Miyako Hotel Kyotohachijo(都京都八條飯店) 毗鄰JR京都站,距離城市汽車總站(City Bus Terminal)以及西本願寺(Nishi Hongan-ji Temple)僅15分鐘步行路程。飯店地理位置優越,享有得天獨厚的便利交通條件,讓您的出行更為輕鬆。飯店提供舒適溫馨的客房,房內配有齊全的現代化設施,浴室帶有浴缸;同時,工作人員將用他們周至貼心的客房服務讓您享受到像家一樣的溫馨感。閒暇之餘,您可以到飯店的美容院享受全方位的按摩和理療服務,放鬆身心;也可以按個人喜好選擇前往飯店內部的6大餐飲場所,盡情享用中式川菜、日式料理和其他國際經典美食。此外,飯店還設有一間便利店和自動售貨機售,給您提供更多方便。簡而言之,入住新・都飯店,您將享受到無微不至的體貼服務與盡善盡美的先進設施,收穫一份美麗心情,讓此次京都之行更加愉悅暢快。
訪訪客用戶This is a beautiful hotel with spacious rooms, comfortable beds and lovely bathrooms. Service staff are cheerful, professional and willing to help. Situated a 10-12 minute walk from Kyoto station, this gem of a hotel provides a relaxing and enjoyable stay. The only downside is that the F&B outlets are pricey and not pocket friendly. This does not encourage guests to patronise the outlets. Even as a Dusit Gold member, the discount is only permitted at certain F&B outlets. The 5-star hotel lives up to expectations and was worth every penny !!