Головне зображення Treepilya


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Treepilya – громадська організація, яка займається розробкою проєктів з відновлення та лісорозведення в Україні. Ми є командою відданих своїй справі професіоналів у сфері охорони навколишнього середовища, сталого розвитку та лісового господарства, які поділяють спільне бачення: відновити та розширити український лісовий покрив, одне дерево за раз. Стале майбутнє Землі залежить від здорових, стійких лісів. Наразі ліси є найефективнішим засобом поглинання CO2 і боротьби з глобальним потеплінням. Treepilya розробляє проєкти лісовідновлення та лісонасадження з потрійною метою: - Забезпечити довгострокову стабільність лісової екосистеми шляхом збільшення лісистості в регіоні стійкими до клімату місцевими видами. - Створення високоякісних, недорогих, верифікованих вуглецевих кредитів європейського походження. - Поліпшення фінансового добробуту місцевих громад з допомогою вуглецевих проєктів. Наші проєкти — ефективний інструмент для компаній, що прагнуть зменшити свій вуглецевий слід і досягти нульових викидів, одночасно позитивно впливаючи на життя українських громад. Наші проєкти перевірені всесвітньо відомими сторонніми постачальниками, такими як Verra та Gold Standard. Ми в Treepilya дбаємо про навколишнє середовище та про спадщину нашого покоління нашим дітям. Ось чому ми зосереджуємося на розробці проєктів на основі науково обґрунтованих даних про навколишнє середовище. Ми висаджуємо стійкі до клімату місцеві породи, які гарантували б довготривале життя наших лісів. Ми хочемо переконатися, що наші проєкти підтримують процвітання та біорізноманіття екосистем, які сприяють придатності нашої планети для життя. Приєднуйтеся до нас у подорожі до більш екологічного та сталого майбутнього. Разом ми можемо позитивно вплинути на світ та допомогти вашій організації з декарбонізацією.

Екологічні послуги
Розмір компанії
2-10 працівників
Публічна компанія
Carbon Offset Solutions, Afforestation and Reforestation Projects, Sustainable Forest Management, Verified Emission Reductions (VERs), Climate Consulting Services, Emissions Assessments, Decarbonization Strategies, Net-Zero Solutions, Corporate Sustainability, Climate Action Planning і Environmental Impact Mitigation


Працівники у Treepilya


  • Переглянути сторінку організації для Treepilya

    120 послідовників

    United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP29), held in Baku last year, was a crucial event for the future of the global fight against climate change. Leaders, scientists, and activists worldwide gathered to agree on essential steps to help protect our planet. Here are the key decisions reached at COP29: ▪️ Establish a new global climate finance plan to support countries most affected by climate change and invest in renewable energy sources. ▪️ Approval of international carbon credit market standards will allow financing projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. ▪️ Commitment to increase funding for developing countries to adapt to climate change and minimize its impact. ▪️ Active involvement in carbon markets makes raising additional funds for environmental initiatives possible. These decisions emphasize that the problem of climate change requires global cooperation. Ukraine, which suffers from the war and its environmental consequences, is part of this process. We are taking steps with the global community to restore the environment, reduce emissions, and transition to sustainable development. The future of the planet depends on our decisions today. Let's work together for a sustainable and green future. #COP29 #ClimateAction #Sustainability #GlobalCooperation #GreenFuture #EcoAwareness

  • Переглянути сторінку організації для Treepilya

    120 послідовників

    Treepilya is more than just planting trees. It is a project that embodies the idea of sustainable development, balancing the environmental, economic, and social aspects of Ukraine's recovery. The planting of 1 million trees in the Vinnytsia region is our contribution to restoring ecosystems affected by the war. The local species of trees we choose help preserve natural biodiversity, improve air and water quality, prevent soil erosion, and create favorable conditions for local flora and fauna. The project also contributes to the formation of environmental awareness in society. We strive to inspire people to take a responsible attitude towards natural resources and build a culture of sustainable development where everyone understands their role in creating the future. Let's build a sustainable, green, and strong Ukraine together, which will become an example for the world! 🌍 #Sustainability #RestoreNature #GreenFuture

  • Переглянути сторінку організації для Treepilya

    120 послідовників

    In 2023, a group of leading climate scientists published an alarming study: more and more scientists are investigating the possibility of social collapse due to the climate crisis. According to the report published in the journal Bioscience, most of our planet's key "vital signs" have reached record-breaking anti-results. The study covers 35 key indicators and found that 25 are in the worst condition in the history of observations. These include carbon dioxide and methane levels in the atmosphere, coal combustion, melting polar ice, and rising global temperatures. Oil companies, landfills, livestock, and rice farming emit methane, which is 80 times more potent than CO2. The rate of its emissions is accelerating, posing a serious threat. Every day, the world's population grows by 200 thousand people and the number of livestock by 170,000. This adds pressure to ecosystems, increases greenhouse gas emissions, and worsens the climate situation. Melting glaciers and rising ocean temperatures are causing changes that affect the entire world. Scientists are calling for decisive action: reducing fossil fuel consumption, reducing food waste, and switching to environmentally sustainable lifestyles. What we do today will determine the future of our planet. #ClimateCrisis #ActNow #Sustainability #GreenFuture

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  • Переглянути сторінку організації для Treepilya

    120 послідовників

    Every day of war harms not only people but also our environment. Destroyed ecosystems, deforested areas, polluted water and soil are the consequences that remain after explosions and fires. Restoring these losses is a challenge that we can only overcome together. Treepilya has set an ambitious goal to plant 1 million trees in the Vinnytsia region to compensate for the damage caused by the war and give our nature a chance to recover. Planting trees helps to preserve biodiversity, stabilize the ecosystem, clean the air, reduce dust and noise, and store carbon, reducing the impact of climate change. Every tree is a step towards a sustainable future for us and our children. Every contribution makes a difference. Your help allows us to purchase seedlings, engage volunteers, and support local environmental initiatives. Join Treepilya's mission today and make your contribution today. Your support is an investment in the future of Ukraine and the entire planet. Together, we will restore our forests and strengthen Ukraine's nature. 🌍 #Treepilya #RestoreUkraine #PlantTrees #EcoFuture #SupportUkraine #Biodiversity

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  • Переглянути сторінку організації для Treepilya

    120 послідовників

    🌟Happy New Year, friends!🌟 This year has been a test for each of us, but at the same time, it has been a year of unity, faith, and action. Despite the challenges, we continued to work for a future in which Ukraine's nature is restored and our land strengthens. 🌳 Every tree we plant is a step towards a sustainable, green, and free country. On these holidays, we want to thank everyone with us: those who supported our project and did not forget about nature, even in times of difficulty. Thanks to you, we are creating a future that future generations will be proud of. ✨ May 2025 be a year of peace and victory for Ukraine. May it bring peace to our homes, light to our hearts, and strength for new achievements. We believe that together, we can restore nature and our faith in justice and goodness. Thank you for being with us. Together, we make changes! 💚 Best wishes, Treepilya team. #HappyNewYear #NewYear2025

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  • Переглянути сторінку організації для Treepilya

    120 послідовників

    russian aggression against Ukraine has caused enormous damage not only to people but also to nature. The environmental consequences of the war are global and affect all aspects of life: ▪️ 71 billion dollars - this is the estimate of environmental damage for more than 1000 days of war. ▪️ 180 million tons of CO2 - additional emissions due to shelling, forest fires, and destruction. ▪️ 6,500 cases of environmental damage have been documented since the beginning of the invasion. ▪️ More than 3 million hectares of forest have been damaged or destroyed. Mined areas cover thousands of hectares, making the land unsuitable for agriculture and restoration. Forest fires, munitions explosions, and hazardous substance pollution lead to the loss of biodiversity. Destroyed nature reserves, forests, and swamps are losing their natural protection. The destruction of infrastructure and oil, chemical, and waste leaks create a critical situation for water resources and fertile land. Explosions, shelling, and forest fires contribute to significant emissions of toxic substances and CO2, worsening air quality in Ukraine and neighboring countries. Ukraine needs to make significant efforts to restore its environment. These include mine clearance, reforestation, water cleanup, and land rehabilitation. The war in Ukraine has shown that environmental protection is a shared responsibility. Let's work together to restore nature and create a sustainable future. #UkraineEcology #WarImpact #EnvironmentalDamage #RestoreNature #Biodiversity

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  • Переглянути сторінку організації для Treepilya

    120 послідовників

    🌍 While our warriors fight for Ukraine's freedom, we at Treepilya think about the future daily. Their heroism only makes sense if we preserve our land—its forests, fields, and nature. We discussed this with biologist Yuri Bengus, who is restoring the Kharkiv forest by planting acorns. His insights gave us a fresh perspective on why acting now is vital. "Those involved in the war and military production must do their work as best as possible without distractions, even if they are for a good cause. Victory is paramount," explains Yuriy. "But while the Armed Forces are fighting, people on the home front—teaching children, healing people, producing essential goods—have the opportunity to care for our nature. After all, if the soldiers defend our land, but we destroy it in the meantime with pesticides and invasive species, then what are our heroes fighting for?" But how exactly should we care for nature? Yuriy explained that tree planting is one of the most powerful ways to restore the environment, but only when done thoughtfully and ecologically. "Planting trees in cities is a good practice. Trees improve living conditions in urban areas: they trap dust, reduce noise, lower temperatures during heat waves, and provide many other benefits," Yuriy explains. "Restoring forests by planting trees is also beneficial. Forests, with high biodiversity, are a critical element of Ukraine's nature." However, trees are not a solution everywhere. Yuriy emphasized that wetlands are far better at storing carbon than forests, and the chernozem soils of steppes are more effective at preserving organic matter. Planting trees in such areas, an incredibly invasive species, can cause more harm than good. "Planting invasive tree species, such as black locust, red oak, or American maple, is particularly harmful. These species destroy our local biodiversity. Where people plant them, native biodiversity disappears. And native biodiversity is the foundation of stable ecosystems. Destroying biodiversity leads to catastrophic consequences." These words resonate deeply with Treepilya's mission. We aim to plant 1 million trees in the Vinnytsia region, selecting only local species that harmonize with the natural ecosystem. We make this contribution to our shared future together. Every tree planted and every ecosystem preserved is a step toward a future that is not only peaceful but also green. Let's care for nature and restore our land together, step by step, tree by tree. 🌍 #Treepilya #EcoRestoration #SaveUkraine #ClimateAction #Biodiversity #CSR

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  • Переглянути сторінку організації для Treepilya

    120 послідовників

    Fires and hostilities in Ukraine have destroyed thousands of hectares of forests that are critical to maintaining the region's biodiversity and ecosystem. Forests clean the air, provide habitat for many species, and play a crucial role in the fight against climate change. Unfortunately, the destruction of ecosystems due to the war has led to the loss of significant forest areas, making it challenging to restore nature. Restoring these areas is a massive challenge for ecologists and environmental organizations. Planting new trees is an important part of the restoration process, as each tree helps to restore the natural balance, stabilize the soil, and restore habitat for animals and plants. We invite everyone who cares to join our efforts and help plant trees to build an environmentally friendly future for Ukraine and the world. #reforestation #savetheplanet #treeplanting #Ukrainerecovery

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