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Grain Law Firm

Grain Law Firm

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Печерський, Київ 442 послідовники

Breaking the Mold. Respecting the Law.

Про нас

The history of Grain Law Firm began in 2015 with the union of experienced attorneys with deep theoretical knowledge and practical skills in various fields of law. Today, our team consists of a team of professional attorneys who are ready to provide you with reliable protection and representation of your interests in criminal, administrative, commercial and civil cases. “Leaders of Practice. Leading Companies” groups in the following practices, according to the rating research of the Yurydychna Gazeta: - Private Clients - White Collar Crime - Anti-Corruption Practice - Criminal Law and Procedure

Юридичні послуги
Розмір компанії
11-50 працівників
Печерський, Київ
У приватній власності


Працівники у Grain Law Firm


  • ⚡️Grain Law Firm⚡️ Друзі, ви не помилилися сторінкою і ви дійсно на нас підписані) Але ви нас довго знаєте як Attorneys at Law «Leshchenko, Doroshenko & Partners». З цієї назви почалася наша 10-річна історія успішної діяльності. Але ми й надалі розвиваємося, зростаємо та змінюємося. І напередодні нашого ювілею радо розповімо вам про ці зміни. Grain. Назву обрали не випадково, а шляхом ґрунтовного аналізу. Вона не є буквальною, бо її зміст має для нас глибокий сенс та внутрішнє наповнення. Це те, з чого все починається і є життєво важливим. Це про циклічність процесу існування та його безкінечність. Про правдивість і чесність, про пошук і віднайдення вірних рішень. Це про команду і зростання індивідуальних та унікальних професіоналів, об’єднаних спільними цінностями. Ще до зміни назви ми затвердили нашу стратегію на подальші 5 років. Місія, візія та цінності також були актуалізовані. Фаховість, рішучість, креативність, етика та довіра – ті принципи, якими ми керуємося всі роки своєї роботи і які для нас є визначальними. Наше гасло – «Поза шаблонами. В межах закону» (Breaking the Mold. Respecting the Law). Дякуємо нашій команді, клієнтам та партнерам за підтримку та плідну співпрацю! 🤝 Перші кроки оновлення зроблено. Далі – більше! Слідкуйте за нашими соцмережами та дізнавайтеся про все першими 😉

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  • 🔥 Managing partner ATTORNEYS AT LAW "LESHCHENKO, DOROSHENKO & PARTNERS" KOSTIANTYN DOROSHENKO and registered partner Oleksandr Teleshetskyi are in the rating of «TOP-100 lawyers of Ukraine» by Yurydychna Gazeta (Legal Newspaper). ⚡️In the national ranking «Client's Choice. TOP-100 lawyers of Ukraine», our firm's partners are also recognized in the following practices: ❇️ Konstiantyn Doroshenko ▫️Criminal Law and Process, ▫️White Collar Crime, ▫️Private Clients. ❇️ Oleksandr Teleshetskyi ▫️Criminal Law and Process, ▫️Anti-Corruption Practice, ▫️Business Protection. ❇️ Lydiia Karpliuk ▫️White Collar Crime, ▫️Business Protection, ▫️Military Law. 🌟 We congratulate our partners on another professional recognition and wish them success and new achievements! ❗️Rating details – follow the link in the first comment 👇 For reference: national rating «Client's Choice. TOP-100 Lawyers of Ukraine" has been conducted by the Legal Newspaper since 2006. Its goal is to identify the best lawyers in the country based on the results of surveys of corporate lawyers, businesses and law firms. According to the research methodology, surveys, voting and interviews of market participants were conducted, as well as cross-recommendations were collected.

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  • 🔥 Yevheniі Isaіenko, сounsel ATTORNEYS AT LAW "LESHCHENKO, DOROSHENKO & PARTNERS", entered the TOP-35 Under 30 Lawyers-2025 rating within the framework of the project “Client's Choice.100 Best Lawyers of Ukraine-2025”, conducted by Yurydychna Gazeta (Legal Newspaper). This rating brought together young partners, counsels and lawyers who demonstrated the best achievements in 2024. The criteria by which the winners were determined: ✔️ Cases submitted by law firms in questionnaires; ✔️ Voting among law firms and corporate lawyers; ✔️ Results of interviews conducted by the organizing committee. ✨ Congratulations to Yevheniі on a well-deserved award! Details of the rating - follow the link in the comments 👇

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  • 🔥 ATTORNEYS AT LAW "LESHCHENKO, DOROSHENKO & PARTNERS" received awards according to the results of the public competition “Attorney of the Year-2024”, which is traditionally held by the Ukrainian Advocates' Association (UAA) 🏆 Managing Partner KOSTIANTYN DOROSHENKO was recognized as a leader in the nominations “Criminal Law” and “White Collar Crime”. 🏆 Registered Partner Oleksandr Teleshetskyi received recognition in the nomination “Anti-Corruption Practice”. 🏆 Partner Lidiia Karpliuk was recognized in the nomination “Military Law”. 🏆 Counselor Yevhenii Isaienko received recognition in the nomination “Criminal Law”, and lawyer Maryna Kuzmenko received an award in the nomination “Best Student”. In total, Attorneys at Law “Leshchenko, Doroshenko & Partners” received 10 awards in the competition “Attorney of the Year-2024”! 🌟 Also, the team Attorneys at Law "Leshchenko, Doroshenko & Partners" was presented with a certificate of gratitude for active participation in the events and activities of the AAU and was awarded a diploma as the General Partner of the Association. We are grateful to the Ukrainian Advocates' Association for fruitful cooperation. We continue our partnership in 2025! 🤝

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  • 🔥 ATTORNEYS AT LAW "LESHCHENKO, DOROSHENKO & PARTNERS" was recognized as a “Brand Breakthrough”! We received this pleasant distinction based on the results of the PLS TOP TEAMS 2024 study conducted by PRAVO.UA (Yurydychna Praktyka). The expert commission noted the achievements of the best departments and specialists in the legal market of Ukraine in the areas of business development, marketing, communications, and client work. The emphasis was also placed on the social responsibility of the legal business, in particular, support for the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the military, humanitarian initiatives, and pro bono work. The award ceremony took place at the end of the XI International Forum for the Promotion of Legal Services. ⚡️ Managing Partner of Attorneys at Law “Leshchenko, Doroshenko & Partners” KOSTIANTYN DOROSHENKO emphasized that this distinction is unexpected, but it was an extremely pleasant recognition of the work of our team during 2024 in promoting our firm and the development of the legal market. – I am sincerely grateful to “Yurydychna Praktyka" for this award, and to our team – for their professional, dedicated teamwork, motivation and focus on achieving results. This is confirmation for me and my partners Lidiia Karpliuk and Oleksandr Teleshetskyi that the path of development we have chosen is the right one, – says Kostiantyn Doroshenko. 🔔 The full list of winners of the PLS TOP TEAMS 2024 study – at the link

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  • Team ATTORNEYS AT LAW "LESHCHENKO, DOROSHENKO & PARTNERS" took part in the XI International Forum for the Promotion of Legal Services, organized by PRAVO.UA (Yurydychna Practyka). ⚡️ Managing Partner of Attorneys at Law “Leshchenko, Doroshenko & Partners” KOSTIANTYN DOROSHENKO moderated a session on leadership in the profession, in which the speakers revealed the following topics: 📌 Leadership in the legal profession - a goal or a means? 📌 The influence of the legal community on legislative changes in the country 📌 PR pro bono as a strategic priority 📌 Ethical standards of the legal business 📌 Leader or star? The art of effective communication for lawyers. In general, the forum program was full of interesting topics and important discussions with the participation of legal market experts. The finale of the event was a presentation of the PLS TOP TEAMS 2024 study. The awards were given to the best departments and specialists of law firms in marketing, communications, and business development. Read the details of the ceremony in our next post 😉 More details about the session "Leadership in the profession" - ▶️ You can view the forum in the post via the link in the first comment 👇

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  • 🔥 ATTORNEYS AT LAW "LESHCHENKO, DOROSHENKO & PARTNERS" entered the TOP-50 of the leading law firms in Ukraine 🏆 The publication PRAVO.UA (Yurydychna Praktika) published the results of its annual study of law firms. The rating is formed on the basis of quantitative and qualitative indicators, client reviews and market experts. In addition to being recognized in the TOP-50 rating, we were also recognized in certain industries and practices: ✅ Criminal Law (TOP-10) ✅ White Collar Crime (TOP-15) ✅ Business Protection (TOP-15) For almost 10 years, we have been professionally and selflessly protecting the interests of our clients. And this recognition is another confirmation of our achievements. It is an honor for us to be among the best law firms! We are grateful to Yurydychna Praktika for the awards! ✨Thank you to our team for your expertise, motivation, constant improvement and joint work for the result! Thank you to our colleagues for the recommendations! We continue our movement forward! 🌟 More information about the rating here 👉

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  • Переглянути сторінку організації для Grain Law Firm

    442 послідовники

    🔥 ATTORNEYS AT LAW "LESHCHENKO, DOROSHENKO & PARTNERS" served as an Expert Partner in the XV KYIV CRIMINAL LAW FORUM, organized by Ukrainian Advocates' Association (UAA). At the opening of the forum, the registered partner Attorneys at Law «Leshchenko, Doroshenko & Partners» Oleksandr Teleshetskyi spoke together with Olga Dmytrieva, President of the UAA, and Zoya Yarosh, Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board of the UAA. He emphasized the importance of such professional events, as they allow us to discuss urgent problems of the industry and develop new ways of law enforcement Moderated by Lidiia Karpliuk, Partner of Attorneys at Law «Leshchenko, Doroshenko & Partners», a session was held on the topic: «Hot Spots: Current problems of criminal-legal interaction between the state and business». Experts from leading law firms revealed the details of the problems they and their clients face. Yevhenii Isaienko, attorney, counselor to Attorneys at Law “Leshchenko, Doroshenko & Partners”, dedicated his speech to the analysis of trends in criminal proceedings based on agreements. The forum participants actively discussed this topic, asked questions and expressed their own vision. ❕In general, the Criminal Forum brought together representatives of both the legal community and scientists, judges, legislators and representatives of law enforcement agencies. We are grateful to our partners – Ukrainian Advocates' Association – for an interesting event and professional discussion! 🤝 Check out the video from the forum at the link in the comments below 👇

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  • On December 5, 2024, the Board of Partners elected KOSTIANTYN DOROSHENKO as the Managing Partner of ATTORNEYS AT LAW "LESHCHENKO, DOROSHENKO & PARTNERS" 🔥 "On the eve of the tenth anniversary of our law firm, we have many plans for changes," - Konstiantyn commented. "We have a clear vision of our further development. We are actively expanding the team, because our main practices - litigation, criminal law and process, anti-corruption and WCC, business protection - are actively developing. More and more clients need legal assistance because the challenges are not decreasing today." ❕According to Konstiantyn Doroshenko, the changes will also affect the firm brand. "In the near future, we will rebrand the company and update the visuals, moving away from personalities and focusing on the team. Many new and pleasant changes await us," - adds the Managing Partner of Attorneys at Law “Leshchenko, Doroshenko & Partners”. "We are also working on the formation of a new communication strategy, which includes a digital component. We are implementing all this on the basis of the development strategy of our association for the next few years, approved by our partners." ✨ We congratulate Konstiantyn on his election as Managing Partner and wish him success, inspiration and encouragement in implementing everything planned!

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  • ✨ The ATTORNEYS AT LAW "LESHCHENKO, DOROSHENKO & PARTNERS" team took part in the 2nd Legal Anti-Corruption Forum, organized by PRAVO.UA. 🎤 Registered partner Oleksandr Teleshetskyi spoke in a session dedicated to industry anti-corruption challenges. He presented on the topic of corruption pressures on business, providing detailed statistics in particular from the Business Ombudsman Council and the Prosecutor General's Office. He also spoke about his own practical experience in the field of business protection and voicing ways to overcome the problem of de facto blocking of companies' work due to unfounded criminal proceedings. ❕Also at the forum, representatives of anti-corruption courts and prosecutors' offices discussed the priorities of anti-corruption policies, corruption challenges during wartime, and anti-corruption justice. Thanks to PRAVO.UA for organizing the event, raising important topics, and generating professional discussions! Watch the forum in the recordings, which can be found at the link in the comments below ✅ Speech by Oleksandr Teleshetskyi – from 7:47:45.

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