住宿方回覆: Thank you for sharing your experience, I am sorry that it was not completely satisfactory, during your stay we would have resolved these incidents; If there is an odor that we do not detect, but the client reports to us, we can use an ozone generator and ensure the microbiological quality of the air. The air conditioning is also working at full capacity and must lower the temperature in minutes. We also offer a room. alternative, which is always the best solution of course if there is availability. Apologies again for these inconveniences, and thank you for highlighting the tranquility of the area, it is how lucky we are to be in Las Rozas. Please come back to us another time and tell us about your previous stay, so we can make sure you have a perfect stay.
El hotel tiene fácil acceso, las instalaciones son muy buenas, la habitación amplia y limpia
住宿方回覆: Estimada Carolina, agradecerle su fantástica valoración. Todo el equipo del hotel le da las gracias y esperamos recibirla próximamente en Attica21 hoteles. Reciba un cordial saludo, Dpto.Comercial- Clara Parise
住宿方回覆: 非常感謝您的正面評價,事實上正如您所說的很好,我們是一家主要用於商務和活動的酒店,我們的很大一部分客戶是位於拉斯羅薩斯的公司,前往馬德里市需要乘坐計程車推薦,但是拉斯羅薩斯也有一些景點,例如La Ciudad del Futbol,拉斯羅薩斯村的購物區,*******。我們希望很快能再次見到您,並為您提供最好的服務,很快再見!