巴拉巴諾夫住宅是對稱普羅夫迪夫住宅發展的代表,是最奢華的住宅之一,其空間構成的特點是兩個垂直軸的平等作用,一個是底層,另一個是 1樓。 它的特點還在於對建築細節、塑料和平面裝飾的獨特豐富的闡述。 這種模式超越了純粹的住宅功能,類似於公共建築的特徵。 目前,一樓設有現代保加利亞藝術的常設展覽。 二樓曾用於邀請客人,展示了復興時期的室內裝飾,並作為舉辦文化活動的熱門場所——展覽、文學首演、室內樂音樂會、戲劇表演、會議等。傳統的“巴拉巴諾夫之家音樂日” ” 春秋兩屆的藝術節已經在這裡舉辦了好幾年,給博物館帶來了更多的活力。 Balabanov House The Balabanov House is a representative for the development of the symmetrical Plovdiv house and is one of the most lavish examples of a house whose spatial composition is characterized by the equal role of two perpendicular axes, the one of the ground floor and the one of the 1st floor. It is also characterized by the exclusively rich elaboration of the architectural detail, of plastic and flat ornamentation. This pattern transcends the pure residential function and is similar to the features of a public building. At present, the ground floor features a permanent exhibition of modern Bulgarian art. The second floor, once having served for inviting guests, exhibits Revival period interior and serves as a popular venue for the holding of cultural events – exhibitions, literature premieres, chamber music concerts, theatre performances, meetings etc. The traditional “Balabanov House Music Days” festival, with its spring and autumn editions, has been organized here for several years, bringing more dynamism to the museum house.
保加利亞景點-House-Museum Hindliyan 老城區裝飾最精美的房屋之一是文藝復興時期的商人Stepan Hindliyan。店主是位有名的富商,是該市 四大亞美尼亞家族的代表人物。他的真名是斯捷潘馬努格,但由於他與印度的貿易活躍,他被暱稱“ Hindioglu”,因此—— Hindliyan。這座房子是由 不知名的工匠於1834年至1835年間建造的。庭院可以從“Artin Gidikov” Str進入。從相鄰的“Balabanova”房子的院子裡。這些住宅形成了一個 和諧的建築群。Hindliyan的院子結合了一些輔助建築、浴室和地下室。二樓的壁畫描繪了業主在商務 旅行期間訪問過的城市——亞歷山大、威尼斯、伊斯坦堡和里斯本。細節由Chirpan和意大利大師手繪。奢華的裝修和原汁原味的家具,甚至是家庭的 日常生活細節,都輕鬆地將我們帶入富商宅邸的文藝復興時期的精英氛圍中。酒店定期舉辦各種文化 活動。 Bulgaria Attractions - House-Museum Hindliyan One of the most beautifully decorated houses in the Old Town is that of the Renaissance merchant Stepan Hindliyan. The owner is a well-known and wealthy businessman, a representative of the four major Armenian families in the city. His real name was Stepan Manug, but because of his active trade with India, he was nicknamed "Hindioglu", hence - Hindliyan. The house was built between 1834 and 1835 by unknown craftsmen. The courtyard can be accessed from "Artin Gidikov" Str. From the yard of the adjacent "Balabanova" house. These residences form a harmonious complex. Hindliyan's yard incorporates some auxiliary buildings, bathrooms and a basement. Murals on the second floor depict the cities the owners visited during their business trips - Alexandria, Venice, Istanbul and Lisbon. Details are hand painted by Chirpan and Italian masters. Luxurious finishes and authentic furniture, even details of the daily life of the home, easily transport us into the elitist Renaissance atmosphere of a wealthy merchant's mansion. The hotel regularly organizes various cultural events.
保加利亞第二大城普羅夫迪夫是個山城,所以早晚會偏冷,是個觀光旅遊城市,所以有時候會感覺物價比保加利亞首都索菲亞要高!也許是我個人的感覺! 保加利亞最有名的就是玫瑰,如果沒有記錯,全世界最大的玫瑰生產地就在保加利亞,生產的玫瑰精油也是品質最好,如果有來保加利亞普羅夫迪夫,在他最有名熱鬧的人行大道上,有專門賣玫瑰精油的品牌,可以查Google,在疫情前當地買大概500元新台幣左右,台灣的網路大概可以賣到1500-1700之間,木質的小瓶子,裡面有小玻璃瓶裝100%玫瑰精油,非常小帶回自己國家很好用,老婆有使用過說還不錯! 普羅夫迪夫非常美,隨處都可以看到羅馬古蹟,也會看到一些東正教的教堂,有些建築物像是鄂圖曼土耳其式的建築,可能跟土耳其太接近了,有些土耳其後裔住在這裡! 走著走著竟然看到有中國熊貓快餐店,以前在美國有吃過,所以也進去品嚐,雖然不是那麼正統,但是在異鄉也算是不錯! 晚上的時候可以買1瓶玫瑰酒,0.75 ML大概只要一百多元新台幣,非常的便宜!保加利亞真是一個CP值高,便宜渡假的好地方
保加利亞🇧🇬景點- Historical Museum - Exhibition Renaissance “保加利亞復興”展覽安排在老普羅夫迪夫最美麗和最具象徵意義的房子之一,即 Dimitar Georgiadi 的房子裡。 該建築是一座典型的 19 世紀普羅夫迪夫復興之家,有庭院、底層、三層樓、色彩繽紛的牆壁、精雕細琢的天花板和極具特色的裝飾壁龕 - alafranga”。展覽追溯了普羅夫迪夫市的歷史,從 15 至 19 世紀。展品佈置中的藝術佈局不影響房屋的內部建築,讓參觀者沉浸在外國統治時期,以及維護保加利亞人民族身份的時期 The exhibition "Bulgarian Revival" is arranged in one of the most beautiful and emblematic houses of Old Plovdiv, that of Dimitar Georgiadi. The building is a typical Plovdiv revival house from the 19th century with a courtyard, ground floor, three floors, colorfully painted walls, masterfully carved ceilings and so characteristic Decorative niches - alafranga". The exhibition traces the history of the city of Plovdiv from the 15th to the 19th century. The artistic layout in the arrangement of the exhibits does not affect the internal architecture of the house and immerses the visitors in times of foreign rule, but also times of asserting the national identity of the Bulgarians
💥Bachkovo 修道院 Theotokos Dormition 的 Bachkovo 修道院是保加利亞南部的主要東正教修道院。 修道院以拜占庭、格魯吉亞和保加利亞文化的獨特結合而聞名,並因共同信仰而聯合起來。 它是保加利亞第二大修道院。 該建築群內有 2 座教堂,但只有一座向公眾開放。 修道院由著名的政治家和拜占庭軍隊的軍事指揮官格雷戈里·帕庫里亞諾斯王子於 1083 年創立,是一座以格魯吉亞為主的東正教修道院。 雖然修道院在土耳其入侵保加利亞土地的第一波浪潮中倖存下來,但隨後遭到搶劫和破壞,但在 15 世紀末期恢復。 修道院原始結構中唯一倖存下來的部分是骨庫,它具有特定的建築設計和古老的壁畫,距離當代修道院建築群 300 m。 聖母瑪利亞大教堂(建於 1604 年)是保存 1310 年聖母瑪利亞 Eleusa 的珍貴聖像(從格魯吉亞帶來)的地方,這被認為是奇蹟。 這座教堂建在修道院最古老的教堂被土耳其人摧毀的地方。 修道院的另一座中世紀教堂是大天使教堂,其歷史可能可以追溯到 12 世紀,其拱形開放式前廳由 Zahari Zograf 於 1841 年繪製。教堂內部由藝術家 Joan Mosch 於 1846 年繪製。 💥Bachkovo monastery Monastery of the Dormition of the Theotokos The Bachkovo Monastery of the Dormition of the Theotokos is a major Eastern Orthodox monastery in Southern Bulgaria. The monastery is known and appreciated for the unique combination of Byzantine, Georgian and Bulgarian culture, united by the common faith. It is the second largest monastery in Bulgaria. There are 2 churches in the complex, but only one is open to the public. The monastery was founded in 1083 by Prince Gregory Pakourianos, a prominent statesman and military commander in the Byzantineservice, as a Georgian-dominated Orthodox monastery. Although the monastery survived the first waves of Turkish invasion in Bulgarian lands, it was then looted and destroyed, but restored near the end of the 15th century. The only part that has survived from the monastery's original structure is the ossuary, which has a specific architectural design and ancient frescoes, and is situated 300 m away from the contemporary monastery complex. The Cathedral Church of the Virgin Mary (dating from 1604) is the place where a valuable icon of the Virgin Mary Eleusa from 1310 is kept (brought from Georgia) which is believed to be miraculous. This church was built in the place of the monastery's oldest church destroyed by the Turks. Another medieval church of the monastery is the Archangels' Church dating back probably to the 12th century, the vaulted open narthex of which was painted by Zahari Zograf in 1841. The inside of the church was painted by the artist Joan Mosch in 1846.
The Bishop's Basilica of Philippopolis is a true gem of Plovdiv's rich cultural heritage. Built in the 4th century, this stunning site is a testament to the city's ancient Roman past. But it's the basilica's mosaics that truly steal the show. From the intricate patterns and vibrant colors to the depictions of animals, plants, and scenes from the Bible, each mosaic is a work of art in its own right. Take a guided tour and learn about the basilica's fascinating history, or simply admire the mosaics and let your imagination run wild. Add this #beautifuldestination to your #travelbucketlist 🌎