Ukrainian Arbitration Association (UAA)

Ukrainian Arbitration Association (UAA)

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Про нас

The Ukrainian Arbitration Association is a non-profit organization that unites lawyers (irrespective of their nationality or place of residence) who are professionally engaged or interested in international arbitration. Membership in the Ukrainian Arbitration Association is open to all persons with a law degree, having professional interest in international arbitration and sharing the goals and objectives of the Association. Students can join the Association as associate members. The key goals of the Association include, first of all, the promotion of Ukraine, and Kiev in particular, as the seat of arbitration, facilitation and support of interest in international arbitration, extension of knowledge and exchange of experience in cross-border dispute resolution, as well as enhancing cooperation and communications among practitioners in international arbitration around the world. The Ukrainian Arbitration Association is not an arbitration institution. The Association intends to cooperate with arbitration institutions and similar professional associations on the development and promotion of international arbitration. The Ukrainian Arbitration Association invites all practitioners and individuals interested in the development of international arbitration for active collaboration as members and associate members.

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International Arbitration


Працівники у Ukrainian Arbitration Association (UAA)


  • The Ukrainian Arbitration Association reminds you that you can still register for the II Arbitration Academy. We are glad to publish the full program of the Arbitration Academy now available at the link: Now you can review the schedule of our lectures, their subject matter and learn about our lecturers. We are humbled to have this great team of world-renowned arbitration lawyers and extend our gratitude to all the lecturers. Also, we plan to publish the Brochure with the detailed information about our speakers by the end of this week. Please follow the UAA on its social networks and website. You can register until 31 January 2025 by the link: Participation is free of charge. Please find more information here: Members of the organizing committee: Olena Perepelynska, Serhii Uvarov, Olexander Droug, Anna Guillard Sazhko and Oleksii Maslov Supporting organisation: ASA - Swiss Arbitration Association Prof Loukas Mistelis FCIArb, Philipp Habegger, Patricia Shaughnessy , Małgorzata Surdek-Janicka, James Castello, Jason Fry KC, Philippe Pinsolle, Angelina Petti FCIArb, Catherine A. Rogers, Sara Koleilat-Aranjo, Patricia Nacimiento, Mark Kantor, Professor Crenguta Leaua, Emma Skakle, Ian Gaunt, Giulio Palermo, Chiann Bao, Samaa Haridi

  • On 12 December 2024 the General Meeting of the Ukrainian Arbitration Association was held to elect the new Board of the Association. Voting was conducted via e-mail. We are pleased to inform that the following candidates have been elected to the Board: Olexander Droug Anna Guillard Sazhko Krystyna Khripkova Olga Kostyshyna Maria Kostytska Markiyan Malskyy Oleksii Maslov Olena Perepelynska Droug Olexander, Guillard Sazhko Anna, Kostytska Maria, Malskyy Markiyan and Maslov Oleksii have been reelected to the new Board from the previous one. We congratulate the new Board Members and hope that the next three years of their mandate will be productive and fruitful! We are also very thankful to Mariia Puchyna and want to express gratitude for all the effort, knowledge and experience, she shared while being the Board Member of the Association.

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  • The Ukrainian Arbitration Association is opening the registration for the II Arbitration Academy! The II UAA Arbitration Academy is aimed to help a wider audience of Ukrainian lawyers and students, as well as representatives of business, to enhance their knowledge and skills in international arbitration through practical and interactive lectures and a round table. The goal is to prepare Ukrainians to effectively navigate the growing number of international disputes, including those arising during the war, as well as to negotiate dispute resolution clauses in new cross-border contracts and projects, including for Ukraine’s reconstruction. The II UAA Arbitration Academy is open to all Ukrainian citizens regardless of their place of residence. This course will be free of charge. The faculty of the UAA Arbitration Academy will include prominent arbitration practitioners and academics from leading international law firms, universities and institutions, as well as independent arbitrators, providing valuable insights and expertise to the Ukrainian participants. The course will be taught online in English, divided into two parts: ▪ Module 1: Basic course | 25 February – 27 March 2025 | two-hour lectures on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 18:00 Kyiv time, 9 lectures and a round table ▪ Module 2: Specialized course | 01 -29 April 2025 | two-hour lectures on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 18:00 Kyiv time, 9 lectures The curriculum encompasses fundamentals of international arbitration, from arbitration agreements to post-award proceedings, lectures on industry-specific arbitrations (e.g., construction, sports, maritime, commodity), as well as topical issues in arbitration (e.g., damages, third party funding, AI & modern technologies). More detailed program of the II Arbitration Academy will be published soon. Please follow the UAA on social networks and website. To register for the II UAA Arbitration Academy please follow the link: The application deadline is 31 January 2025. Participants who attend at least 15 out of 19 lectures of the II UAA Arbitration Academy will be awarded a certificate of attendance. Contact details: Members of the organization committee: Olena Perepelynska, Olexander Droug, Anna Guillard Sazhko, Oleksii Maslov and Serhii Uvarov Supporting organizations: ASA - Swiss Arbitration Association

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  • Last week marked the conclusion of the second term of Olena Perepelynska as President of the Ukrainian Arbitration Association (UAA). As a founding member of the UAA, Olena supported the decision, made 12 years ago at the Association's establishment, to implement a presidential rotation system that limits terms to two consecutive mandates. This limitation draws inspiration from a similar provision in the Ukrainian Constitution and aligns with best practices in governance. Today we would like to reflect on the eight years of Olena’s presidency at the UAA. Together, we have achieved notable improvement of the Ukrainian arbitration legislation and related court practice. We have organized numerous educational programs and worked to promote Ukrainian arbitrators and Ukraine as an attractive seat of arbitration. Ukrainian Arbitration Association is sincerely grateful for all the time and effort that Olena has devoted to the development of the Association. We are convinced that our Association stands out as one of the most successful arbitration organizations in the region thanks to Olena’s dedication. Please find more detailed report by the link:

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  • Українська Арбітражна Асоціація рада повідомити, що 20 листопада 2024 року, відбулися вибори Президента УАА. Президентом УАА було обрано Serhii Uvarov (Партнер, співголова практики транскордонних спорів, INTEGRITES). До цього, понад 7 років Сергій Уваров займав посаду Генерального Секретаря УАА. Коментуючи свої плани щодо подальшого розвитку УАА, Сергій зазначив: “Я дуже вдячний членам УАА за їхню підтримку. Я також хочу висловити щиру вдячність попередньому Президенту Асоціації, Olena Perepelynska, усім членам Правління (як поточного, так і попередніх складів), які зробили надзвичайно багато для розвитку Асоціації. Переконаний, що в наступні року УАА продовжить відігравати визначну роль у розвитку та популяризації арбітражу в Україні, а також буде майданчиком для обміну знаннями та співпраці між практикуючими юристами в галузі арбітражу, арбітрами, арбітражними інституціями та державою.” Українська Арбітражна Асоціація заснована у вересні 2012 р. завдяки ініціативі українських і зарубіжних експертів у сфері арбітражу. Ключові цілі Асоціації включають, перш за все, просування України і, зокрема, Києва, як місця проведення арбітражного розгляду, сприяння та підтримка інтересу до міжнародного арбітражу, збільшення знань і обмін досвідом в сфері транскордонного вирішення спорів, а також розширення співпраці і комунікації між практикуючими юристами в сфері міжнародного арбітражу по всьому світу. Президент УАА обирається кожні 4 роки серед членів Асоціації.

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  • The Ukrainian Arbitration Association is pleased to announce that Amicus Curiae Briefs prepared by the UAA are now available on Jus Mundi. The UAA working groups, acting as independent experts, regularly prepare legal opinions for court cases that are important for the development of arbitration in Ukraine (Amicus Curiae Briefs). The UAA has submitted five such opinions before different Ukrainian courts, including the Grand Chamber of the Supreme Court. Their texts are available on the Ukrainian Arbitration Association’s website here: To raise awareness about arbitration in Ukraine and to meet requests from foreign arbitration practitioners, the UAA has now prepared English translations of the Briefs. As part of the partnership between the UAA and Jus Mundi, the Amicus Curiae Briefs and their English translations have been published on the Jus Mundi platform. Those interested in reviewing the Briefs can follow the links below: • Amicus Curiae Brief 1 in the case of LG Electronics v. ANT YAPI: • Amicus Curiae Brief 2 in the case of Nibulon v. Rise PJSC: • Amicus Curiae Brief 3 in the case of Alcodis v. AGAT-A: • Amicus Curiae Brief 4 in the case of Berezansky Processing Plant v. Grain Power: • Amicus Curiae Brief 5 in the case of AHIT SOLUTIONS v. Ministry of Defence of Ukraine: The UAA expresses gratitude to Valeria Lada, the UAA Amicus Curiae Officer, for the preparation of English translations.

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  • Переглянути сторінку організації для Ukrainian Arbitration Association (UAA), зображення

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    Ukrainian Arbitration Association invites you to be part of the International Conference KYIV ARBITRATION DAYS 2024: THINK BIG! — an online event crafted for professionals who want to stay at the cutting edge of international arbitration. Event Details: • Date: December 20, 2024 • Time: 4:00 PM - 8:30 PM (Kyiv time) • Format: Online • Language: English, with simultaneous translation into Ukrainian. This year’s Conference promises to deliver insights from world-renowned arbitration experts, offering a comprehensive look into the latest trends and challenges in the field. Conference highlights: 1. Session 1 o Sanctions and international arbitration (IA) o Impact of midstream conferences on arbitration o Arbitrator disclosures and the IBA’s updated guideline on conflicts of interest 2. Session 2 o AI and IA: Will counsel and arbitrators become obsolete? o The rise of cryptocurrency disputes in arbitration o Cybersecurity risks in arbitration 3. Session 3 o Political changes and their impact on international arbitration o The future of the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT) o Developments in investment models o Enforcing arbitral awards against states Esteemed speakers: • Annet van Hooft, Independent arbitrator (Paris, France) • Dr. Anna Bradshaw (née Odby), Partner at Peters & Peters (London, UK) • Michael Lightfoot, Partner, Co-Head of International Arbitration practice at Gateley Legal (London, UK) • Laurent Hirsch, Partner at Hirsch (Geneva, Switzerland) • Lawrence S. Schaner, Independent arbitrator (Chicago, USA) • Sebastian Briceno, Associate at Debevoise & Plimpton (New York, USA) • Dragana Nikolić, Counsel at Queritius (Belgrade, Serbia) • Dr. Katherine Simpson, Arbitrator (Michigan, USA) • Juliya Arbisman, Partner at Reed Smith (New York, USA) • Alexandra Wintrebert, Senior Director at the Dispute and Economics department at Ankura (Paris, France) • Jurriaan Braat, Managing Director Enforcement & EMEA at Omni Bridgeway (Geneva, Switzerland) More distinguished experts to be announced soon on event website: Why Attend? • Gain expert insights into the latest arbitration trends • Stay ahead of developments in international arbitration • Expand your global professional network Register NOW: Secure your spot today for an unparalleled opportunity to learn from the best in the industry. Sponsorship Opportunities: Explore an exclusive sponsorship opportunities for increased visibility during this high-profile event. Visit the website for more details: Don’t miss this chance to be part of a major international arbitration event! Visit the website for full event details and registration information: We look forward to welcoming you to KYIV ARBITRATION DAYS 2024 – THINK BIG! Ukrainian Arbitration Association is media-partner of the event.

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  • 15 жовтня 2024 року Olena Perepelynska, Президент УАА взяла інтервʼю у Yulia Kyrpa 🇺🇦 членкині Ради Реєстру збитків, завданих агресією РФ проти України - представниці України в Раді Реєстру збитків. Під час інтерв'ю обговорили багато важливих і непростих питань, на деякі з яких ще не має остаточної відповіді, проте є розуміння можливих рішень з огляду на практику інших міжнародних компенсаційних комісій. Кілька дуже стислих висновків з інтерв'ю (для розуміння всього контексту і застережень треба дивитися запис) : • важливо не зволікати з поданням заяв • судові та арбітражні рішення можуть використовуватися як додаткові докази, але звернення до суду/арбітражу не є передумовою для звернення до Реєстру • заявники не обмежені у питаннях доказів і можуть подавати всі доступні їм докази (так само як у судових або арбітражних спорах • перші рішення Ради Реєстру про реєстрацію заяв в межах першої категорії очікуються вже цього року • у найближчі місяці можна очікувати відкриття нових категорій заяв, що вимагає не тільки юридичних, але й ІТ-рішень • Комісія та Фонд можуть бути створені вже в найближчому майбутньому (наразі ведеться активна робота по їх створенню) • вже досягнута політична домовленість про направлення до Фонду відсотків від заморожених суверенних підсанкційних активів рф (біля 5 млрд дол.США щорічно), однак реальні гроші на компенсаційний механізм Україна, вірогідно, отримає лише після завершення активної фази війни, до цього гроші спрямовуватимуться на підтримку обороноздатності України • двері офісу Реєстру в Києві вже відкрито, і він зможе давати відповіді на запитання заявників Переглянути запис заходу можна за посиланням:

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  • Переглянути сторінку організації для Ukrainian Arbitration Association (UAA), зображення

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    Ukrainian Arbitration Association together with ASA - Swiss Arbitration Association are thrilled to announce the opening of registration for the webinar on How to become a good arbitrator? 31.10.2024 17:00 CET / 18:00 Kyiv time Working language - English Registration: Streaming: Moderator Olena Perepelynska - UAA President, Partner at INTEGRITES Speakers Urs Weber-Stecher - Independent Swiss arbitrator and mediator, Board member of the Swiss Arbitration Association (ASA) Nadja Jaisli - Co-Head of Arbitration at Bär & Karrer, Board member of the Swiss Arbitration Association (ASA) Paolo Marzolini - Founding partner of Patocchi & Marzolini, Secretary to the Court of the Swiss Arbitration Centre Join the discussion!

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